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Everything posted by djmedic

  1. why do you say that?
  2. I am not sure this is the correct forum to post this in...If it is placed in the wrong spot please me know and I will fix it. I am contemplating moving to NJ and I am requesting help with reciprocity. I have my NY, NH and National Registry as a medic. I am also curious on how the pay stacks up in NJ. I know NJ is expensive to live but what is the base pay? Thanx for any help in advance, -DJ
  3. you can give it a try... reciprocity is mention on the NY web site. I did reciprocity from PA to NY but for basic at the time...
  4. WHY?!?!?! was this really necessary? I started this thread for a discussion about D50. CAN WE PLEASE STAY FOCUSED ON D50? and not who made a mistake or not.
  5. Metro is much better. plus Metro covers Hamburg. the base is off camp road. and for an extra added bonus Metro covers the Bills games.
  6. Buffalo's operation is not nearly that horrible. I will admit there were times while I was there that I wasn't happy with but since I left I realized how great it was there. most of the crews there were great. I miss a lot of the people. they are always hiring as for how to obtain protocols...BLS protocols are state wide and can get a copy from the NY state health department web site...ALS protocols are done by region...the old website for the western region was wrems.org but it appears that the page is gone. I know the state locked them out for something.
  7. I used to live and work in Buffalo. The Buffalo/Niagara region has 2 main Ambulance companies. The 1st and biggest is Rural/Metro Medical services http://www.ruralmetrowny.com Rural Metro Western NY which covers the city of Buffalo, city of Niagara Falls, Cheektowaga, Hamburg, Orchard Park, West Seneca, Medina, etc. They have over 500 field employees. The 2nd is Twin City http://www.tcaems.com Twin City which covers Tonowanda and Amherst. I worked for Rural/Metro. it wasn't too bad. Why do you want to relocate to Buffalo? If you have any other questions or anything just ask or email me. I worked there for 4 years. I got my Intermediate and Paramedic there as well. -DJ djmedic913@gmail.com
  8. yes I am a medic and I was taught and my protocols say give the 25g. Then question initial came up by an Intermediate working with me for the 1st time asked why I gave the whole thing since the last medic she worked with would give it in increments like Narcan. So this isn't a simple thing I should know, coz I do know. The reason I was given by a few other medics is that it will screw up the Pt's BGL for up to a week. so this has been the question of the day out of curiosity in reference to the not giving the entire amp. As for the Thiamine, I was taught for drunks and mal-nurished. but I started my medic in Buffalo, NY so this was almost a given on all Pts. So I began to just always give it. besides thiamine is a vitamin and does help facilitate the D50 and as we know if alcoholism is unknown or suspected we give it for Wernicke's. I was curious if the general consensus of EMS was changing the way D50 was administered and recently heard of the change or not. It appears Not. Thanx to everyone for their responses
  9. Greeting and Salutations, Here is the question of the day. With a hypoglycemic Pt that is unable to swallow safely, do you give the entire amp of D50 (25g) or only part of the amp or in increments like Narcan? The 2nd part to this question is, do you give Thiamine with every D50 or only when positive that the Pt is an alcoholic? Thanx, DJ
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