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  • Location
    Northeast Texas
  • Interests
    anything outdoors

emt_michele_71's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I worked with an oral max surgeon for two years and saw plenty of grusome things coming into the ER...I moved and fell into the nurse's office at the school district and noticed the lack of training within myself so I am taking the EMT basic and maybe following with paramedic...I have always been in the medical field in some form or fashion...taking baby steps I guess...I'm getting to old for this ...not really..I could be perfectly happy being a student for the rest of my life just learning...aren't we all students of life anyway?
  2. click click boom by Saliva...gets in your head..stupid lyrics but the music is awesome..great to work out with too....
  3. :wink: HI from East Texas, my name is Michele and I started the EMT basic class in June and I'm nervous as a cats tail under 50 rockers. I just found this site this morning so I'll be fumbling for a while it seems. I hope to make some friends here to help get me through the national registry test...ugh...scarey !!!
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