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Everything posted by Cecilia

  1. Cecilia

    NYC meet

    I'll join if i'm not working.
  2. I'm albeit late replying, but wow, 18 days?? My class was 3 days a week for 4 hours a day, for 3 months, and we all thought that was fast!!!
  3. And all you can do is laugh. Oh but wait, what happened to the patient...
  4. I don't have much to say.
  5. I also use flash cards, and when I have extra free time, I re-write my notes.
  6. This is my favorite!
  7. hahahahahaha I think I'll wait a couple years! Thanks guys!
  8. Was quite a test I must say! I'm an EMT-B!
  9. I didn't wanna make a new topic, cause i already ranted in my blog, but I also failed, by ONE point!
  10. This is the greatest piece of advice! I saw so many of my friends fail stations because they forgot these criticals! I wished you luck in an earlier post, I can't remember if I mentioned that I just finished up the course about two weeks ago, and now am waiting for my score. If you have any questions while you're studying, may I suggest the chatroom. Lots of folks helped me out.
  11. Start reading your textbook as soon as you get it! Also, get the workbook, it's a great help! During practicals, if you're done with something, do it again. When the instructors are hard on you, they just want to make sure you're learning. Good luck!
  12. I'm happy to hear she had a better day, I hope she recovers quickly
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