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  1. im 21 years old and have been a paramedic for a year.. i think one issue that hasn't been addressed (that ive seen) is the area that the "one year minimum" as an emt is served. i work in an urban area and i strongly feel that working here is comparable to working 5 years somewhere else. age=nothing, maturity/eductaion/COMMON SENSE=everything.
  2. What was the point of getting into this squabble with the nurse?? first of all.. your not going to win.. second of all.. like previously stated you are there to learn.. in the city i work in we have "that guy." He learned pretty quickly that this was obviously the wrong way to go about doing things.. check your attitude.. your a student
  3. babyblade you resuscitate ALL your patients on scene!! i wanna be where you are when i die.. just kidding just kidding i know what you meant..
  4. we have had the hydraulic gurneys in service for a little over 2 years now and i wasnt thrilled about them at first because of the extra weight.. but once you get used to it you will fall in love.. i promise.. oh and richard.. lets take a trip back from negative-ville.. my goodness
  5. i also just passed both portions of the nremt-p test and am now working as a brand spankin new medic.. toutdoor to answer your question.. i noticed a lot of respiratory and metabolic alkalosis and acidosis as well as a lot of abdominal stuff, ie diverticulitus, gastrointeritus sp?? .. hope that helps and GOOD LUCK!!!! the test is NOT easy
  6. in my city we need narcan blow darts... that would be nice
  7. i have two words.. trauma chicken
  8. oh yea.. sorry.. im from the central valley
  9. anthony you are right.. in some patients (especially ones familiar with the procedure) they want nothing more than the mask... but others that dont quite know whats going on, it can be quite a task
  10. we just got cpap and have no sedative to administer prior to using the cpap!!!!! ughh!!! if someone is freaking out because they cant breath the last thing they want is for you to strap a mask to their head!! we used to have ms in our chf protocol however it was removed kinda stuck here
  11. just remember bls before als and abc's.. most of the questions on that test require an answer thats not so obvious.. i just passed it on my second attempt. i noticed lots of abdominal stuff ie diverticulitis and gastroenteritis.. good luck!
  12. in my county we tx pretty much every code unless they meet our "7 obvious signs" protocol and present in asystole in leads 2 and 3. same thing with traumatic arrests.. if you are forced to work a code by yourself in the back you may have missed something in your initial assessment that may have keyed you into the fact that your patient is a little less than stable.. just a thought
  13. i think the albuterol should be given.. it takes 2 seconds and i HIGHLY doubt it will cause any harm.. the way i look at it is if the pt is having bronchospasms they will be having trouble getting air into the lungs, THEN they have to attempt to breath through the fluid filling them.. i just think its quick and does make a difference
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