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Everything posted by okmedic

  1. okmedic


    What state are you in? If your are a National Registry state you will have to be 18 to take the test if I'm not mistaken.
  2. okmedic


    Hello and welcome to the city!! What do you mean by first responder via BSA? Not following the acronym, probably a local one. What grade in HS are you? Where are you from? What is your date of birth and SS#????? j/k Welcome anyway
  3. Wow that is some life you've lived!! You should seriously think about writing a book (that is if you haven't already!!) LOL
  4. I received this in an email the other day. One of the funniest emails I have read in a while!!! Kudos!!!
  5. Yea, there are hundreds out there. I just thought I would see if anyone use any that are actually useful.
  6. Need some suggestions for Iphone apps that are cool to have on the rig....any suggestions?
  7. That is why I love the website HULU!!! I can catch all my show that i missed when I'm off. They usually don't post them until the week after but still a saver if you really get into certain shows!! I use it to feed my HOUSE M.D. and Family Guy addictions!
  8. You dirty dirty old man you!!! LOL
  9. I'm seeing elevation in v1-v2, depression in v4-v6, inverted T waves throughout, left ventricular hypertrophy(probably from the htn going untreated, possibly a smoker). I would call this a stemi from the diagnostics available because of the elevation greater than one mm, reciprical changes, and the signs of ischemia(even though the symptoms are atypical). As for STEMI mimics....Pericarditis? Am I way off base with my findings or am I in the ballpark? I just started working with a service that actually has and utilizes 12 leads lol.
  10. God I love my job!
  11. If you haven't seen it yet watch "Funny Games". It's a twisted movie and there is a part towards the end that will piss you off so bad you will want to kick a hole in the t.v.!!!
  12. All I've ever had to do was go to the local Oklahoma Tag Agency and have them pull a MVR which goes back 3 years.
  13. Man Celebs are dropping left and right!
  14. Grats on your marriage!!! Hope you have fun on your honeymoon!!!
  15. Welcome to the City!!
  16. Just some more follow-up stories... http://www.news9.com/Global/category.asp?C...;autoStart=true http://www.newson6.com/Global/story.asp?S=10520809
  17. Yes there was a pt. in the back and her son who was filming the incident was riding up front with the driver.
  18. This happened some time on sunday. Apparently the medics were transporting a pt from a rodeo for heat exhaustion and allegedly didn't yield for a trooper on the way to a call. It gets physical towards the end of the video. I'm sure we don't know the whole story, but I think it could have been dealt with in a more professional manner. http://www.news9.com/Global/story.asp?S=10427244
  19. My service uses FieldBridge from Imagetrend. I like the format and they have a very good customer service department. This software works good for us because the state of Oklahoma uses the State Bridge from Imagetrend, so when we are finished with our report we can just hit one button to post to the state website.
  20. I agree with Arizona, skin color, meds, also 12 lead, stroke scale, O2, IV,FSBS, her daily activities, allergies, ect..?
  21. "Firefly" Objects in Space (2002) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0579531/quotes
  22. I got excited when I seen a link about a "bike" ride, then I was let down when I seen the picture of the bicycle on the site
  23. okmedic

    Duty to act

    Discussions in the next Oklahoma legislative session should be interesting.... http://www.ksbitv.com/home/35097434.html http://www.kwtv.com/Global/story.asp?s=9424698
  24. There is a woman here that has seizures. She carries an onion in her purse everywhere she goes because she says that if she feels a seizure coming on she can smell the onion and sometimes it keeps her from having one. I hate running on her for obvious reasons....
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