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Everything posted by SANDMEDIC

  1. I'll pass. You all know what devices and training are available these days to improve safety. Figure it out...I obviously can't win.
  2. :roll: Oh brother.. yeah the comment wasn't supposed to be offensive. If you would like I have plenty of comments about Canadians. I was simply making a point there are so many other things to make ambulances safe, they must have it all. Well it's great to hear they have it making life safety top notch in which all ambulance services around the around the world should idolize. Oh, we bow to the queen. Take it easy..
  3. Berkeley shift schedule, which is: 24 hours on, 24 hours off, 24 hours on, 24 hours off, 24 hours on, four days off. Then the schedule repeats. Kelly shift schedule, which is: 24 hours on 48 off, then the cycle repeats. There are many variations in the Kelly schedule. After repeating that cycle seven times, there is six days off in row. (again many variations).
  4. Just another cheaply made pair of pants made in China. I'll stick with Fechheimer or Elbeco which still has most of their uniform pants made in the U.S.A. Buy American or go home!
  5. Ok, so I see a Very large Southern Missouri Hospital is hiring paramedics for 10.75 an hour. Are they kidding? Those of you curious it is posted in the jobs section. Those that work there let me know how it is. Are you still carring a "thumper" and Lifepak 5? Just curious if the equipment is as out dated as the pay. I can only imagine what they pay EMT-basics. I am sure it's not those that work there. It's the bean counters in the 10 story building next door. Sheesh!
  6. If I ever get around to getting my strapping and backboard system patented it will revolutionize the spinal stabilization system. It takes about 30-45 seconds from start to finish. Not looking to make a fortune but it will make things a lot easier for everyone. No more velcro!! It's called the "The RIB" Rapid Intervention Board" Who knows what will come of it. There's a lot of trials coming for it.
  7. Yep, I said that. I agree with it. Like I said, I'm not opposed to them simply being prehospital physician assistants. If it makes you feel better, take the word "paramedic" out of the entire equation. I think this is a big downfall for a lot of people. The whole idea of having to get a Master's Degree is just petrifying. At least if it got boring you could move into a hospital.
  8. I think the Paramedic Programs need to get back to the foundation of EMS. I have seen 4 new medics graduate from their program with basic knowledge of Paramedicine. Basically they know when to push the drug, but fail to recognize why they are pushing the drug. I say this realizing that not all Paramedic programs are created equal, but with more and more training programs popping up all over the country, it seems a lot are teaching what the student needs just to pass the National Registry test. Caveate to that is ACLS, PALS, and all the other alphabet soup courses need to toughen up a bit and make the course like it used to be, Pass or Fail, not just remediate the test if the student does not make the cut. When it comes to the mega-code scenario.. Hammer the student. Make it a challenge. Begin to graduate quality, highly trained paramedics and then we can talk about advanced care paramedics. For the those that are currently paramedics it should be an option to extend their education with CCEMT-P or FP-C. although it should be limited to those with a minimum of 3 years in the field, to grasp the foundation of being a skilled paramedic. ***Note: Not all paramedic program are created equal. The statements made are not aimed at those programs with proven education and training techniques.**
  9. Doom and gloom...the end is near.
  10. What I was thinking from the get-go. If the patient was febrile we might be in a different boat. After looking around here is what I found. If a patient which has been taking regular Vicodin & stops taking Vicodin, he or she will experience Vicodin Withdrawal within six to twelve hours but the symptoms are usually not life-threatening. The intensity of Vicodin Withdrawal depends on the degree of the Vicodin addiction. For example, the symptoms of withdrawal from Vicodin may grow stronger for twenty-four to seventy-two hours and then gradually decline over a period of seven to fourteen days. The symptoms of Vicodin withdrawal include but are not limited to: restlessness muscle pain bone pain insomnia diarrhea vomiting cold flashes goose bumps involuntary leg movements watery eyes runny nose loss of appetite irritability panic nausea chills sweating
  11. After 10 years I honestly couldn't imagine having any other job. No desire to move on to RN, MD, PA. Paramedic suits me just fine. I really don't know what it is. Out of 100 calls there are just a hand full that without me and my partners intervention the person would have died or had some disabling outcome. Granted being over here in the sand is completely different, but in the states many times I was cleaning up the the ambulance and without saying much me and my partner knew we actually made a difference. It's all about compassion and customer service, whether it be making a sandwich for some elderly diabetic, or bringing a child a helmet post injury after he recovers from a mild head injury for not wearing one. It's a great feeling when someone walks into the station and thanks you. It is rare, but it makes all those other bogus calls worth while.
  12. From the man himself, Bob Page. www.multileadmedics.com Best approach to 12 lead ECG Some more of the best sites I have located: www. traumamedic.com www.12leadecg.com www.itrauma.org www.skillstat.com www.acid-base.com www.capnography.com www.rescueexams.com www.airwayeducation.com All free sites with some great stuff.
  13. :roll: Yeah thats what I meant. The term "if you don't use it, you lose it" comes to mind. but ask me about URI or sinusitis, I'm on it. Yeah in the days of when I was flying we used a Swan frequently. For RA/CVP RV PAP and PCWP. I think it's time to go through the CCEMT-P/ FP-C once I'm outta here, to get back on track. this scenario definately opens some eyes on what I have lost in a year and a half. Thanks for pointing that out Chbare. Where do you work that you do all the high speed patient care? Sounds like a good gig.
  14. I prefer the Crossvent 3 or Crossvent 4. This is one sick patient. Adjust the vent settings and tell the pilot to fly faster. In all reality this patient is fragile, I would load and go, and not play doctor. This is one of those times I would be bouncing a lot of things off my flight nurse. She has the ICU experience Analgesic pain management with permissive hypotension. Adjust vent setting as appropriate. Increase TV/ 5cm PEEP/ IABP monitoring en route if Swan-Ganz in place. Fluid maintenance.
  15. Aw heck I give!!! :x
  16. :? That was a quality post.. not so much
  17. LMAO!! I should know better...Sheesh I was thinking too hard... With those numbers Metabolic Acidosis. :shock:
  18. What do his labs and blood gases look like? Any CT for CHI? Any speculation from the physicians for MODS? Diprivan (Propofol) typically used for sedation could also be creating the hypotension. Pancuronium Bromide may be an alternative. My concerns: Lab values/ Blood gases Decreased urine output Runs of Vtach Hypotension
  19. "Watching airplanes"- Gary Allen Song is seriously stuck in my head. Must be the runway right next door
  20. boeingb13 What is the scoop on this patient? We are all eagerly awaiting what the final outcome was.
  21. MAST in K.C.M.O. has an agreement with KCPD to do their coverage. To date I hear they have quite a few that have completed their training. Wouldn't mind getting hired on with MAST as long as they pay decent.
  22. "Lucky Man" - Montgomery Gentry
  23. Not here but in my real life back in the states as follows: Epi 1:10000 Glucagon Epi 1:1000 Succinycholine Atropine Etomidate Lidocaine Versed Mag Pitocin Calcium Chloride Norcuron Diltiazem Sodium Bicarb D-50 Dopamine pre mix Lidocaine pre mix Labetalol Narcan Fentanyl Diphenhydramine Zofran Furosemide Terbutaline Morphine Amiodarone Valium Nitro ASA Adenosine 6 and 12 Atrovent Albuterol Thiamine Romazicon Phenylephrine Revex (alternative to Narcan) solu-medrol Everything was packaged nicely in a pelican case /c insert. Definitely worth the money.
  24. Wow! yeah good thinking he does have the SLUDGE. Lots of decontamination to be done if that's what is going on. You never these days, people trying to save a buck by hauling stuff improperly.
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