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About firemedic197

  • Birthday 03/17/1983

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    North Louisiana

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. That logic is a horrible way to look at what we do. First let me say I agree with you, didnt want you to think I agree with killing patients. If a medic kills a pt they might need to be pulled off the street. Sometimes pts do die but i would like to think it was despite the medics best efforts not because of them. Try not to worry about clinicals. It is very natural to be nervous in that situation. The more you do the more relaxed you will be. When you start try to appear confident even tough you are scared on the inside. Things will get better.
  2. I am about to go test my paramedic practical skills. In class we practiced all of the skills IV's, Airway, and everything else that is a skill you can memorize to perform. The only thing we havent covered is the oral stations. We begged our instructor to go over the oral station with us, but alas it was to no avail. I really would be very gratefull for any tips and explinations Thank you
  3. where's the stimulus bill to bail out EMT's and not big bussiness exec's
  4. rasing cain chicken fingers are easy to eat mess free in the unit
  5. Just goes to show you that we never know hat we will run into out there
  6. today skateboard punk....tommrow PARAMEDIC!!
  7. Our service does not carry AEDs on basic trucks. I think it is stupid a wreckless that we don't. I am in Louisiana where AEDs are not on the state requirement list for BLS trucks. Of course the Paramedic trucks have monitors on the with manual defib on them. Although our trucks that have NREMT-Intermediates do carry AEDs. Also I's carry Combi-tubes where basics don't which once again is a basic skill in La. So if a basic has a pt that goes south on them its the old chest compressions and BVM with a OPA or NPA. To me that is not the best pt care we can provide.
  8. To be toally honest which is more important your pt liking you or your pt being alive? Dead pts make for very unhappy family members.
  9. I only got 2 button down shirts to work in, everything else was up to us to provide.
  10. If the come to take over humans I would say they were alive and very highly evolved.
  11. I not sure it really counts as either.
  12. I belive we do need to know why we perform the treatments we use in the field. If a patient is in cardiac arrest you can perfom CPR perfectly all day long, but it wont do the pt any good if the cause is not found and corrected. If we just perform actions in the field how do we know if we are doing the right thing? EMS is not black and white it is very grey. Also it is important to be able to perform the skills needed in the field. It dosent do any good if you KNOW what to do but cant do it. There is a strong need for being able to know HOW and WHY we do things.
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