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Posts posted by SB_Medic

  1. Going on eight years in ems, started at Basic while working for a printing company, jumped right into Intermediate since company was paying for it. This is when I decided to get a part time with an ambulance company, the new classes were fairly advanced for a basic with no idea what ems was all about. Here started my stages:Scared, Confident, Disgusted. The disgust came from working with below average Medics who couldn't answer questions beyond the basic level without a little BS thrown in. So I jumped into Medic school! Not a big difference between intermediate and Paramedic classes, least not to me. Got my blessing and on the street. Scared all over again (It's so easy being a backseat driver, lol) then confidence, then depression. Depression because I was only getting 4-5 calls a day, mostly Diabetic or nausia/vomiting it seemed. Changed companies to get a bigger drug box, good experience but call volume was still not there. Enter disgust again, I needed experience! Moved to a bigger city, now I'm back down to a restricted system with a shallow drug box, but averaging 7-8 calls in 12 hours (Sundays are REALLY slow). I would classify myself as confident again, but I think I am missing the burnout because I have moved around a bit, changing the scenery. Altho I wouldn't suggest everyone jumping from company to company, it does help to train newbies. You get to see the shine in their eyes as D-50 or narcan works right before their eyes. Reminds me I am doing this because I love it.

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