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  1. Did you get my $$$ for support lol Hope your well Terri

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  2. Hey Congrats There are a few real Medics jobs here working for FD. Pay is all the Bannanas you can eat. LOL Good Luck and be safe out there.
  3. Leave it... not suppose to have sharp objects...ride in santa's sleigh
  4. Leave it...no use right now for either.........1 decorated Charlie Brown christmas tree
  5. Lmao ty ak actually sent it before scenario was finished but must have lagged in the cyber world lol. Then again I am always a day late and dollar short.
  6. Guessinghere. Did she aspirate a seed? Depending on location and size you may only have pain without resp compromise. Birth control???
  7. Was there a cocnclusion as to why there was a difference. Was there also any suggestions as to how improve these times. As an instructor would love to know. thanks
  8. ???What type of fruit was it. Spiders and other insects have been found in grapes and bananas. Also have heard of reactions with taking rescription meds and citrus. But believe these were organ transplant resipents.
  9. hmm multy family spells chest pain for providers.These residences usually comes with 3rd floor carry down.. More info please as suggested by Spenac
  10. Thoughts and prayers for his family and coworkers. Rest in peace Brother
  11. Take it ....rumor has it there yummy.....car ash tray full of coins
  12. Take it.... cold or hot stuff is good.........x-tra large hot fudge sundae minus a cherry
  13. Leave it....why would anyone want to tour my station.....leave a rappelling harness.
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