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Everything posted by pguy280

  1. Did you get my $$$ for support lol Hope your well Terri

  2. Hey Congrats There are a few real Medics jobs here working for FD. Pay is all the Bannanas you can eat. LOL Good Luck and be safe out there.
  3. Leave it... not suppose to have sharp objects...ride in santa's sleigh
  4. Leave it...no use right now for either.........1 decorated Charlie Brown christmas tree
  5. Lmao ty ak actually sent it before scenario was finished but must have lagged in the cyber world lol. Then again I am always a day late and dollar short.
  6. Guessinghere. Did she aspirate a seed? Depending on location and size you may only have pain without resp compromise. Birth control???
  7. Was there a cocnclusion as to why there was a difference. Was there also any suggestions as to how improve these times. As an instructor would love to know. thanks
  8. ???What type of fruit was it. Spiders and other insects have been found in grapes and bananas. Also have heard of reactions with taking rescription meds and citrus. But believe these were organ transplant resipents.
  9. hmm multy family spells chest pain for providers.These residences usually comes with 3rd floor carry down.. More info please as suggested by Spenac
  10. Thoughts and prayers for his family and coworkers. Rest in peace Brother
  11. Take it ....rumor has it there yummy.....car ash tray full of coins
  12. Take it.... cold or hot stuff is good.........x-tra large hot fudge sundae minus a cherry
  13. Leave it....why would anyone want to tour my station.....leave a rappelling harness.
  14. Now if they can figure out how to keep from getting bleach spots on my uniform I will be a happy man That is without having to use a encapsulating suit when cleaning the rig and equipment
  15. EMTDON970 Posted: 4 Post subject: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once again a union is going to mess things up...Imagine that. Sounds like it Don. Sounds like the employees can't decide who they want to represent them. I base my conclusion on what I have read. Maybe I am off topic not sure. Have the non union employees benefitted from the previous contract that was in effect or did they have a seperate agreement for both non union and union? I am just curious if this type of work enviroment is in existance and how it works.
  16. Spenac If it ain't in the jump bag I don't need it. Exactly I have but one back to give. I will add the smaller the bag the I am.
  17. Take it.....He's my idol.......1 red rudolph flashing nose piece good for foggy nights.
  18. spenac Posted: 4 Post subject: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now the fire departments will just use this to even get a larger piece of the pie. This is not about who gets a piece of pie. AMR employees there feel they should have a fair and equitable contract. There only recourse to gain that contract is to strike. I am sure there negotiations have gone on for months with out any agreement in order to have come to the point of striking. Lats year here in Massachusetts AMR took a strike vote and it passed. AMR management approach all the surrounding private an municipal EMS providers with a request for assistance should there employee's go on strike. I can say with most certainty that no fire based provider rejected there request for assistance to cover there contracted cities or towns should they strike. The final day the strike was to happen an agreement was reached and AMR employees showed up did there job with professionalism as always. AMR employees are afford that option to strike. We here in Massachusetts as municipal Fire/EMS providers are not afford that same option.We cannot strike by law. I will also say that no FD got any bigger piece of the pie because of that possible strike.'There will always be those that do not like things and those that do like things. But bashing ones view and making non factual statements is not very proactive for any of us. Lets just hope that the strike is averted for all parties involved.
  19. Take it.....love chicken pot pie.......one slightly worn burger king crown
  20. Here is my take on what happen. Who ever was in charge of your training excersise needs a dope slap. To put you into a hazmat suit and scba that were not properly fitted is crazy. To many peoplel DIE in training excises when safety is not the number one priority. I would say those are the factors that caused you to starve for air. There are trainbing standards for a reason. Your training coordiantor chose to ignore those standards and placed you in a position to fail. To answer your question. You should be able to breathe through a properly fitted mask with the regulator disengaged from the face piece without problems.
  21. I needed a laugh ty
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