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Everything posted by pguy280

  1. There was a time when the smartest people knew the earth was flat Did they question the professionalism of those who proved them wrong??????
  2. Keep playing with guns and he may permantly need that wheel chair. Borrowed or Not
  3. Congradulations........You go girl
  4. I am sure they were just wanting to brush up on there anatomy. This happen in Boston about 15 years ago when I was employed part time with a private ambulance service. The crew unfortunatlly solicted a Boston undercover officer and were terminated that evening while awaiting booking. I know this because my partner and I had to pick up there ambulance for the company.
  5. Leave it....would only have to split again with ex...........full can of diet pepsi with bag of doritos
  6. Leave it.....am the idiot in them anyway........my front yards leaf pile
  7. Leave it... can be that on my own..........end zone seats at patriots game tonight
  8. How can any Fire Department that only administered drugs 15 times think there doing the county justice. I can't see there arguement or justification for wanting to continue providing ALS engines. This is one situation that I agree with taking the ALS meds off the engines. I see no needs for them to have any meds right now. I am sure they had all meds mention in the article for the time period mention and did not use them but 15 times. Doing EMS half assed is just wrong. My departments Medical Director here actually responds to calls with us to monitor and provide additional care if needed. He also QA/QI all our calls. He also requires all 17 medics here to attend rounds monthly, be certified in pals and nals and pass his written exam in order to practice as a medic We also have to go through a skills screening once a year with him as well. This is all done on our own time and our expense. Plain and simple you want to practice do what the medical director wants. Know wonder they call us bucket head and fire monkey with crap like this.
  9. Leave it...any one offering candy an booze is up to something....plastic pumpkin
  10. Leave it....I scare easily.......tinker bell costume for friday night
  11. [Richard B wroteq--------------------------------------------------------------------- Please specify which type Indian, one originating in India, or a "Native American/First Nations" tribes-person. (First Nations refers to someone from the tribes in Canada) Richard they originated from india I believe.
  12. That could very well be it. Thanks
  13. Please someone claim it. Just got the demand for more alimony from Terri. It was accompanied by a denial for DNA testing letter. Drink one to many diet pepsi's and look what happens.
  14. Had a few calls for unresponsive patients of indian descent recently and found there mouths full of salt. When questioning family they just say they poured it in there. I have not been able to discover why this was done Can tell you it's a pain to suction. If any one knows why please post.
  15. I won't disagree Dust with your statement of the fire side is selfish. But it is a two way street. The American Ambulance Association is just as guilty. The fact is it comes down to MONEY. (Who wants it ) (Who has it) and (Who's is going to get it ) Patient care does not come first to either group. That is the sad part. Ps I agreed with you Dust .
  16. lollipops ??? May want to try hypnosis. Wish you luck breaking the habit.
  17. Spenac was not degrading anyone or any profession. So pleases forgive me if you took it that way. Just stating the dictionarys definition of a plumber, I think its time to use the plumbing here as this topic plain and simple will never be agreed upon.
  18. To all who posted thanks for enlightening me. You all presented some very valid points. Your honesty and commitment to EMS and patient care did not go unnoticed. which ever way it goes the city gets what it paid for. or doesn't pay for Defib By the way plumbers repair and join pipes together. theye are not water flow experts.. Thanks again and be safe out there
  19. MY point is that I can see where they the Taunton Fire Dept think they can provide EMS to the city. Thanks Dust for getting back on track.
  20. First I apologize for my grammar if it does not meet your expectations. Second the figures I pulled from my rear are the facts that I currently have for the system that I work in. Third I said that those medics that were hired was so that the new fire based als has some experienced medics that was my point. I was not referring to the city of Taunton. My referral was to the Hospital systems here in mass that have been disband. I also believe that in the city of Taunton there is the call volume so that a new provider could gain that experience and be able to keep up with there skills. Facts call volume average reimbursement total 325 ALS calls a year 40% 500.00 162,500.0 975 BLS calls a year 60% 320.00 312,000.0 These figures are based on population of 22k. You would have to by multiplying 1.5% (approx)to get to the dollar amount to match with there population. This total amount figure is $711,750.00 for Taunton. This is where the 700k figure comes from that the FD came up with. These are the facts that I am working off of. If I am wrong just let me know. I also do not intend to offend anyone with my grammar or my shinney rear. I also know there are some that believe fire based EMS is wrong and I accept that. I thought this was a place to share thoughts. thats my rant Be SAFE out there. Brendan
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