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Everything posted by pguy280
Where in mass have the reverted back from a fire based ems system to either a private or hospital base system in the last 5-10 years. Not sure if that has happen myself. I see your points tho. Meds are 1for 1 in this region so only start up cost. Medical director hospital provides as part of region agreement. Liability mass laws govern can't sue the town. ALS equip yes start up an maintenance.. Bargaining is just that bargaining nothing is a given FD can ask for the world does not mean there GOING TO get it(con ed payment extra medic pay ). Thats for the towns people to decide. Vehicles yes have cost wear and tear and replacement. Think the call volume is there for experience maybe not next door to taunton but there yes. I worked at Norwood Hosp for 13 years on a regional non transport truck and bet you will find that most of the medics who worked those trucks now are FF/Medics.Hired for there experience .I would hope and think the that Taunton FD prsented there case to the city council with facts and figures showing the % of money and the dates that it would take effect should they take over EMS. As far as sitting in the station waiting I would say its better than being posted at some corner waiting for a call. Oh an there is a regional swat team its called metrostar I believe and there is the bristol county sheriffs team. There is also a new regional dive team that is starting through the FD's as well. Norfolk county has started there new regional radio system. I hope this regional thing keeps going an includes the FD's regionalizing all services. Ps P3 can you look into your crystal ball and predict if I am gonna win the lottery soon. JK Be safe out there BrendaN
I am truly sadden by your post and offer condolences to you and the other members of your service as well as his family. I bet he would be happy knowing the positive that came from his passing That being you have chosen to lengthen your life by quitting smoking. May GOD bless you all in your time of sorrow. my experience came as the result of a motorcycle accident. I had ridden motorcycles for years until that day I transported a female pt who was a passenger on a bike and had lost her left leg mid thigh from being struck by a car. I decided that day time to get rid of bike as I would never want to go through what I had witnessed.
P3 I value your suggestion but are there facts to back it up. I stated that monetary facts in my posting. I do have to correct my population figure as I was off by 26k Total population 56251. Dust yes there is the ability to make money if properly set up an run. Not sure if your familiar with the levels of payment with medicare or that of the private insurance agencies here in mass. I know I am. How many of these systems you describe p3 are in operation here in mass. I can only count a few that i am aware of. I am biasis to the fire side yes but I have also worked, owned and manage an ambulance service so i do have some insight on how it works. Pm me if you want to verify what I say is true. Will be happy to give anyone that info. final note I mean no disrespect to any one just thowing in my two cents. Brendan
dam knew them micros were to big. where is the DNA results
new boobs take them...oh its boots.. leave.......electric razor slightly used today
I live and work in the neighboring community to Taunton. I do not know what figures were used to calculate there projected revenue. I will say that where they say it is of no cost to the town to use AMR that is not true. We the taxpayers pay for it by the means Medicaid/Medicare and the states new health care policy for those who don't have the ability to get health care. There are also model fire departments in mass that actually do make revenues that subsidize not only there own dept but other dept in there community. Where i work we have a budget of 350k (which we exceed) by approx 160k give or take a couple grand. This 160k is 4 FF/medics we could haved if we got to keep those funds. These extra funds go back into a general account for the town to spend anywhere they see fit. We give away about an additional 80k year to mutual aid EMS services. Our call volume is 1300 EMS transports a year, with a populations of 22K. So with Taunton being a city of( guess) 30k plus can see where the 700k figure and recoup time comes from. AMR has only 1 ALS truck that is dedicated to the city and it was a common practice to use FD mutual aid ambulance to cover the cities EMS needs up until this was brought to the table by the FD. Knowing some of the providers who work the city truck there is definitly know question as to the care they supply. This is strictly based on financial needs for that city. I think the FD could do the job as well as long as there are no short cuts taken.
Given her age and signs and symptoms I am thinking cataplexy. This can be brought on by stress both positive and negative. Just a thought.
Not knowing much about our southern border scheme of things. I will say this. That when i passed back into the us from canada last year. I was ask 3 simple ?'s 1 Am I and my passengers us citizens 2 Do we have documentation 3 what is the reason for entering the us. From what i see these are standard questions that they must ask as a border agent. I do see both sides of the coin on our liberties but see no relevence other than to excite emotions of the low level officers If they truely want to get to the reasonings for these road blocks have a real name reporter finvestigate this issue. Give me Liberty or Give me Death Patrick Henry march 23, 1775 in which it is believed that death guarantees a persons freedom. Cross over the border to mexico and try that lol
Leave it....am deaf anyway......1 ear wax pick
Take it ...give to good will......tricycle with horn on handle bars
Take it...there quite tasty altho grasshoppers are better......bucket of assort halloween candy
take it.....need to hide something........hot chocolate maker
Leave it...bah humbug......kiddy pool
Leave it.....am rich in life.......Patriots greatest catches DVD
Take it.... love pets......retractable dog leash
Hey firedoc Glad it had a positive ending for your kiddo. Another lesson learned for a young driver I suppose. Now if you can get him to pass along his mishap to friends there maybe it will prevent the next story from having a tragic end. Thank god for airbags and seatbelts . Good luck with the truck.
Count me in. He can ride shot gun on big red truck.
Leave it....bought sword on ebay......rolling office chair missing a wheel
Take it ...my girls are always looking for them.......1 crazy rooster
Take it...being a vampire I never get to see them......full moon
leave it...wtf HALF baked what is that...........full fixing turkey dinner
leave it ....don't need another one.......map of buried treasure
Having worked two tiered system for a time many years . I found it to have many advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage was the quick response whether it was a BLS or ALS unit. The main disadvantage that I saw was the no ALS after midnight theory that some ALS providers had and the abuse that the BLS crews took. Yes we can triage down here in mass. The scene control is clearly outline in NIMS 100 an 700 wcich is a federal mandate for all providers to have even us fire monkeys have to have it. This is so that multiple agency response is coordinated and that all involved know there position in the chain of command. No i am not crazy this is how its suppose to work however it does not always work that way I know. I think a meet and greet with both the fire monkeys and the ems providers goes a long way for both groups. This allows us as providers to do whats inmportant (Patient Care). I challenge all to try this and see if I am correct. I have been in those shoes and went to see the fire monkeys during a hostile take over from Fire to private provider. I explained my position of trying to do my job and that I had a family to provide for to. This went very well for me and my partner as we were spoken about to the other fire companies as the only two medics who actually knew what was happening there. We were included in the dinners and outside affairs as well. So I guess what I am saying is a little education can make a difference. We all have our crosses to bare and those folks only make things harder. Try and be part of the solution not the problem. Keep up the great work out there and be safe.
take it.....now have matching set.......grim reaper cosstume
take it....need a new one that works.........wireless mouse