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Everything posted by pguy280

  1. Take it...hope it works better than my miracle ear....bag of cotton candy
  2. Take it...but the tin man will need oil after.......giant mud puddle
  3. take it.....love them.......case diet pepsi
  4. Take it... america's funniest video's.......1969 cadillac convertable
  5. Leave i....she must have posioned it to leave it......1969 cadillac convertable
  6. Take it...love to get dressed up.....large fly swatter
  7. Leave it....ruff's a stripper right.....Patriots signed football
  8. take i....sell it on ebay.....6 freshly picked mushrooms
  9. take them.... puppy training......one glass eye
  10. Leave it ....cabbage gives me gas .....bag of bird seed
  11. take it....need a new drinking mug.....box scooby snacks Knew Terri would grab that chocoalte out of me hand..
  12. Take it....love peanut butter an chocolate......box of scooby snacks
  13. This is nothing new have seen and read many stories such as this from both the private sector an municipal. Having no idea what the punishment policies are there I will not comment on that. Can gather there were circumstances involved there that were not published that led up poor judgement being made on that call (what transpired on original scene) Dwayne your amazed that there now on a fire truck or that the punishment was to leanent. Could you clarify Thanks
  14. take it....anything firehouse has to be good lol... still leaving terri's chipped glass slipper Reaper ya beat me to it lol
  15. leave it.....see it to many times....terri's chipped glass slipper
  16. Why i see the point on dead is dead. Being an instructor for AHA in CPR PALS an ACLS I am happy to teach these do to the fact that it may save some ones family member from the darkside. I am guessing you never had a pt that came back to see you after a save an thank you. I also have dealt in many cases where just going through the motions has provided the families with the knowledge that ever thing was done for there loved one. Why the AHA does make money on all that you mentioned they also support many studies that provide us as providers with better options for survivability. They also sponsor many organizations with funding to provide the ability to teach the public proper methods of cpr and increase patient out comes. I ask you one question would you like every thing done on you or a loved one in the event of sudden cardiac arrest. We here in mass have the option as providers to not resuscitate under our protocols. That is where the decision should be made not by individuals who don't believe in working certain cardiac arrest Its to bad that its not a cut and dry option but that is life and every one deserves that chance at life. I am happy to give my dough to the AHA if it means that one persons walks out of the hospital. Thats what its about. Brendan
  17. Take it.....bet its good on gas.......12 pack assorted car freshners
  18. Take it ....i love the ferris wheel..........cross country ski's
  19. Take it...Hope its topless...one fish bowl
  20. Leave it ..... i have heard what goes on in them back woods....30cc syringe squirt gun
  21. Leave it....won't match my plastic silverware......1 40 ounce beer mug with Boston Bruins logo
  22. Leave it......don't like dark chocoalte..........massage recliner
  23. take it...love cookies.....fire hydrant lamp
  24. takem....never know when ya gonna need DNA.......surf board
  25. Take it.....its mine anyway........my 8 track tape collection
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