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Everything posted by emtEric

  1. Okay I hope nobody gets mad at me for posting this topic here. I was just wondering if anyone would be willing to donate money to help make Catie's last wish come true. Seven year old Catie passed away on January 25, 2009 from a rare type of cancer. Her parents told her to make one last wish she could have picked anything in the world. She decide she wanted to help other kids with cancer. She wanted to pay to run St. Judes children's hospital for a whole day. It costs 1.4 million dollars to run the hospital per day. Her goal is to raise 1.4 million dollars before April 23rd which would have been her 8th birthday. They currently raised: $ 934855 so far Here are two links if anyone wants to donate. http://www.stjude.org/stjude/v/index.jsp?v...0001e0215acRCRD http://stj.convio.net/site/TR?fr_id=3490&a...paign=CatieWish Thanks
  2. "scars" papa roach
  3. back in black acdc
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