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Everything posted by jbanagas

  1. [/font:09f9200e35] USC
  2. Well unfortunatley, many recruitment flyers anounce upon hire the canidate must pass a drug test, they do not ssay anything about random testing (West Coast FD's)
  3. This is true, but what if some of the meds are temp, then I guess they can do some light duty office work, or help restock the rigs.
  4. Is it the BIG ambulance corparations that do this or the small mom and pop ones, Also in cities, and counties if you radomly drug test the fire department, I gues you have to drug test secrataries, park and rec folks, council/board members, I don't know I guess the list can go on. Do you If they drug test in the hospital for RN's and other healthcare workers?
  5. Most IAFF depatments only drug test during the initial hiring phase, do the private companies do random drug testing, and if so why?
  6. Has ayone seen Alanis live in concert and if so, how was it?
  7. Many of you seem to think more education is the way to go, I agree formal education is a good thing, unfortunatley I can't see people going to school for four years and then giving their sevice away for free, unless they got some kick ass scholarships or incintives.
  8. Could have just been your nerves, but yeah you should be able to breath just fine without the air supply. i never done the Hazmat thing, but with stucture PPE's you can strap on your mask and breath without being hooked up to the bottle.
  9. You will start off on a BLS box doing IFT's, and then I believe you can go to Bridge program and work with a medic and run 911 calls.
  10. , I disagree, we have bigger and better unions and with more EMS/rescue responsibilities I doubt our role will be extinct any time soon. Police officers are just as professional in there service as well, so your right Fire/base ems is not the ONLY professional service.
  11. Well then sounds like someone should get off there lazy ass, and get in shape and become one of Americas great "HEROS", and reap the rewards of a station to chill at.
  12. What???, thrown out of where WTF are you talking about??, and yes some pt's need a little persuation.
  13. Just tell the old hag NO!!!!, and the transport her if she refuses to go that's on her man.
  14. Well someone has to, I wish we all could get fat posting at the local gas station waiting for the next call, but real service requires real professionals not Paramedics, who decide they want to go to RN school after a couple of years, not that there is any thing wrong with that, but you have longevity with a great profession and thats what the fire service does.
  15. Memphis you sound like a cool dude, I think these idiot's are just jelous that they can't work for a fire based agency and reap the rewards of a kick ass pension, 20 days off out of the month, and hot chicks.
  16. well I like to surf, but I guess you don't need a degree for that.
  17. This guy is "crazy" or "GAY", without this great little machine the FD can't look at huge racks on hot chicks in southern cali.
  18. Het man don't hate just beacause we got it made in southern cali, it is what it is, man we ain't Dr's so all the protocols in world don't make a difference if the er is is two mins away. Pt. care is treating the pt nice and respectful, not performing the lates medical procedure.
  19. Why don't you just go to Med school with all your degrees
  20. Yeah well that's because were making too much $$$$$$$$$, chillen with all the hot chicks.
  21. Yeah well with a private company 3 months should do it, with a more career based service "Fire" one year and nothing less is acceptable.
  22. Yeah, but at least you can make up to 100k a year with little OT.
  23. I take it you been reject once or twice from being hire with an FD. This great nation should just go back to Johnny and Roy, why fix it if it ain't broke.
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