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Everything posted by jbanagas

  1. Again another reason why all EMS should be fire based and not private companies, then there would be no company to worry about.
  2. $$$$$$$$$$, and did I mention $$$$$$$$$$$$.
  3. I agree, unfortunatley I beleive EMS is a "Public Saftey" agency, Police cars have lights, and sirens, Fire engines and trucks have lights, and sirens, and ambulances have lights and sirens. Police officers aren't lawyers they are just an extension and enforcer of the law and paramedics aren't Dr.'s they just deliever a little part of a huge health care system. So where EMS will fall into is uncertain.
  4. Fortunately MFD is doing this wonderful program and keeping up with the standrds, private medics is no career, but firefighter/paramedic is outstanding, just like in Los Angeles, they have a similar program in Los Angeles County with a number of FD's, and as well in Orange County Ca. in fact no privated paramedics are allowed to run 911 calls within Orange County. Good for you MFD.
  5. Just follow your local protocol for AMA's, i mean if they are able to be signed out following your protocols what can you do, don't kidnap drunk patients, if in doubt call your med control and or supervisor.
  6. Well take Los Angeles County FD, they run dual paramedic squads and use a private BLS ambulance for transport, if the call does not require ALS they simply hand it over to the BLS crew, and if the call requires ALS treatment they jump in with the BLS ambulance crew and transport. Great system dual paramedics if it's not broken why fix it?
  7. This sounds like a responsible fiscal Chief. I hope they post some statistics after a couple of years to see if it works. Good Luck SAFD.
  8. Well hopefully he will get some time in jail, but probably not because he took a shot a private medic, if he would have swung at the cop or firefighter he would have some time to think about it in a cell.
  9. Very nice as a former EMSA employee, I hope they send as many of thier recruits through the program and facility.
  10. Well this guy didn't kill anyone, so I guess thats a plus, and the department should have the training captain or chief more involved these firefighters education process.
  11. Yes I agree with the first post, don't give this prescious service away for nothing, who knows how long till EMT'S and Paramedics will earn a livable wage like nurses, and I don't think many hospital use volunteer RN's.
  12. You could go either way with this patient, depending on your department policy and county protocols will determine ALS, or BLS.
  13. Since most EMS services are fire based they should be able to survive all types of economic situations.
  14. Most civil service jobs require that you do not have any type of felony convictions for liability and department standards.
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