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  1. As long as it is not the cowboys I will take it a package of poprocks
  2. How can anyone say that they do not care how many people die? Are you that cold hearted and incompassionate that you have lost the basic urge for compassion for your fellow man? Maybe you need some professional help to help you deal with this attitude of uncaring. Maybe its just the region I am from but here we greive when anyone in the Fire EMS or Law Enforcement community dies we all come together as one and pay our last respects to that person. Call me stupid but I just cant grasp the reality of that startement, the general rule of thumb is treat others as you would have them treat you, compassion goes along way in any aspect of life.
  3. Too funny guess you arent going to get a christmas card this year!
  4. Many years ago when I first started out My first call was a code to a nursing home. Needless to say it was a cluster screw up till EMS got on scene I feel sorry for those poor people in a place like that. That is why I am being real good to my kids ha ha ha
  5. That is depressing, the number of people that are trying to commit sucuide is unreal anymore. I have to wonder if its just poor coping skills that they never learn or is it just the society that we live in today? Are there too many pressures put on the population today? Good story brings a realism to the EMS world I guess and shows that some problems arent always just a American problem.
  6. Who is AK and can he sing? My partner for the day
  7. The Dance Garth Brooks
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