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EMS Billing

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  1. The PUM is a hungry dinosaur, all but extinct in the U.S. Adding an extra layer of bureaucracy and expense is reflected in higher ambulance fees. Ambulance charges in Ft. Wayne are the highest I have seen in Indiana. It is unreasonable to think that the Ft. Wayne Fire Department could not provide a comparable level of service and patient care. Currently operating in a first-responder capacity, FWFD is supporting TRAA/AMR at taxpayer expense. While we live in a global economy, the economic situation in Indiana should be a factor in contracting decisions. In my opinion, sending $6.4 million to an out-of-state corporation is not fiscally-responsible, from an Indiana business perspective. If TRAA has a $12 million budget, where is the remaining $5.6 million? While profit is not a dirty word, it is still a factor in operating costs and ambulance fees. "The city EMS submitted the lowest bid. But Stout claimed the city had an unfair advantage because of bulk purchasing power and other factors and insisted that to attract bidders, the city’s bid had to be “weighted.” The “weighting” raised the city’s bid above that of the winning contractor, Mercy Ambulance. " TRANSLATION: The City of Ft. Wayne could have provided services in a more cost-effective and efficient manner. With diligent medical control and oversight, fire departments are fully capable of operating high-performance EMS systems. In any other sector, a monopoly would be unlawful. The Ft. Wayne system is unlike any other in Indiana. Isn't it time to give the dinosaur a proper burial?
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