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2wheelinemt last won the day on October 16 2016

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About 2wheelinemt

  • Birthday 03/14/1966

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    Ems and all that goes with it.
    Hiking with the hubby, diehard Phil's eagles fan! (love football)
    Spending time with my 2 children (26 & (27)
    Did I say ems!!!

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  1. This war on drugs have not stopped the use nor even slowed down the amount of illegal drugs coming into the use nor state to state. Only law abiding citizens are suffering!!!
  2. I carry an "Emt jump bag" in the trunk of all our cars. We have come across many mvc's or neighbors needing you. As far what you should carry and who will pay for it it's company to company's policy. I always stock people personal vehicle bag. But they changed who does the ordering now and have sloly stopped doing it. I've been an Emt for 30 years n I still carry it!! Good luck.
  3. Hello every I have been a member since 2p08.  I haven't been on for quite sometime.  I lost my parent 18months apart and I found it hard to read or be online.  

    I have been an Emt for 30years.

    I am looking forward to being active again.

    Hello all!

  4. hello everyone thats here at the city. my name is anna mills. ive been in ems for 28 years and I am stull very active. I am the president of the monroe township ambulance n rescue assn. I was herd back in nov. I hit a wall that I could not be on line. had a rough time since I lost my mom n dad. I missed being here. so I am back and I am looking forward to making some friend.
  5. hello everyone. I joined this web site several years ago. I have totally enjoyed this web site. dad got sick passed away mom hot sick n she just now passed away a week ago. I didn't have time for internet since dad got sick. I am looking forward to being on this web site again with everyone. to talk with each other. discuss out different calls and information. 2wheelie (Anna)
  6. The area that I am from as stated several times before by people if hospice didn't call the ambulance then those bills are on the family. Hospice has there own ems squad they call, their own er..for us if was a hosp that was appx 40 minutes away. We were told several times when we placed my dad on hospice. To call them for every little thing. Don't call your family doc..don't call your cancer doc. Call us. We are your pharmacy, your doc, etc. It's hard to get used to due to they way we are use to doing things. If we called no only would we have to pay the hosp bill,amb bill but we would need to reapply to hospice, hospice would need to reapply to Medicare for hospice coverage. So may of things are involved. But most of all hospice let's you know. They tell you every visit to call then. What the proper procedure is for the family and the pt on hospice. But hospice. Means you are terminal, so unless you want to be in and out of the hosp..which would mean no hospice. I just see some families calling 911 to have the pt removed from the house. You are suppose to call them, they come out, they call who you picked to be your funeral director when you signed onto hospice. They call and handle everything. But this one family wanted their family member out of the house they didn't call hospice till we were at the hosp. It was clear to us what was going on. Made me very upset that was the PTS last wishes and that couldn't even be followed!
  7. Last sat night me and my crew were dispatched to a residence for an unconc pt. En route we get an update cardiac arrest. Dispatch tell us that the Family does not want to do CPR. As we arrive We grab all of our equipment (defib,suction,etc). As we walk into the home the family is standing in the living room, the pt is in the back bed room! Only one person is in the room with her and we try to ask her some questions of when she was last seem, her med hx anything! My partner checks her pulse, gets to move her to the floor off the bed to start CPR. I ask the family in the living room if she has a dnr? The family states no! I state did she want to have CPR performed? Any heroic measures done? They state yes do everything. We start CPR. The pt is in a Non shockable rhythm. Our Pd was on location (they are a great bunch of guys) they helped us move her on a back board and carry all our equipment to the rig. As my partner and the policeman are carrying her out I again ask about hospice and a dnr. Why was I so sure that she was a hospice pt? I saw the wheel chair with the hospice name on it, the hosp bed with the name of hospice on it. They meds with the name of the pharmacy and hospice. She was a 98 yr old female. Extensive med hx. Fluid so thick in her lungs, that it was very hard to bag her. I again asked them, did she want to have everything done? Or did she just want to stay home and not having a tube down her throat, someone pushing hard on her chest? They stated yes do that and take her to the hosp. You're kidding me right? her! We had my dad on hospice,( which he lost the battle to cancer just recently). So I know how hospice works. If you are on hospice it is mandatory to have a dnr. For the sake of your Ins. What Medicare/Medicaid will and won't pay. They won't pay for any CPR, ems transport, etc. These people didn't produce the dnr. So we needed to work her. I was very much enraged. The family didn't take their eyes off the tv. They were not wanting to give my partner any pt info. This poor lady wanted to just go peacefully, instead the family seemed to us that they didn't want her lying there in the house waiting for hospice to come. They wanted us to just remove her. So calling 911 was a way to make that happen. How frustrating! My crew ( we have 2 trainees with us ) they were worried that we did something wrong. I explained to them that if they didn't produce it state law states we need to act. Has anyone come across this not the dnr and not producing it, but the fact they just wanted her gone from their house!? Leaves me very angered.
  8. Just ran with the trash in tow to catch the trash man!

    1. Lone Star

      Lone Star

      Run Forrest, run!

    2. uglyEMT


      Get up earlier LOL j/k been there done that enough times.

  9. Home to eat diner with hubby by ourselves

  10. Went to drill that was canceled due to weather. Nice if they told us before I got there

  11. Ice everywhere snow everywhere can get trash to curb..oh well..need to try and venture out to take mom to docs

  12. Hello everyone. It's good to be back at the city. My life has been so crazy lately..I lost my dad in April after a strong tuff fight of cancer. My mom has been very sick.I just got her home she had a bowel blockage over Xmas she almost died! Bur she's home..that's good..

    1. Lone Star

      Lone Star

      Welcome back wheelie! My condolences on your loss, and I'm glad to hear your mom is home.

  13. Had a donuts cough that only let's u think ur gettin better

  14. not feeling too good tonight so skipping drill

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