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Everything posted by 2wheelinemt

  1. wow i checked out that pic of them there splints very confusing looking!!!
  2. hope today finds you better accepting you what you have gone through! time can be a healer because we can see things hopefully for what they really are. i had a very bad call and had been an emt for over 10yrs. thought i knew what needed to be done etc.. my mom calls and says grandma dont look good can you come? over i get there and can hear her breathing as i step into the house and shes in the bedroom. go in and she is in the tri-pod position,grayish blue and can hardly hold herself up..i call 911 and get angry at the dispatcher for all the questions, i felt they were keeping me from taking care of her..i get back to grandma and she is fading quick..o2 on take vitals..she looses conc 2xs before the ambulance gets there..as we are taking her out of the house she codes..my moms best friend...her life...i am praying please no..not this..oh god please no.. but despite everything i did she died...i felt responsible..i let my mom down and could not live with that!!!i was able to move on some but never let go the fact that i let my mom (my best friend) down..how could i have done something like that..what did i do wrong..i finally after years told my mom how i felt and asked her to forgive me..my grandma died of chf there was nothing i could have done short of god giving me a miracle..but it was her time my mom said. nothing you would have done could have changed that outcome in my 23yrs as an emt i have taken care of countless pts and we need to understand we are human and with that comes mistakes! all of us! but learn from them.embrace them and then move on to do your very best vowing to never do that same thing again. that is all we can do. to me the best emts/paramedics are the ones that still feel..if we are going to accept the saves and good care you need to do the same with the bad ones! hang in there and keep on trucking!!!
  3. i agree every state is different! i too am very glad that no matter what you have not given up what your dream! i knew that i wanted to be and emt and paramedic someday.... i was lucky enough right after i got married to see the dream of an emt come true..but after being an emt for several years i was going to go paramedic school life hit me with a curve ball and i got struck down with lupus and the cousin to it sjogrens syndrome. so i watched that dream slip away!! i am thankful that i could still volunteer as an emt...never let your dream slip away..good luck in your endeavor to be am emt and then medic!!! anna
  4. hello

    my name is anna and i was scrolling through the name of members and came across smart. that was my maiden name was wondering if this is your name also. please contact me and let me know something about yourself and feel free to read mine!!

    anna 2whelie

  5. i just dont understand this is very scary times for health care. the government has no place running this! health care should never be run for profit, you lose sight of what you are doing and for what reasons. the not covering the open shifts when someone calls out and/or the rig isnt back yet from the last call is so wrong in so many different ways. my son runs for a paid ems company here in nj and they are doing the same thing. no ot and covering anyones shifts. we were just discussing how wrong this is. in my humble opinion the government has no place in health care. they are just sticking their toes in the water right now and its already a mess! just me opinion 2wheelie
  6. i saw the preview of it while watching something some other program on that network.....the paramedic was doing cpr and then the guy opened his eyes while she was doing compressions and telling him not to die and he didnt!!! he looked at her... what???? REALLY!!! like that happens?? baywatch all over i have to agree that this show angers me.. we are professionals and this show trashes that. with the sex in the rig and all the other garbage of that show. i will never watch it! mnf is on anyway but this show has all our brother and sister that have paved the way for us rolling over in their graves! ugh just my opinion 2wheelie
  7. newbie or not i just dont see any reason why someone should have to deal with being mad to look bad in front of a pt. the senior emt is there to teach you and i agree there are many diff ways to teach. but making someone look like they dont know what they are doing in front of a pt isnt it. everyone has started at the same spot, no one was born an medic or emt. many senior emts need to remember that! i would talk with your partner and if things dont get better find a different one! good luck! 2wheelie
  8. i so agree with you all this i have witnessed as many of you first hand and have promised all my loved ones that as long as i am breathing they will not go into a nursing home to die. i have been a patient too many times to recall but it has shown me first hand what people have experienced. i have just came home from the hosp this week and as the grandma in the story i too felt passed around and each time a set of no less then 5 docs would come in and do the same thing the other 5 docs did. ask the same thing and try and run the test that were run just prior. i finally put my foot down about these test worried that my ins wouldnt pay for the same test just because! i dont know where the answer is to stop treatment like this but we need to stop it one patient at a time, lets stick together and treat each patient as our loved ones. i would want to be home no matter what!
  9. hello all just wanted to stop by and say hi to everyone at the city. i was on here every night for a while. but then i got really sick and wasnt able to keep up with things. im back now missed popping in and out saying hi and learning from here. so hello all from southern nj 2wheelie
  10. here in nj we need to take all those classes also. they are very boring and do repeat themselves but i do hate to say it they do work! of course you will get one or two that will go off doing whatever they want, but for the most part they work. you know that you can go anywhere with your co and be able to work a job. so hang in there keep studing and know that someday all this wont be for nothing.
  11. just another quick thought thrown in i know im not as smart as the rest of you but i do know that my husband was working outside and was drinking all day like he thought he should and right before his 12hrs shift is over he starts getting legs cramps just as you decribed. he dranked water all day and thinned his electrolites out thus becoming dehydrated. so just because she was drinking all day like she thought she was suppose to that could have been the problem just a thought 2wheelie
  12. food
  13. emtb student

    listen i read your post about taking your class and i feel bad for ya and dont think by any means that this questioning makes you dumb. i see where you want your life on track today and i applaud you, maybe you wont have to take the whole thing over look into a core 13 class. i know talking to a state is fustrating. im from nj and id rather have my teeth pulled then talk to the s

  14. I don't understand the reason for the caption of the NJ emts Whinning. Yeah I think some may be over the top but who wouldn't be when they are compassionant about something. These people that are upset about the Training Fund is very understandable but maybe some have gone about it a little wrong. But NJ always finds the funds for what they want to do, you need to understand NJ politics and I hate to talk Politics. There is funding for policeman to be put on an extra 2 weeks to a month of overtime for each officer to sit out on the streets and pull us free citizens over because we aren't wearing our seat belts (because we need the government to protect us in the no state of nj) Last week there was another funding for the police to sit out on the streets and check for cell phone usage while driving, seat belts on, and inspection stickers valid. Overtime for each officer! They go to any school for free and get paid. They need to keep us free citizens in line! Don't get me wrong I totally believe in seat belts and I would wear my motor cycle helmet regardless of the law it's the fact that we have policemen in the middle of the road at night stepping out to catch you, give you a ticket and boom there is our training fund but the training fund has gone to ot! I have the deepest respect for any policeman anywhere, doing any type of job. I have two brothers that are both high up in the force, one here in my home town he's asst chief and my other brother is up there as a state policeman in md. But I also have a brother in politics in my town thats also involved in running the ems, fire and police and the politics in this town are crazy nuts and I can complain because I voted. That is what was said to me is that you can't complain because they got voted in, WHAT just because certain people are in control don't mean that everyone voted for them! Joining the fire dept and amb squads together is the craziest idea we still need the training fund. They tell us that the tolls are to maintain the roads. Try riding around certain roads and see where the tolls go, not to the roads that's for sure. But I do believe that they could try and take a closer look at their budget and find some money for the fund. Most people can hardly afford to live but they want to volunteer and it does get costly to recert. The training fund means nothing to me one way or the other we bill so therefore we aren't able to use it. So make it clear I'm not whining I'm just stating some facts that I have become privy to. I don't think threatening to quit is the answer, but try some other way to help pay then, maybe fund raising. A car wash your family can even get involved so if you're on duty sat set the car wash for that day. I have to say my town has still been very good helping the emts with classes regardless of us not being able to use the NJ training fund. There are a lot of hard working by that I mean volunteering emts in NJ and the fact of grouping everyone into the whining was offensive. Just thought Id stand up for the non whining NJ emts. 2wheelie
  15. I truely don't see how this will help with treatment of the pt. Even if you see a liver bleed, I still dont understand how that will change the way that you ill treat someone in the back of the rig. It's not like we are going to be doing surgery in the back of the rig, I can see that you will be able to alert trauma team what you really have as a posed to just advising them of a rigid abd or anything like that, you'll have what is really wrong with the pt. So if the thing works as good as maybe it should might not be a bad idea. But I haven't a company make equipment worthy of the bouncing and everything else that ems put equipment through. Even the computers have taken awhile, in my 23 years they have tried so many different gadgets but the back of the rig is a tuff place for the equipment. My oly concern is that the emts will be too busy using that instead of the orginial way that thy were taught especially with the special gift of touch!!!! What state do you live in if you don't mind me asking, just curious. Thanks and good luck with it! Keep me updated how things go with you and your new toy! 2wheelie '
  16. paramedicmike thanks so much for your info. i will be sure to pass it on to her. yes she wants to work for philly ems. so i guess off to fire school she goes! but she stated she was a cop so she should be use to hard work hence fire school. but she hasnt work that hard lately being a doc nurse trust me if you know what i mean. well i do appreciate the info. you have a good weekend and stay safe as always!!!!!
  17. hello everyone i need some help i was at the docs in philly and a nurse who was a philly cop wanted to know if she wanted to be a philly emt did she have to be a fire fighter too? i told her i had no clue but look into it for her. im from nj (hold the laughs) so i have no clue how philly works but i thought id get some help here. shes a nurse in a docs office was a philly cop now wants to be an emt. so if anyone can help me help her thank you!!! everyone have a great weekend (not before you help me of course hahha) be careful and enjoy! 2wheelie
  18. i'm sitting here with living room with babie my cat and myself and i can not stop laughing, my husband came out to see what was going on! i laughed so loud woke him up! that was a great story! thanks
  19. holy cow! i read every entry with this one question that started 3 pages of entries over emts vs medics. that was horrible! people got picked on for there spelling, for how the sentences where written and judging them by that. i had to agree that yes in the rules spelling was mentioned but everyone makes mistakes and can't be perfect all the time. i know there is spell check and even on line dictionary which is my bible. i have always read the discussions with much enthusiasm but this discussion seem to put bls at als. i don't think that was the original intention but that is how it seemed to turn out. i thought this sight was here to support each other and learn from each other. i also thought we were to respect each other and not be so judgmental with the small stuff (such as spelling). there are strong feelings on each side and rightfully so, if you don't believe in what you are doing them you better get out. I am truly upset by all the small jabs that where taken. up until now i loved this site enjoyed my time on it, along with the people on it but now?
  20. 2wheelinemt


    Hello Anna Welcome to the field that after 23yrs I still find rewarding!!! You will learn constantly. I have kept the letters that I have received from the over the years. Enjoy running calls and share your stories. Remember to share the bad as much as the good. You need to share a little tip from over the years. 2wheelie (anna)
  21. thanks for accepting my friendship. look forward to talking to ya soon


  22. this one driver would drive so fast so crazy that we would be thrown around including our equipment. we would as him to slow down and never would. i would even try reporting him, but nothing worked. one day we were driving so fast a car pulled out in front of us and my equipment and myself went flying across the back of the rig. smashing my head and shoulder. i received a concussion and dislocated my shoulder and my good ems watch that was given to me for my 10 yr anniv was broken. you think he slowed down? not even the officers that had to explain why we where hurt made him slow down. i became an ems officer and he was the first order of business. slow down or stop driving. he stopped driving!!!. i don't like driving, to many things to go wrong i'd rather take care of the pt. why we need to drive super fast i don't know. my brother drives the fire trucks and some have the engine cut out if you go too fast, he complains about that all the time. think he drives fast? 2wheelie
  23. That idea on GHB is an good idea, we have a large amount of use around where I live and the kids in the high school were buying the ingredients on line. Not that I am suggesting what paper to write but I just thought that as a medic that is something that would be dealt with and be very informative. Another idea would be the greater use of air ambulances whether they are warranted or not for the increased use. I know the crashes have been discussed but the increase use, valid or not? good luck with your paper! 2wheelie
  24. ???????? study Don't understand why they would even waist tere time doing such a study. But sounds like another reason to try and control us with more information on global warming. They must be running out of real information about global warming to report on. 2wheelie
  25. WE do the same thing with our second out truck and fire co flicker the lights just for a second. Our township cops have nothing to do with themselves at 3am because there is too many of them. They are in the fire and ems business anytime of day because there is way too many cops in our town talking on their phones and using their computers all at the same time mind you while they pull you over for talking one your phone. Anyway will where coming home from a call at 3am and doing nothing wrong, doing the speed limit no flashing lights to other squad nothing one one such night and a Lt pulled us over and when we asked him why his answer to us was BECAUSE HE COULD! It's cops like him that give all cops a bad name. I have grown to truly strongly dislike cops. That is coming from a long family of cops. My great-granddad was the chief in philadelphia and my granddad was captain of the motorcycle cops. My one older brother is Lt ready to be assist chief then chief of police in the town we live in in the next two years. My brother that is only two years above me is 2nd grade sarg in the maryland state police, he was a winslow policemen but there was no room for him too move us and he did like the political games there so he make the decision to go to the state boot camp and start all over again, him i'm proud, but he still plays the cop game. I can do it but you can't. He road a m/c for years without a license because he would pull out that badge would you or I be able to get away with that? Would you or I be able to talk on the phone and say it's business? No? Now I can truly say that my brother that is on line to be chief here doesn't do that. He plays by our rules. But he has to be the only cop that does that I know of. When we did flash our second truck we both got followed to the building they called our chief at 3 am and told him we were playing with the lights and sirens at 3am, he was going to give us a ticket but give us a break this time and let him to suspend us this time but there won't be a next time. We weren't suspend because the chief is cool he talked to all of us and we all had the same story and he wrote up the cop to his sarg. That made me feel good that he stood up for all of us against the cop even though the chief is a cop at his job. Some bad cops have given me a really bad taste for cops!!!!
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