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Everything posted by Connie31079
Take this test and find out! http://www.flashbynight.com:80/test/ My verdict= smart Average score - 17.8 My score = 21 I am 17.7% smarter than average!!! Whoooo hooooo!
$90 My God, I'm so LAME!!! :sad1:
OMG, I've just picked myself up off the floor, because I was laughing so hard at that! My God, that was funny.....
Geez, I only got 15 right.... :oops: Guess I'm stupid compared to all you guys! LOL. Connie
OMG! :shock: I'm laughing my ass off @ "Gravida 7 at age 22 means you are a slut"......how true! Thanks, I needed that laugh! Connie
If you are religious, you'll understand these.
Connie31079 replied to windsong's topic in Funny Stuff
LMAO! I love South Park!!! -
Hmmmm, I'm looking for a husband, and I, personally, would have stopped at the 4th floor of the "husband store". Any man who has a job, is good-looking, loves kids AND helps out with housework sounds pretty damn good to me! SOLD! I'll take him.....
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I was always under the impression that, if a person codes @ home, in front of you, and the family wishes no resusication be done, then you don't work the code.......doesn't matter if there is a legal DNR in place or not? Same thing goes if there IS a legal DNR in place, and the family wishes you to work the code, then you work the code. That's what I was always taught anyway.....maybe I was taught wrong???? The DNR, as far as I'm concerned, is only in place for me to make the decision to work the code(or not) if there is no family present....if family wants us to work it, then we work it, If they don't, then we don't. Hmmm, maybe I should look that one up, for future reference, just incase.... sometimes family call 911 when a person arrests, even though they know they don't want us to work the arrest. :?: I could never quite figure that one out....call 911 for a person who's dead, but once we arrive, they don't want us to do anything to try and help the patient. In that case, why call 911???? Just to make sure they're dead??? Anyway, yes, you did the right thing.....the patient wished to die at home with dignity, and you allowed that to happen. Good job!
:-k :dontknow: :sad1: I still think it's freaky.
I've done this several times, don't know how they do it, but it's been right everytime! Give it a whirl, see if it freaks you out too! http://www.milaadesign.com/wizardy.html
I think you contradict yourself when you say something like this: But then in your next breath you say this: You catch my drift? In one sentence, you can't say "Well, you wouldn't be fat if you'd taken responsibility for your actions. If you'd done that earlier, you wouldn't have a weight problem".......and then say "Well, you're fat, you tried to lose weight, and you've failed, so now I have sympathy for you".... It just doesn't make any sense. Either you're sympathetic from the beginning or you're not. You can't change your story mid-stream!!
Just as I am free to state my opinions of you, wether you like it or not. We'll have to agree to disagree. But judging from what others have posted on here, I think the majority feel as I do.
If admin sees it fit to lock this thread, then so be it. But in the meantime, I'm going to post as to why all of Imagine89's posts in this thread have pissed me off. Anyone who's been a member of EMT City for any length of time knows I'm a big girl, and I have been all my life. One of those "land whales" as someone posted earlier. No, I don't have a medical problem for my weight, so, according to Imagine89, I have no reason to be fat. Ever think about genetics, buddy? Everyone one both sides of my family are at LEAST 250 lbs., and 6 feet tall. Well sorry, I didn't inherit the height, but I certainly inherited the weight....you actually think I have a snowball's chance in hell of being skinny when everyone in my family is fat? Heh, think again!!! No, I'm not using that as an excuse to stay fat, as a matter of fact, I've lost 56 lbs. in the last year since being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, so I know I can lose the weight. And I'm having gastric bypass surgery in the next few months in order to lose the rest of the weight. But I'm doing this for my health, not because of shallow people like Imagine89, who base everything on looks, which is so blatently obvious. So far, in all of Imagine89's posts, I've still yet to see a REASON WHY he hates fat people. He says he has sympathy for obese people "if they have a medical condition", but if you don't have a medical reason for being fat, then, in essence, he's saying "the hell with you, you're not worth anything". I take offense to that, because Imagine89 has NO GOOD REASON for hating fat people. None whatsoever. And if he has a reason for hating obese people, he hasn't posted it yet. I lift heavy people everyday on the job, just like you do, Imagine89. I don't have a problem with it. If my partner and I know that we can't do the lift ourselves, then we call for additional help. But I certainly don't look down upon any obese people. Doesn't matter to me if their weight is caused by a medical condition, or if they can't keep their mouths shut, they called 911 because they need our help, and we help them. End of story.
Then stop making remarks like this: and this: if you want people to stop analyzing YOUR personal character.
These are words spoken from someone who obviously has NEVER had a weight problem. So, what's your addiction, if it's not to food??? Everyone has an addiction....since you love to pick on and de-mean fat people, what can we pick on and de-mean you for??? Do you smoke? Pump all your money into VLT's? Get a hooker every night of the week so she can satisfy your sexual urges? Or do you hit the bottle too hard?? Surely you must be addicted to SOMETHING! You're not perfect, I'm sure!!! Just like obese people aren't perfect either.
Not anywhere in Nova Scotia. that I know of, runs like this anymore. I used to be like this way back when I first started working EMS, and volunteering for the local ambulance squad. But we weren't getting paid then, and as long as we made it to the station within 10 minutes of getting the call, that was good enough. Now, I live 1.6 kilometers from the base, and I'm not allowed to stay at home when I'm working, because we have a 59 second "out of chute" time for getting our ass into the truck once the tones go off. Now that I'm getting paid, I don't think it would be appropriate for me to be aloowed to stay home when I'm @ work. Connie
Amen, Terri!! :notworthy:
OOOoooohhh, this is so much fun!......*giggle* I've had Santa do SO many things! He's funny! He'll even shake his ass!
OK, OK.....throw in honest, funny, and you have a deal! :D/
OK, OK, I ALREADY have the boobies.... :hello1: Santa, can you bring me a hot, good-looking, employed MAN instead?????
OMG... Something about that just made my day. Don't know what exactly I was looking for when I opened up this thread, but when I saw the cracker.... I cracked up laughing, and couldn't stop for 5 minutes. Thanks, Bushy!
1. Yourself: sad 2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend?: none 3. Your hair: short 4. Your mother? wonderful 5. Your Father? alright 6. Your Favorite Item: computer 7. Your dream last night: sad 8. Your favorite drink: pop 9. Your dream car: Impala 10. The room you are in: messy 11. Your Ex: hot! 12. Your Fears: many 13. What do you want to be in 10 years: happy 14. Who you hung out with tonight? Kurt 15. What You're Not? rich 16. Muffins: yummy! 17: One of Your Wish List Items: money! 18. Time: 12:22pm AST 19. Last thing you did? eat 20. What You Are Wearing? nightie 21. Your Favorite Weather: sunny 22. Your Favorite Book: none 23. The last thing you ate: breakfast 24. Your Life: sad 25. Your Mood: sad 26. Your friends: few 27. What are you thinking about right now? work 28. Your car: Malibu 29. What are you doing at the moment?: survey 30. Your summer: painful 31. Your relationship status: single 32. What is on your tv? news 33. When is the last time you laughed? yesterday 34. last time you cried? today 35. School? maybe?
Paramedic Shortages......Paying For It?
Connie31079 replied to pmedic623's topic in General EMS Discussion
Sorry to hi-jack the thread, but I'm dying to ask: RID! What's with the new avatar, buddy? Don't like Canadians????????......of course, that's also the symbol for Air Canada....might not like that airline! LOL! You can now go back to your original scheduled thread. -
Ummm, excuse me.....*raises her hand* I can't help but to question....you think being 5 feet tall and 150-160 lbs is "very overweight"?????? :-k What kind of women do you like, STICK FIGURES??? I"D DIE TO BE LIKE THAT! Now me, I'm overweight!!! Holy geez man, I'm 5'5" and 300 lbs., and I recently LOST 56 lbs!!! I think I was 150-160 lbs. when my mother spit me out 34 years ago!!! :scratch: After I have my gastric bypass surgery in a few months from now, if I can get down to 150 lbs., I'll be as happy as a pig in sh*t!!!!