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Everything posted by Connie31079
I'm sorry, but I can't help but to stick up for tattoomama on this one. In almost every topic in here, all we ever hear out of Dustdevil's mouth (an others too, not just him) is EDUCATION! You've got to increase your EDUCATION! KNOWLEDGE is power, if you want to go anywhere in the medical field, keep upgrading your EDUCATION! And then when someone actually asks for advice about a book on EKG's so that she can understand a little more about what she sees on a daily basis, wether it's actually in her scope of practice or not, she's told "Oh! Don't bother with that stuff yet, just concentrate on your basics. EKG's are completely out of your league." God forbid, people!! Talk about getting conflicting messages! :confused2: So, what do you REALLY want people to do, Dust? Read books and take courses to increase their EDUCATION and KNOWLEDGE, or simply stay at the level that they're at, and only concentrate on that? How do you expect anyone to increase their knowledge and education if they concentrate only on what they know now?? I'm sorry, I've been in EMS for almost 16 years, and I don't know all the answers to the questions you posted. And ya know what? I don't expect to know everything. Unlike you, I KNOW I'm not perfect, and never will be, UNLIKE YOU, Sir!! :salute: That is the attitude you come across with all the time in here, just because you've been around for years, you're the end-all, be-all of EMS. One question: Did you know all the answers to the questions you posted when you were a basic, or did you acquire that knowledge along the way as you went along?? I'm sure we all know what the answer is.....smartass!! I know it's important to have all the basics down before moving on to the advanced stuff, but please, she was only asking for advice on a book to read on EKG's. I don't think after she's done reading the book, that she's going to start pushing thrombolytics for a possbile MI she might see on a 12-lead!! And tattoomama, I commend you for wanting to read, and upgrade your education. Keep reading, girl, no matter what!! But, from time to time, stick your nose back into the "old" books you have that you used in your "basic" education, just to keep your mind fresh, and then you'll be able to answer all of Dustdevil's questions from now on! Geez Louise!! :banghead:
Mile Hey, just a question..... Can we expand this game by including 5-letter words, instead of just 4-letter words? I just find we're repeating many of the same 4-letter words.......getting kinda' boring. :sleepy1:
I was on OJT (on-the-job-training, for those of you unfamiliar with OJT), and we got toned-out for a cardiac arrest. Told it was 60ish year-old male, witnessed arrest. Wasn't too far away from our station, we drove @ breakneck speed to the house, the 3 of us jump out, my preceptor, his partner and myself, and head for the house, hauling defib, A-kit (which weighs 50 lbs.), drug kit, suction, etc.... Enter the door, and find a woman crying hysterically, sitting on the couch in the living room. She has her hands covering her face, and she's bawling her eyes out, rocking back and forth. We all stand there, yelling at the woman, "WHERE IS HE!?!?".....meaning the patient, of course.....she takes a hand from her face and points....."He's right there!! Can't you see him????" We stand there, mouths open, looking around the living room, and ask her again...."He's right WHERE? We don't see anything!!" She points to the floor of the living room.....wailing, and says in an aggravated voice "My God, he's dead on the floor, RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF YOU! Can't you see him lying there????" So, we proceeded to search all the rooms of the house, just to be sure......didn't find any cardiac arrest patient. Learned later that this woman was just released from the local mental hospital. Neededless to say, police took her back!!
Hmmmm, very interesting read indeed! Funny, my protocols state that we give NTG prior to Lasix (naturally), but also advocates administration of morphine prior to Lasix as well. I'd only give Lasix as a 3rd-line drug here in Nova Scotia, after NTG and morphine for CHF. And only if their systolic BP remains @ at least 120 after administration of both NTG and morphine. Needless to say, I haven't given Lasix that often in the field. Just a couple times, I believe. And we just recently finished a CPAP trial in Halifax, with good results, so we're hopefully going province-wide with this in the near future. But as of right now, it's not available to us pre-hospital here yet. Connie
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I usually turn the radio off if going to a call, but in between calls, the radio is on. And I'm glad I'm not the only one who likes them, someone posted earlier: RAMMSTEIN (preferably the song "Du Hast", my favorite!!) :thumbup:
I'll quote what Dust often says:
Geez, wish this topic would have come out about a month ago! You'd think I'd have learned by now, being in EMS for almost 16 years, but I just came back to work after being off for a month because of a back injury. Yup, you guessed it, just my partner and I tried to lift a 400 lb. guy back into bed. He fell out of bed, had no injuries, but couldn't (or wouldn't) get back into bed on his own. So, along we go, and tried getting him back into bed, just the 2 of us. Well, my back was screaming by the end of this call!! If you feel the patient is just too heavy for just you and your partner to lift, call for a lift assist! Anybody, fire dept., police dept., anybody! But don't subject yourself to injury! Workers Compensation just doesn't pay enough! LOL! I know I will call for a lift assist from now on, because I think if I hurt my back anymore, it'll be the end of my career in EMS, because I won't be able to lift anymore.
Wow, awesome question, Rid! Geez, where do I start? I'm glad this question was asked, actually, because it allows me to get some feelings "off of my chest". First off, am I credible? I'd like to think I am, but it all depends on who you ask, I guess. There are some people out there that I've worked with who like me and would say I'm credible, then there are those out there that I've worked with who can't stand me, for whatever reason, I still don't know. I get that feeling from some people in here too. For God knows what reason, I feel as if people have labeled me as "weak" and tend to blow off anything that I have to say about almost any given topic. Another thing I've noticed about EMS is once you've earned a reputation, especially a bad one, it sticks with you, no matter where you go. Doesn't matter if you're a bad medic or an awesome medic, if someone doesn't like you and then spreads it around that "you suck at your job", it'll follow you until the day you die. All I know is, I've worked hard to get to where I am, and I continue to work hard everyday to give my patients the best care possible. No, I don't always have my nose in a book, study like I know I should, but I probably study more than most medics I know. I'm not afraid to ask for help if I need it, even though I am an ACP. You'd be surprised at how many ACP's I know who would NEVER ask for help if they were on a call, even if they were up to thier eyeballs in $hit. I'm not like that at all, I'm human, and I know that I don't know everything. I certainly don't have the "paragod" syndrome!! I treat others the way I'd want to be treated. So, if I'm nice to someone, obviously, I expect them to be nice to me, but unfortunately, it doesn't always end up that way. One of my biggest problems is that I take everything personally, and I've always been this way, ever since I can remember. People tell me I need to "get a backbone, stand up to people!!"......God knows I've tried, but it's not easy for me. Therefore, when someone speaks badly of me in the way that I've done my job, I go home and cry. My job is my life. I don't have anything to go home to after every shift. I envy those who have a husband/wife and kids to go home to everyday after work, I go home to an empty apartment. So, when people say I suck at my job, they're attacking the one thing I have going that's positive in my life. Do you know how that feels?? But everyday, I get up, get into that uniform, and go to work with my head held high, and try not to let those people who don't like me get me down. I guess that's all I can do. Keep putting one foot in front of the other.......
A shame this would be locked over me calling someone a whacker? My God, then there should be a helluva lot other topics locked here in EMT City if this topic would be locked over calling someone a whacker! I've lost count how many times someone in here insults someone else, and their topic isn't locked. I guess it's pick-on-Connie day, today??? Like I said, I'd apologize if I was playing the game wrong, but so far, I don't think I am. Oh yeah, my word is.....CARE
WARS BIAATCH doesn't rhyme with Bars, cars, jars or wars.....And there's only supposed to be 4 letters. itku2er started this game, maybe she can explain exactly how it was supposed to be played, and if SCAB was an appropriate word to follow BARS. If I'm wrong, I'll apologize.....
WTF???????? :shock: :roll: You can't get SCAB from BARS!! Geez, what a whacker!! Talk about ruining the game!! OK then, if I must continue the game the RIGHT way, the next word is (from bars, which I posted last) CARS