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About Res12cuE

  • Birthday 02/03/1983

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    North Carolina
  • Interests
    ems, relaxing, fishing, boating

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. night shift at station 1

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  2. night shift at station 1

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  3. night shift at station 1

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  4. My county has pretty aggressive protocols all around (i.e. RSI and basics giving combivent treatments), but as far as air transport is concerned there is criteria for requesting helo support such as- falls greater than 20 ft, MVA rollover w/ ejection, fatality @ scene or in same vehicle, and so on. However most medics and emts use this as a guide and if you think the pt needs a trauma center due to injuries or mech of injury than you do have the freedom to call for a helicopter. You might have to explain why the next morning but if you use good judgment then you wont have a problem.
  5. We draw from about 4-5 helicopter transport services. The average time is about 20 to 30 minutes from the time they are airborne. My county has a protocol (good or bad) that states if the pt is extricated, packaged and loaded prior to the helicopter being on the ground at the scene transport is to be initiated to the nearest facility and the helicopter is to be diverted to that facility. So if you have a 15 minute extrication time you will probably be diveting the helicopter.
  6. I work in a rural farm area. We have one large 2 lane hwy that is frequently traveled by 18 wheelers. On average 4 out of 10 motor vehicle accidents that we respond to at least 1 pt requires helicopter transport to a trauma center. My service transports to two hospitals both being about 30 minutes away. The major trauma centers are 45 minutes to an 1 and a half away. The point is we call for helicopters alot in our area. Sorry for the confusion.
  7. My prayers go out to all involved. This is getting rediculous. I'm starting to think twice before i request a helicopter......and we have to do that alot in my area.
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