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Everything posted by tom5706

  1. tom5706

    Happy Holidays

    Thank you Cookie, and the same for you and yours. Tom
  2. Have you looked at EBay to find a replacement jacket just to ferret out the liner?
  3. Wouldnt a manual BP done by hand vs. Lifepak still be considered NIBP ??
  4. Chat is broken... "Group Name Error"

  5. Dont' know if this qualifies as a first, bit a DUH just the same. Toned out at 2 a.m. been asleep about 2 hours) to a pt with abdominal pains. Arrive on scene to find an elderly Pt. sitting up on bed clutching a small waste can trying to vomit. Assessment revealed classic textbook signs of STROKE. Packaged him up and was heading out the door when ALS arrived. While giving report, I said "breath sounds are round and reactive to light". He looked and said OK, and how are his eyes. I realized what I had said and replied " clear bilaterally" We had a laugh over that one.
  6. Here are the tips from one of the best
  7. Hello new guy.. Let me be the first to say "Welcome" to the City. There is alot of talent here, and you should feel most comfortable. What level are you and years in service? Regards from western NY
  8. tom5706


    Welcome to The City. There is alot of talent here. Enjoy your stay, and visit the chat room.
  9. For the most part she can flap her gums and vent that she wont respond, BUT, until it actually happens, you got no case (IMHO) anyway
  10. Define "missing equipment". How do you know it is missing??
  11. Here is a good starting point.... www.homesafetycouncil.org/SafetyGuide/sg_fire_w002.asp T
  12. Hired by the event coordinator.
  13. To the best my memory serves, the only time I was required to get tested was for the EMT class, as we would be doing clinicals at a selected hospital.
  14. We have of events throughout the year, and local EMT are contracted to provide EMS services to them. The most popular is the annual fair. During the fair, the probability of accidents occur during events such as bull riding, demo derby, and tractor pulls. No ambulance is provided, however, is available should someone be injured. It is available for them, just like it is for any resident, but it is usually not placed on standby. The pay is great and the hours are many.
  15. Hard to believe that Dirty Dancing" was that many years ago. RIP
  16. sheets are changed after every patient. as well as pillow cases and blankets.
  17. Were you able to locate a training Center in your area??/
  18. here in rural NY, its usually waking up time.. say between 5 and 7 a.m.
  19. here in rural NY its what you are wearing at the times the tones drop. I have a pair of black Cargo pants and a shirt sitting by the door so at 3 a.m. it is easy to find and fly out the door.
  20. What a "wake-up" call for everyone. I dont think it could have been done better. So what if it is "hollywood". It does get the point across.
  21. We have tested several to determine which is best for our rural "volly" service. Code 3 seemed the best match, but to get everyone onboard and get the funding is a stretch.
  22. I have been known to respond to other venues (villages within our mutual aid area) when they are having trouble getting a crew together.
  23. My reply to any of my co-workers is..."Excuse me, do I have stupid tattooed on my forehead?", and I lift the hair off my forehead.
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