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Everything posted by fluffy

  1. Runnin' with the Devil by Van Halen has always been a personal favorite and usually seems appropriate.
  2. My partner at the time who happened to be very short forgot to undue his seatbelt before getting out of the bus for a call. He was hung up by his waist kicking and screaming until I could undue his belt and he could fall out.
  3. While doing ride time for my medic the supervisor I was riding with took out his hurricaine spray and sprayed another medic while he was sleeping. He immediately got a call and couldn't stop drooling on himself. Another time we baby powdered the vents of a buddy's bus so that when they went out they got blasted with powder. My favorite though is a prank played on one of my supervisors at my pt job. He is a horrible snorer and the crew kept telling him if he didn't sleep somewhere else they would get him. He of course blew them off thinking they wouldn't do anything. Well they did. They bought a package of frozen hot dogs and bored out a hole lengthwise. Pushed an IV line through it. Walked up to him while he was sleeping with the hot dogs peeking out from their pants and opened up with the IV. He started sputtering and when he opened his eyes you can just imagine what he thought he was seeing. Makes me laugh everytime I think of it.
  4. Pads are definately the way to go. I had a partner back in the late 80's early 90's that was forever forgetting to jell the paddles. It did make for some great landmarks though.
  5. I've had a Littman and I currently have an Ultrascope. I won't be going back anytime soon to a littman.
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