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Everything posted by Rugby74

  1. Ok..ride a few nights with EMS, then take take Chem, A&P, Microbiology, etc.....
  2. I am an older potential career changer as well, but I don't want to put the cart before the horse. Wouldn't it be a logical step for Stretcher81 to first go the local community college and take Chem, A&P, Microbiology, etc... - THEN decide if he wants to enter EMS or perhaps another medical profession?
  3. Ridryder, It sounds like the prevaling consensus is that if the original poster does not want to enter the nursing profession, he may want to use a BS degree in a hard science such as Biology as a stepping stone into EMS or teaching EMS rather than a nursing (ADN or BSN) program. Emphasizing that this course of action is most appropriate IF he does not have the desire to become and practice as a nurse at some point. I assume biology would be the most relevant degree to obtain, given you thrown in adequate Psychology and Chemistry courses to compliment it – but this is open to debate and opinion.
  4. What are the main differences in the duties and skills of a Critical Care Nurse, ICU (SICU,etc...) Nurse, ER Nurse, etc…. Why does one prepare you better for EMS work or for teaching EMS more than the other? Also, do each of these have the same amount of personal care duties - bathing, feces/urine cleaning, etc..?
  5. Thank you for the responses! I am going to take CPR from the AHAA, and then take a First Responder Course. I will then take A&P, Microbiology, Chemistry, Psychology, etc...from the local college. I want to get the basics/sciences knowledge down before I dive further into the EMS field.
  6. It is not for a job. I want it for personal knowledge. I may seek a career in the EMS field later, but I want to start with a basic First Responder course and get on a local CERT team. The Red Cross doesn't offer their course now, and I can't find any training online.
  7. Can anyone recommend where I may take a First Responder Course in the Atlanta area? Would the Red Cross Emergency Response Course suffice (if they ever offer it around here), or are there more reputable and advanced agencies/places that teach it?
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