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Everything posted by iamyourgod
BAN HBO and other PORN from EMS/Fire Stations
iamyourgod replied to iamyourgod's topic in General EMS Discussion
I do not know who gamedic is, but i did shamelessly steal his/her original post, I thought he/she made sense. It was one of the most provacative posts i read on here, and just like two years ago, it drew the same rage from the so called intellectuals on here. -
In your god's opinion, these machines are a waste of time and space. Someone please come forward with a logical arguement for keeping them onboard.
BAN HBO and other PORN from EMS/Fire Stations
iamyourgod replied to iamyourgod's topic in General EMS Discussion
Wow how eyeopening -- please reread the posts everyone -- i have not called anyone a name or attacked anyones character --- i posted a simple subject and have had every part of my reputation attacked. Is this generally how you treat someone with a differing opinion ? I have not asked you questions about your personal life, made comments about your religion or lack thereof, nor have i said anything disparaging about anyone who disagreed with me -- I have commented on "acts" not people. I guess i now know why you dont understand why we are having such a tough time defining professional. Look at what has been said about me, your emsgod ? but if you bow before me, i will forgive you. -
OK, you seem to be going in circles, as the blind often do --- what specific question is it that you want me to answer ?
BAN HBO and other PORN from EMS/Fire Stations
iamyourgod replied to iamyourgod's topic in General EMS Discussion
the only generalities have come from people trying to justify an act they know is wrong. Lets bring our daughters to the staion and watch one episode of Real Sex on HBO. Where do you draw the line -- i too remember days when it was customary for rookies to get their balls painted with hydrant paint, or to endure other hazing rituals. When told to stop, the people screamed the same thing, " you are being too PC". It is part of the fabric of the fire department to haze rookies. Sex does not belong in the workplace -- show me a bank, insurance office, doctors office, or corporate office that aires the show Real Sex in their lobby, and i will shut up. Women have faced harassment issues since day one in our business, and most have kept their mouths shut, out of fear of being fired. Where do you draw the line -- if it is a non-work related activity that makes others uncomfortable, and is not fit for the public to see -- it doesnt belong in the workplace. If your wife came home today and said, honey, my predominately male office staff was watching soft porn or porn at work today, and it made me feel uncomfortable being the only female there, your attitude and actions would be different. But again, i am waiting on a logical reason for why this type of material belongs in a professional work setting -- but all i hear is diatribes against me, because you have no facts. -
Orientation period for new Medics
iamyourgod replied to steve_emt_68's topic in General EMS Discussion
There is no magic answer for every patient, but here is some guidance. JCAHO makes hospitals prove their employees are competent for the job. You can argue whether or not this method works, but what most do is have a multipaged checklist where the employee is shown how to work every piece of equipment, protocol, paperwork, etc that they have to use on their job, and then there is another column that is to be dated and checked when the employee actually does it own their own -- the process could take weeks, months, or even a year for some rare things (like a pedi arrest in EMS). -
The Only Thing That Matters Is the patient in front of you
iamyourgod replied to iamyourgod's topic in General EMS Discussion
Amazing, there is an honest medic in the room. -
BAN HBO and other PORN from EMS/Fire Stations
iamyourgod replied to iamyourgod's topic in General EMS Discussion
And to answer your home question -- we are talking about activities that occur while you are on the clock. If you choose to watch porn at your home, in your free time, that is your business. I am specifically talking about workplace behavior. -
BAN HBO and other PORN from EMS/Fire Stations
iamyourgod replied to iamyourgod's topic in General EMS Discussion
Just read the post from your own forum -- everyone except one person admitted that it happens in their workplace, and they are proud that it happens. I do not have any scientific proof to make the claim that most medics pencilwhip their morning checklist, but anyone who has been in this profession more than a year knows it is true. I do not have any scientific studies that concluded there was oxygen on this planet today, but since everyone was able to breath fairly well, it is an obvious fact. But if you want scientific proof, over 90% of respondants to this question, in this forum, which was a random/blind sampling, agreed that it occurs. Are you claiming that in your entire career, you have never witnessed this activity ? -
BAN HBO and other PORN from EMS/Fire Stations
iamyourgod replied to iamyourgod's topic in General EMS Discussion
Thank you for skipping ahead and making my final point --- It is sexual HARASSMENT. If there is something of a sexual nature going on in the workplace, and it makes another employee uncomfortable, and it is not corrected after being brought to the attention of a supervisor, it is harassment. Although there are several cases where the compainant didnt complain, but it was proven that the supervisor had knowledge of the activity and gave it his/her blessing. Its time to grow up people -- take care of your lusts at home, be a professional at work. -
The Only Thing That Matters Is the patient in front of you
iamyourgod replied to iamyourgod's topic in General EMS Discussion
Thank you for the correction -- typing fast is not a good thing ---- it is not a matter of ems sucking, it is a matter of not always having the proper tools to make a definitive diagnosis (lab and xray). Actually AMR did a national study that showed that out of every 100 refusals you have, 7 will get admitted to the hospital, 2 of which to ICU, and one will die --- the numbers are universal to any service. During my time with a hospital based provider, I also studied this as a CQI project (only one hospital in the county, so 90% came there, and i had access to their records) and the numbers were accurate. I reported my findings to our regional council, and when the other 911 services performed the same project, they had roughly the same numbers (doesnt equal out that way every month, you have highs and lows, but averaged over a year, it works out --try it) -
The Only Thing That Matters Is the patient in front of you
iamyourgod replied to iamyourgod's topic in General EMS Discussion
Ok, for those with blinders on, let me clarify --- I would never talk anyone out of going to the hospital or seeking medical attention. I always offer to transport and end the conversation with the need to follow up immediately with a medical professional of their choosing, and i also tell them to call us back if they are unable to get there in a reasonable amount of time. Do I usually transport cut fingers that need two stitches, no -- but i would if they had no other transportation. Conversely, I never leave altered patients or drunks ---- I got burned early in my career when i didnt transport a seizure patient who i thought was just postictal (yes i used every tool available, and all vitals were normal except LOC) -- 30 minutes after we left, the girlfriend found the empty phenobarb bottles he had overdosed on. He didnt die, but i learned a valuable experience from that call, and have aired on the side of transport since then. My work in the ER has only validated that opionion, as i have watched people arrive in the ER, whom EMS told it would be ok to see the doctor in the morning, get admitted to ICU or die. -
BAN HBO and other PORN from EMS/Fire Stations
iamyourgod replied to iamyourgod's topic in General EMS Discussion
And if it helps, i have no problem dumbing the question down for my minions, if it helps you make a rationale decision, instead of one based on emotions ---- Is it proper for people to watch nude women on tv in the workplace, in a setting of many employees with various sexual orientations, religous views, and beliefs ? Although everyone is talking tough, if a lost citizen walked in at 11pm for directions, and caught you watching a skinamax soft porn show, and complained to your bosses, you know you would be in trouble. -
The Only Thing That Matters Is the patient in front of you
iamyourgod replied to iamyourgod's topic in General EMS Discussion
I responded to all of her scenarios -- in any call situation, you should base your decision based on the fact of can i defend not transporting this patient in a court of law. When other EMS or medical professionals are called to testify, will they agree or disagree with your decision ---- -
i did and i wasnt beeing smart -- i was sincere --- in every call you have to ask yourself if i had to go to court because this pt died, can i defend my position --- it doesnt matter what the call situation is. The prosecuters will call other EMS and medical professionals to testify as to whether or not what you did was right or wrong, and whether or not others in the same situation would do the same thing.
BAN HBO and other PORN from EMS/Fire Stations
iamyourgod replied to iamyourgod's topic in General EMS Discussion
I see your point, it is a lack of respect --- but isnt part of professionalism being respectful of your coworkers --- if someone were a jehovah witness, and you openly made fun of their religion to the point they hated coming to work, would your supervisor write you up under disrespectful, or unprofessional behavior ? There was a time when the smartest people knew the earth was flat -- there was a time when it was ok to not let women and minorities vote --- just because the majority does it, doesnt make it right. The definition of democracy (for those who feel their rights are being trounced by the minority) is 3 wolves and a sheep deciding whats for dinner. -
I agree, every call is different, and you have to use judgement --- but the answer to your arguement is this question --- the pt died, and you are now in court -- how do you defend your action ? If you can defend it successfully, fine. If on this call or any other call, you can not reasonable defend your decision to leave them behind, you should transport. Is it reasonable to deem someone safe to delay treatment based on b/p, pulse, and respiratory rate ? Would an ER doc back you up on your decision ?
The Only Thing That Matters Is the patient in front of you
iamyourgod replied to iamyourgod's topic in General EMS Discussion
thats the best you could come up with ????? you can do better than that --- -
BAN HBO and other PORN from EMS/Fire Stations
iamyourgod replied to iamyourgod's topic in General EMS Discussion
I have not attacked a soul, i have only questioned a practice -- and actually if you read the responses, most have stated they would not turn it off. It is I who has been attacked, which is fine, that is what people without facts typically do -- attack the messenger. One last question: I imagine it is against policy to put up nude photos on the firehouse wall -- even in the locker room. I imagine you also have policies about surfing porn sites on company computers --- so if it is wrong to look at nude still photos and porn videos, why is it ok to look at nudity on tv ? -
The Only Thing That Matters Is the patient in front of you
iamyourgod replied to iamyourgod's topic in General EMS Discussion
thank you hammer -- that is a good medic there. I never talk anyone out of going in the ambulance, its just too dangerous, unless it is something obviously simple, like an isolated small laceration. Take this example -- we all know what hyperventilation looks like --- when a hyperventilation patient presents in the field, they are often not transported based on signs/symptoms and a good pulse ox. The same pt comes to the ER, they are not discharged until they have had a blood gas. Until I-stats become cheap enough for EMS services to buy them, you shouldnt be talking folks out of going to the hospital -- even then, it wont be a good idea, but atleast you will have some science to back up your decision -
BAN HBO and other PORN from EMS/Fire Stations
iamyourgod replied to iamyourgod's topic in General EMS Discussion
apparantley we do not understand the definition of the word professionalism. -
BAN HBO and other PORN from EMS/Fire Stations
iamyourgod replied to iamyourgod's topic in General EMS Discussion
I have not given you any background because it is not necessary --- assume for a moment that i am just a lawyer who has never been in EMS -- i have a client who is suing your department, because you have created a hostile work environment for her. It would be a slamdunk case. Instead of trying to find an angle to attack me personally on, attack my arguement with facts. And i am sorry, if you are practicing your profession one way at 3pm and another at 3am, then you are not professional. Right is always right, and is usually the hardest thing to do. -
You should always transport these patients: 1. They are altered, so any signature you obtain is worthless. 2. You have no idea what their BA level is. 3. The babysitter you assign is probably also intoxicated. 4. You have no idea what other drugs have been ingested, including prescription or illegal drugs. 5. Often times they are minors, which could put you in a child neglect situation -- the question would be, if we presented 1000 other medics with this scenario, would the majority of them have transported.
BAN HBO and other PORN from EMS/Fire Stations
iamyourgod replied to iamyourgod's topic in General EMS Discussion
still waiting on proper justification for this practice ---- to make it simple, you are in court defending your right to watch r-rated movies at work, please explain to the judge how this is "professional" and belongs in the workplace ? -
The Only Thing That Matters Is the patient in front of you
iamyourgod replied to iamyourgod's topic in General EMS Discussion
thank you wendy, but may i ask, how did you arrive at the 100% diagnosis that this patient didnt have a post operative infection -- how do you know she wasnt bleeding into her esophagus ? I will tell you a story about a girl that i treated while working in the ER of our childrens hospital. The infants complaint was drooling -- she had been to two hospitals and discharged, and EMS had been called to her home originally (but they got a refusal). Xrays were negative. When the child was scoped, she had a cellophane cigarette carton wrapper in her throat, right at vocal cord level --- didnt show up on xrays. How many children have died from being subjected to a horrible ambulance ride and bill, versus the 1000s that were left behind with fever symptoms that later turned out to be menengitis or other serious infection ?