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crotchitymedic1986 last won the day on August 24 2011

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    Challenging What You Think You Know

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  1. And I was censored because I hinted that I might sleep with white women, as a joke, but whitey couldn't handle it.

    1. BushyFromOz


      You were probably censored for being a moron mate

  2. Well I do not know what the market is like in the Chicago area, but from what I can tell in most of the country it is nearly impossible to get a job as an EMT-B. So unless, you know someone that is hiring, I would try these tactics: 1. Go back to where you third rode, see if the crew you rode with will put in a good word. 2. Consider one of the wheelchair van/dialysis companies and go to work there, or find an ambulance service that provides that service and start in that division. 3. Consider dispatching as a way to get your foot in the door. 4. Volunteer somewhere so that you can build relationships, it isn't what you know, it is who you know. 5. Consider some "tech" jobs in a hospital. 6. Go back to school and get your intermediate or paramedic certification.
  3. This prank was way over the edge, but hazing is part of coming up in the fire house, if you take it away, you will destroy the commroderie that it later produces. I do not condone any activity that puts someone in harm's way, but simple practical jokes and hazing are great stress relief. We used to cellophane the urinals, so when the EMS alarm woke the firefighters at 3am and they got up to pee, they would end up wetting their legs.
  4. You are at the young stage of your career where you need to spend alot of money on "stuff" that you do not really need; much like when you were a teenager and needed that $500.00 car stereo that busted your eardrums. So, I would purchase: 1. A complete jump kit for your car, including PPE for when you stop at accident scenes, an inexpensive stethoscope, glucometer, and B/P cuff. 2. Scissors. 3. A good reflective safety vest for accident scenes.
  5. There is no one "generic" answer that will encompass all patients, but I typically tried to find what they cared about, and then turned that into a reason not to committ suicide; ie.... their children ---- "how do you think they will feel when they learn what you have done ?". Whether super intelligent or dumb as a brick, it usually seemed to work.
  6. Topic title = good example of oxymoron
  7. what is your pain management protocol for sickle-cell patients, versus those with fractured extremities
  8. You are all Re-TARDs. If you are a male waitress, you may not be able to be hired at Hooters, but in any town that has a hooters, there will be several other restaurants you can work at. In most towns, there is only one Fire Department or at best a county fire department and 2-3 city departments. Take your hoods off, douse the crosses you set fire too, and realize that as whites, you can not speak to something you have never experienced --- discrimination.
  9. Thank you ruff, for making my point --- the stereotype is always accurate, RIGHT ?
  10. Sorry doc, a 100% black fire department is my dream, but it will never happen
  11. No, blockbuster will be dead within 5 years. They would already be dead if Netflix had not pulled their bone-headed stunt this month. It gets better, the guys are actually appealing thier discipline: http://www.13wmaz.com/news/article/145275/175/Five-Firefighters-Challenge-Discipline
  12. Well we can speculate on both sides all day, neither of us have true statistics, but if you believe that there has only been one qualified female candidate in just that county, and the surrounding rural counties that border it, IN 40 YEARS, I believe it would be you that would be asinine. I worked for a rural county with a population of 6k in the whole county, and they had 4 female firefighters, and 3 female EMT/medics. I guess the entire gulf coast is uterine-free. And you should know better than anyone, firefighters dont take jobs for money, they take them for benefits. But by all means, keep on your rose colored glasses that filter out the glaring truth, we wouldn't want you to actually see the world as it really is. It must be nice to be so white that you can honestly believe discrimination died in the 60's.
  13. You apparently have not been to Panama or Destin in years. Panama is covered up in high dollar condos, the redneck riviera has changed to one of the top beach destinations. Every city from Mobile AL to Tallahassee is larger than Marianna.
  14. Thanks Dwayne for the compliment. ER DOC, I would choose Direct TV with the DVR. They have over 600 movies and TV shows on demand that come free with the DVR, plus pay-per-view, and in the near future you will be able to see movies currently playing at theatres for $9.00/each.
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