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Everything posted by crotchitymedic1986

  1. 40 Acres and a mule would have been a nice thought (being sarcastic; thats a fair exchange for destroying families, beating men, raping our children; yes that sounds about fair doesnt it ??), but if you studied your history, you will find it was an "empty promise" that was never delivered: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/40_acres_and_a_mule Look how upset you are over a promotional/entrance exam that none of you were involved in, put yourself in a slave's shoes for a day(oh forgot, didnt have shoes).
  2. Be careful what you ask for or demand. Obviously you should stand up for yourself, but when you are off-duty you should defer to the on-duty folks when they arrive on scene. You can catch more flies with honey, and going into Clint Eastwood mode is probably not going to gain you any respect. Overtime you will gain respect and will learn when it is time to flex your muscle; at the scene of accident with no serious injuries is not the time to become "barney fife" and demand they respect your authoriti. Be more like Andy, the quiet expert who is there to save the day when needed.
  3. I disagree, you have noted that this has been an ongoing issue for awhile, so I suggest you go meet with him. That is the adult thing to do. I would much rather someone confront me with an issue so that I can explain myself to them, versus having a long standing grudge over non-sense. Another reason to do this is because you said he is an owner in your service area; although you may never care to work with him, owners and directors usually meet quite often, and they do discuss who should not be hired (informally), as it is almost impossible to get a true "reference" from an employer anymore. He could be spreading the word right now, "don't hire promedemt, he will blast you on facebook everytime he gets upset". Clear the air, you never know you might make a new friend. "Crotchitymedic would like to go ahead and issue a pre-apology for all those who will be offended by this post"
  4. Let me check: Bipolar, possibly, never been diagnosed. Currently not on any meds, currently not under the influence of an legal or illegal substances. I think I have been fairly consistent in my stances, and I am sorry that I do not tow the line and tell you what you want to hear. I have not been rude to anyone unless they took a jab at me first. I find it ironic that I am not treated with the same courtesy I treat all of you with. You will not see me make personal attacks, although I am called every name in the book on a daily basis, just because I disagree with someone's opinion. You will frequently see me type, "you are entitled to your opinion", right after someone else has called me a troll, a racist, or worst. Today, I have been labeled mentally ill and a drug addict! As far as other screen-names, I thought that was laid to rest years ago when admin posted that my IP address was different that whoever you guys were claiming that I was that week. Nonetheless, I do not need to hide behind another name, I think I am pretty straightforward with my opinions, under this name. If you wish to ban me, so be it, that is the typical "mob-rule" response, "If we dont like it, we must squelch it". But before you do, ask yourself where do you draw the line the next time ? Will you ban all posters who are pro-volly or pro-fire department EMS, since they are the total opposite of the prevailing opinion of this collective group ? Will you ban all african americans when they disagree with what you consider fair ? Will you ban all managers or service owners who have a different opinion than field folks ? WIll you ban all non-ems folks who ask questions that you deem as trolling for lawsuit info ?
  5. Finally another voice of reason.......... thank you Dwayne ! P.S. When the US Justice Department gets involved in your hiring/promotion process, there is a good chance that you were doing something wrong.
  6. I liked the concept of AMR, because when they came along, most ambulance services were mom's &pop's that lasted about 5-7 years. Most medics did not enjoy good benefits or a decent retirement. So the concept of a strong national provider seemed good for EMS. I worked for them for a short amount of time (my company was bought out), I did not think they were evil, but I do not agree with their cookie-cutter approach to ambulance service. To those who hate the "evil profit motives", I would suggest that you get used to it; most municipality based agencies are just starting to feel the pinch of this economy which means their recovery will be about 24 months after the private sector. There is a good chance that you will be working for AMR or RM in the immediate future. Here is a good test for you government guys: Take your total budget (EMS or Fire/EMS) and then divide it by the population you cover. If the figure you came up with is anything more than $15/head, you will probably have an AMR or RM uniform in your future. Why, because they can do it for less than $10.00/head; we can argue about the quality of that service all day, but right now $$$ is all that matters to most politicians.
  7. Of course they deserve the assistance, and you know why ! Remember a certain southern governor standing in the doorway of a university blocking african americans from entering ? It wasnt that long ago, and most inner-city public schools do a poor job of educating minorities. But we have hashed all this out before: Remember Question 1. A dish you place your coffee cup on ? If you didn't have saucers or coffee cups in your home, it is hard to answer the question.
  8. I have too, America does not allow for black heros, only white. I challenge you to name 5 black heros that whites look up to besides Bill Cosby and MLK (most do not look up to either, but that is as close as you will get). When you fail at that, give me the initials of 5 black people that you can name whom you have had dinner in their home. Crickets sure are loud this week.
  9. At one time the smartest people in the world thought the world was flat, you were labeled crazy if you argued; just because you do not understand the superiority of my intellect does not make me crazy.
  10. Sorry you are wrong, the fact that you will not sleep with someone based simply on skin color is the most basic barometer of how racist you are or are not. I realize it is painfull for the racist to admit, but it is true. There is no other action that more clearly defines how you feel about the other races; if they are not good enough for you to date, then you clearly feel your race is superior. Funny, the crickets are still chirping. There have been 4 or 5 non-racist who have stepped forward, the rest of the room must clearly be racist. Call your mom and tell them you are considering dating a black person, lets see what happens
  11. Reminds me of a joke, what was Helen Keller's dog's name ? UUUuuhhhhhnnnaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh uuuuuuhhhhnnnaaaaannnnnnnnhhhhh That was bad, but I am sorry, what the hell is this post all about ?
  12. I am liberal ? I thought I was quite the conservative, silly me. I would think it would be hippy liberals who all about having sex with minors, and excusing the behavior. Most liberals are closet child molesters, most conservatives are closet homos, glad I am independant.
  13. It is not classified as such only because we live in a politically correct time, in all other periods of time it has been recognized as a treatable mental illness.
  14. You are entitled to your opinion
  15. Your logic does not work here, homosexuality is a mental disease, I am not mentally ill, so I would not sleep with a homosexual. I have no problem hanging out with homosexuals in a social or workplace setting, so I do not think I qualify as a homophobe. But back to the original point, I still hear the crickets chirping, where are all those non racist who date everyone ?
  16. First of all this was the topic of the TV show the OFFICE, the night before Wendy posted this, so probably made up. But there is no greater test than who you choose to date, as to whether or not you are a racist (remember racist means that you think your race is superior, not that you burn crosses in peoples yards). You can say you are a vegetarian all day long, but when I see you eat a steak taco, i know it isnt true. And last time I checked, we do have black people up north, but I will issue a "pass" for those who live in Alaska and the Dakotas (although I have seen black people in Canada). Its a simple question, whoever you are dating now, keep it all the same except that you have not met him/her and he/she is black (if you are white, or vice versa), would you date him/her ? You havent yet, so my guess is in your heart you are saying NO, although to be politically correct, you will say YES in here. Whats really a shame is most white chicks will date a mexican or asian, but cant bring themselves to go black.
  17. I am here, all you have to do is say my name three times like beetlejuice. Good point beiber, you are correct, it is sad that this is such a racist country. Now before you all get mad, let me check the dictionary; racist: The notion that ones own ethnic stock is superior. Most everyone in this room is racist, but can't admit it. Here is a little self-test that I have mentioned several times, but cant get anyone to fess up to. To see if you are racist, ask this question to yourself: If I am white, have i ever dated or made love to an african american ? If you are african american, have I ever dated or made love to a white person ? If the answer is no, you are a racist. Even if you are non-racist enough to have done the deed, you would never admit it in this forum for fear of how you will be judged ? Which may make you more racist than the person that never has. Furthermore, every guy in here at some point in his life has done the fattest, ugliest chick (of his own race) because he was hard up and drunk, but never seems drunk enough to cross the jungle-fever line (what does that say) ? Fortunately, the women are a little more decerning, as far as number of partners, but just as racist as thier male counterparts. And please spare me all the comments about how you are best friends with the one AA person at your workplace. You have never had dinner at his/her house, or invited them to yours (at least 98% of you have not).
  18. I am not grabbing at straws. The laws vary from state to state, some have a romeo-juliet type clause where if both persons are minors, they are not prosecuted. Other states do not, if an underage girl has sex with anyone of any age it is a crime. The point is, do your report the crime, or ignore the crime. Some choose to ignore the law, some choose to report crimes. The point is that we tend to let our on values, or lack thereof get in the way.
  19. so statutory rape is not an assualt ? A bruise on an 80 year old does not mean she was beaten, it may mean that she was held to avoid letting the patient hurt themselves, even so, a bruise is a bruise, its hardly life threatening or life altering.
  20. OK, so a child has a baby or gets an STD at age 15, and thats no big deal, although it really changes her life forever, but if an elderly patient gets slapped in a nursing home and recieves a bruise that will heal in 2 days, we must involve goverment agencies ? Just because you did it too does not make it right, and I imagine if you were the parent of a teenager you might have a different opinion ? Am I wrong ? Let me ask this, since we all had sex with minors when we were minors, and we do not think that crime should be reported, what is the age where it becomes reportable ? Does the dude have to be 23, 25, 30, 40, or 50 before it becomes a crime ? Is it ever a crime ?
  21. Its simple, but you probably won't like the answer, I worked in a rural county, where the only map that had been printed was a bank map that only listed the paved roads, and was over 10 years old. Citizens were allowed to choose their house or trailor number, so it was virtually impossible to find a home, if you could find the right dirt road (most dirt roads were criss-crossed with logging roads). What did we do; we divided the existing bank map into quadrants, then the volunteer fireman and EMS folks were assigned a quadrant. It was your job to find every residence, business, church, school, fire hydrant, and potential landing zone in your quadrant. It took about a month to pull it all together to create a hand-drawn mapbook, that was then copied and distributed to everyone in public safety (PS: we found the post office to be very helpful). Roll up your sleeves and go to work.
  22. If we based treatment solely on scientific evidence we would never work an out of hospital cardiac arrest. I imagine most everyone in this room has worked a dead blue rigor baby, to give the parents peace of mind. We are not GOD, if this patient was in arrest and you chose not to work it, I can see that, but withholding transport because you dont think they will survive just seems wrong to me. Guess I am the only one.
  23. ok so because they have to write and type, they deserve more money than the hospital can afford to pay them ?
  24. To answer your question: Yes I know nurses, and I have worked the ER in a busy trauma center. Is Nursing work busier than EMS work, yes. Is it backbreaking labor, no.
  25. As others have stated, you can shop online and create your wish list with prices. To answer what has not been answered: If you are actually running calls that require ALS assessment/interventions, you can bill a higher rate. But in most areas you can not bill the ALS rate just because you have a medic onboard. So you will need to research your statistics and see how often you have ALS calls and do a cost benefit analysis based on those facts.
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