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Everything posted by crotchitymedic1986

  1. wow thats a tough one
  2. http://www2.jcfloridan.com/news/2011/sep/04/first-female-firefighter-1970s-hired-ar-2356765/ Interesting statistics, I wonder how EMS women would answer: Women firefighters also report being harassed by fellow male firefighters. The “National Report Card” study found that 50.8 percent of women survey participants reported being shunned, 30.2 percent reported receiving sexual advances and 18.6 reported being hazed by fellow firefighters, among other things.
  3. Alot of times there isn't as much bleeding as you would think, as these injuries are frequently from blades or from crush type injuries where the arteries and vessels have a clean cut (this one may have been different), i have usually been able to control bleeding with multi-trauma dressings and tight ace wraps.
  4. Quit blaming the EMT/Pmdc schools for your systems failure. It is your company's job to train/orient employees, if they fail to do so, blame them.
  5. In the rest of the civilized world (europe) a beer or glass of wine is not frowned upon. Its only in america that alcohol is a sin. You know how you can spot a Baptist in the US ? They won't wave at each other in the liquor store.
  6. No matter what job you choose, learn to live within your means. Those in here who tell you not to get in EMS are because they bought above their means. It doesnt matter what you make, you dont need 2 new car payments, a huge house payment, and payment on toys (four wheelers, boats, jet skis). EMS allows you to make more money then most beginning careers because you can work 2 jobs (an accountant works M-F, less likely to have weekend work), but the catch 22 is that you can spend 2 incomes. Live within your means, it wont matter what you earn.
  7. I can not speak to your recent experiences, as I have never heard of those problems, but one thing that I can speak to, is that most of us use the chair wrong. I remember watching the "video" that came with a new chair, and it showed the medics not facing each other as the went up a flight of steps. The medic at the top used the upper handles but did it behind his back as he walked up the stairs, the other medic grabbed the foot handles and faced "up" the stairs as well. They reversed position going down, with the foot medic facing forward and the top medic facing forward as well. I had always used it with both medics facing each other. As far as the instructor goes, I can not imagine that Ferno engineered handles that are not supposed to be used, and I think not using the handles would be more dangerous as your hands would slip on the frame. He probably worked for some rinky-dink volunteer organization that had a 20 year old stair chair that was not stored/cared for properly.
  8. I am insenuating that it is nosey to do so, unless the patient is unconscious unresponsive and alone. In an emergent situation, a list of medications is "nice to know" but is not "need to know" information. You should not be ransacking their home, and it opens you up to a liability should something go missing (ie... I had $100 under my mattress, now it is gone, the medics were the last ones in the room).
  9. You search their kitchen and bathrooms ? I think you are doing that to serve your reasons, not theirs.
  10. Quote you a law ? Read your Bible. If you are atheist I guess you have no obligations except to your selfish self. The fact that you say "you used to stop all the time" tells me that you know you are wrong now. In your early years you did the right thing, now that you are old, lazy, and burned out, you choose to do the wrong thing.
  11. The question is happiness, how much did it cost you ? How much of your paycheck goes to federal and provential taxes ? It would depend on your insurance here, but in the end it probably all equals out. I think I paid around $200-300/paycheck for family health insurance, and then you would usually only have a co-pay of $50-100 for each visit to an ER/Hospital, no fee for Doctor's office.
  12. I am sorry, but in a situation like the football game, you have a DUTY TO ACT. If you are so burned out that you no longer feel compassion towards your fellow man, then it is time to get a new profession. For all you know the person could have been choking on some food, and could have been saved by a simple maneuver. You should stop at all wrecks too (unless everyone is out walking around), if for no other reason to keep some untrained idiot (or a trained idiot like a Dermatologist) who stopped from doing something dumb (dragging them out of the car before it explodes like they do on TV).
  13. Was his cath done at a pediatric or adult facility ?
  14. Hello ! Obama already solved this problem for you with his Obama=Care Policy. So unless you let the tea party screw it up, you have no worries
  15. I apologize, I just dont see how anyone can be sympathetic towards muslims/islam, especially today. I will refrain from any further comments on this thread
  16. Herbie and dfib = excellent responses I too am most shocked that we have lost the unity so quickly. I thought the "silver lining" (if you can find one) of 9/11 was that we were unified in a way I had not seen in years. And yes island, I realize that the stereotype definition of all races is not appropriate to define 100% of the race, but there is a reason it is a stereotype, because it is true. When I hear there has been a shooting or a stabbing, I think black person. When I hear serial killer or child molester, I think white guy. when i hear terrorism, i think muslim. When I hear someone shot up the work place, I think white guy Yes, it is wrong to assume that I am 100% right, but funny thing, so far I have been 100% right.
  17. How can you say Muslim and Terrorist are not synonymous, I can not think of two words that are more synonymous. I understand what you are trying to say, I realize that not every Muslim is a terrorist, but 99% of the terrorist acts of the past ten years were performed by Muslims. Tell me the first synonym that pops in your mind on these words: Catholic Priest Blonde w/Big Boobs Serial Killer Robbed a store Very Smart Individual Terrorist
  18. One of the religious folks would have to answer that one, I always heard that the Bible states 10%.
  19. What is the biggest surprise you have, ten years later ? That we have not been attacked again ? That we are still at war ? That we did not round up muslims and send them back to their countries? That we did not build the twin towers back ? That the amazing unity we had the week after is all gone ? And Are we more safe or less safe today, and do any of you believe an attack will occur tomorrow ?
  20. Religion is nothing but a big ponzy scheme, you give 10% of your money away to feel better. With that being said those of us who do not subscribe to religion usually give 10% of our money away to the liquor store, cigarettes, drugs, food, or whores to get the same effect. This is like the abortion issue, both sides can argue all you want, you will never convince the other side that they are wrong, so you are wasting your breath, or keystrokes as it were.
  21. I had an interesting one many years ago, but not startling in appearance. Got sent to a "sick cant get out of bed call" at 3am. Found young guy in his 20s, appears normally healthy, says he was fine earlier, tried to get out of bed to pee, couldnt move his legs (too weak). Vital signs seem normal, no trauma history, or any history for that matter. Sit him up to do orthostatics, his legs fall out of the bed just like a paralyzed persons would, then he says he is very weak from nipple line down (lay him back down carefully in case spinal issue). Go back out get backboard, collar, immobilize him, moved him back to truck, put him on monitor (no 12 lead back then), in leads one and two he is in textbook V-Tach, lead 3 looks more like wide SVT, B/P is like 120/80, every vital sign normal, asked every question I could think of, had no clue what it was. Started IV, transported. ER Doc was just as puzzled, had to leave quickly to catch another call, came back to the ER later, found out it was just simple hypokalemia. He had recently started a new diet and exercise program and depleted his potassium. Another good one is phenothiazine reactions as they can present with something as simple as a locked neck, weird tongue movements, or a total psychotic fit where they become violent and appear crazed. I had one that actually produced seizures about an hour after being discharged from the ER. Or it can be something simple like Malaria -- I had only one of those in my career and had no clue what to do with them. I had always heard the word malaria and new it involved mosquitoes, but did not know what it did to the body.
  22. Well it would be Don, if we did not have a corrupt wheelchair van/dialysis transport industry that is full of fraud.
  23. Extreme depends on your point of view I guess. Tea Party wants to cut funding to unemployment benefits; if you are one of the millions that are employed does not sound extreme, but sounds extreme if you are one of the millions that are unemployed. Democrats want to cut defense spending, to most republicans that sounds extreme. For any government program you cut, that means you are increasing the number of unemployed, which will not be good for our economy. I am sure the federal budget is ripe with waste, and needs to be cut, but I am for an across the board cut of all departments and services, so everyone feels the pain, not just who the tea party or democrats want to cut.
  24. It is possible, not probable, as we all know that ETT's that are not secured well can slip up or down 1-2inches when a patient moves their head, and it is only a piece of lettuce.
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