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Everything posted by crotchitymedic1986

  1. Fair statements herbie, but let met try to bring this whole discussion home: Let's take your average EMT or Paramedic class anywhere in the US. The tests for the course and for National Registry are written by educated people, and I assume that they do not intend to be biased towards any group. Yet, many times in the past, white students who had an A-B average in school, have failed the National Registry test, and will continue to do so. I am sure you are aware of people who do not "take written tests" very well, even though they can cite the answer to the question when asked verbally. So if you have a class of 20 students, and they were all taught the same class, by the same instructor, using the same materials, why do you not get the same grade for all members of the class ? Obvioulsy those who scored poorly in class did not study as hard as the A students, so you would anticipate that they would have a lower grade, but how do you get such a wide disparity among those A-B students (some pass first time, some take 3-4 times to pass). Are they all lazy and stupid ? They all had the same opportunity ? So when white people fail the National Registry it's because they dont take test well. When black people fail a promotional exam (probably not written by a scholar, but by a white person who had his parent's economic prosperity to support them through college (even if the student paid the loans) who works in the department), it is because they are lazy and didnt study hard enough ?
  2. Most of the ones that are claiming the 80-90% are not counting your mandatory write-offs for taking assignment. They can collect 80-90% of what is billable, which is anywhere from 40-60% of your total AR, depending upon your demographics and whether you are transport or 911. Anyone that claims they can collect 80-90% of all of your billed calls is lying or fraudualant
  3. During the time-period of January 1 – April 30, 2009, there have been 70 serious ambulance crashes in the United States (as compiled by EMS Network). Those 70 accidents have produced the following: EMS Personnel Injured: 68 EMS Personnel Killed: 0 Patient Injured: 14 Patient Killed: 4 Passenger in Amb injured 1 Passenger in Amb killed: 2 Other Vehicle Injured: 39 Other Vehicle Killed: 10 Better numbers for April, interesting that there was some Canadian crashes that made the news, and apparantly Michael Jackson's (hee-hee) driver was involved in a minor ambulance accident (not counted in these statistics)
  4. NO cbemt it is you that fail for keeping your head in the sand, and insisting that since slavery ended some 140 + years ago, that AAmericans have no excuse for not measuring up to whites. Once again, while white kids have been in an educational system since the 1700s in the US, AA's were not allowed to attend school until the 1950's-60's, and had to risk their life to do so. To continue to insist that everything is now equal, even though instances of discrimination are highlighted in the media on a daily basis (to this day) should be evidence enough that we are still not equal in opportunities. Basically, this is what you are saying: A man rapes a woman for two weeks straight, then feels guilty about it, so to make up for it he replaces the panties he ripped off of her with a new pair, and then wonders why she can't get over it. We never got our 40 acres and a mule, we didnt get education for another 100 years after we were "freed" but left unemployed, and we still to this day do not have equal footing in the job market. But hey, a bunch of whites voted for a black guy, so all is well.
  5. I dont think it really matters which diagnoisis is correct, either way, the ambulance crew is likely to take the lazy way out and tell the mom to give tylenol/motrin and see the doc in the morning, then ask her to sign a statement that says she is refusing EMS transport. P.S. : To all you rookies and wannabes that think you know more than me because you read a book once (I was cancelled on more calls than most of you have run in your career) this scenario was flawed from the beginning, because you were only given the choice of two possiblities of diagnosis; strep throat or meningitis. Did any of you genuises remember that not all kids get immunized for a variety of reasons, and that this child could just as easily have mumps or measles, or any number of viruses or other infections that start with fever and general body pain ? But as usual in today's world of cookbook medicine, when you have symptoms A & B, the diagnosis must be C. That snappy enough for you
  6. White people are hilarious. You only get upset when someone pees on your part of suburbia. The link I provided from the UK is typical of the white reaction. The person was upset that there were so many blacks on TV in the UK, when at best they only make up 9% of the population, so tv is not reflective of his population. Funny, he didnt have any concerns when tv was 100% white, and not reflective of the UKs population. SO a handful of white firefighters didnt get their 5% raise and promotion, big deal. African Americans have over 20% unemployment and are still 60% of the prison population due to the racist policies that exist in the US. (P.S. let me guess the next post' "crotchity show me a scientifc study that proves racism exists in american policy". Fine, google prison sentences for crack cocaine possession (black crime) versus powdered cocaine possession (white crime). I will let you make a value judgement as to which crime is worse - the 17 year old black kid in the hood with 3 crack rocks, versus the white millionaire in Miami that just flew in a kilo of cocaine. Google white versus black DUI arrest (or any traffic arrest, as nubian americans are always guilty of DWB --driving while black). Still dont think there is racism in EMS -- we just ended the month of April; go back and look at your call volume, and see what % of refusals were whites versus blacks, and compare that with the total call volume. You guys are all about scientific studies, lets see if you will "study" your own organization and report the truth)
  7. http://www.theonion.com/content/node/30934 http://blogs.bet.com/news/newsyoushouldkno...008-naacp-says/ http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/2027161.stm http://www.usatoday.com/life/television/ne...nority-tv_x.htm http://www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,259579~3~6...ttoized,00.html added this one for the troll factor http://www.cracked.com/article_15677_9-mos...characters.html Here is a racist that supports your view http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2003/sep/2...oadcasting.race
  8. As someone who worked in a pediatric hospital's ER, and had the opportunity to treat all of the children who had meningitis who had been sent to the doctors office or local adult ER by car, at the direction of EMS, I would caution you to always think menengitis when you have fever. Note: I said "think", not treat. The rash and stiff neck are late symptoms, and most kids in the 2-4 year range may not be able to describe a "stiff neck" or are too scared to tell the room full of firefighters and medics who have just barged into his home. Until we have the ability to do a white count in the field, we should not be so quick to diagnose all fevers as ear infection, teething, strep, or a virus.
  9. You have no problem of accusing me of playing the race card, why dont some of you play the "truth" card ? Just answer honestly: 1. We have " __________" number of african americans at my company. 2. We have "__________" of white employees at my company. 3. We have "__________" number of african american supervisors at my company. 4. I have dated _____________ number of african americans during my lifetime.
  10. Find you a quiet place: Imagine a man in his 30s. He is forced to live in a dirt floor shack with no water or airconditioning. He is not allowed to be educated, he is beaten daily, he is not allowed to go to church, his wife and teenage daughter get raped by their owners on a regular basis, his kids are split up and sold to the highest bidder, he works a 14 hour day working crops in ubearable heat, he is a prisoner every day of his life. scroll down now imagine that he is a WHITE man ! "Oh and by the way Crotchity, I like your "white" avatar " Why dont you go ahead with the next line: The future is looking bright because there are no blacks on the jetsons. But I guess you have not noticed that is wasnt until after the Cosby show, that blacks were allowed to have any significant roles on television, unless they needed someone to play a criminal. Yes snoopy is white, the main character in 99% of all media is white; but there isnt any racism there !
  11. Caveman discovers fire and cooks his meat instead of eating dead meat that is filled with parasites = lives longer First 100 cavemen that cook, suffer burns, get infections and die = other cavemen learn to avoid burns and live longer education or evolution ?
  12. I am sorry to obscure the view that you are enjoying through your rose colored glasses, but electing a black president does not make up for 300 years of transgressions. I understand the definition of genetics, and if you could unfreeze a cave man and test his IQ versus the average white american today, you would understand how 1000s of year of education have improved the genetics of those people, and their capacity to learn. As far as proof of racism: All you have to do is watch 20/20 and Dateline, to see how far we have NOT come. One did a show where more qualified blacks applied for jobs along with whites that were part of a study group, and the blacks were passed over for the job 90% of the time, for the white applicant (was done in NY I think). The other show did a study where they sent the same resume with two different names at the top; one with an african american sounding name, the other with a white name. Guess who got called ? How many black CEOs do you know of ? How many black coaches in sports (compared to whites) ? How many black senators and congressmen are there ? And I ask once again, how many blacks do you have in a supervisory role where you work ? We do not have the same opportunities as whites. Now I will conceed that some of these issues may be more about prejudice instead of racism, as I believe a manager is more likely to hire/promote people that are most like him/her, whether they be black or white (could be subconsciously).
  13. every race has its lazy side, just watch jerry springer or cops to see the white ni**ers. And you may think that i am making excuses, or being lazy, but I would claim that most whites are being arrogant and are in denial if they think that slavery does not dumb down a race, that is it dumbs down the ones you didnt kill. But if I remember right, I believe whites will become the minority in the US in the year 2030, we will see how you feel when the shoe is on the other foot. Yes, education is somewhat genetic, in that your level of education is usually driven by your parents. If you have two college educated parents who are home to help you with your homework, and demand that you keep an A-B average, then you will probably find a smart student (most asians). But if you are the child of a single mom, who was a high school drop-out, does not value education, and is not there at night to hold you accountable, you will probably not be in top tier of your class. Sure there are a handful that always break the rule, but for the most part, what i have said is true. And if you dont understand how 300 years of discrimination hurts a race of people, then there is nothing i can say to change your mind.
  14. Whether it is right or wrong, this did happen to me, while i was bagging a respiratory arrest patient. My partner crashed into another vehicle about 1.5 miles from the hospital: She checked on the other driver who was uninjured, and then asked me what to do. I told her to tell the woman we had a critical patient, and that we needed to get on to the hospital. I told her to let dispatch know to send PD, the white shirts, and a wrecker to the scene. We transported the patient to the ER, and then my partner immediately drove back to the scene to do that paperwork, while I was doing mine. I am sure I broke many rules, but i didnt get written up; my explanation to the white shirts: no one was going to die if we left the scene, one person may have died had we been delayed. Had I been 20 miles from the hospital, it might have been different, but being a mile or so away made it a no-brainer
  15. Well I think Chris Rock said it best: " There isnt a single white person who would "switch" places with me (become black) , and I am a millionaire !" Thats how good it is to be white. Even if you are poor white trash you wouldnt switch to black. Call it prejudice, racism, or whatever you like.
  16. You can also lift their arm up so that it is perpendicular to their body, over their head, and let it go. If they are awake, they will not let their arm hit themselves in the head or body, but will instead let it flop to the side, not hitting their body. Whatever you do, dont be the type of medic who puts alcohol swabs in a syringe, and then squirts the alcohol up their nose. Many in our field do that, and it is inappropriate.
  17. The jews got over it ? How much foreign aid do we send to isreal every year, and we werent the ones who did the holocaust. Funny, how everyone thinks that all the other races in America are doing just fine. Have you visited a Native American Indian Reservation lately ? If it were not for casinos infusing some cash, that race would be dead now. How about the mexicans, yes lots of mexican millionaires on every block, yeah right. And those of you who say racism doesnt exist are full of it. How many of you whites who are "not racist" have dated or would marry an african american ? Racism is alive and well in EMS/Fire, like I said, look around your station and see how many african american supervisors you have. And all of you who think slavery ended in the 1860's, think again. Slaves only gained the right to starve to death if they didnt continue doing the same work they had been doing for the last 100 years. Your ancestors did not go out an embrace former slaves and offer them a new skilled job. You also refused to let us in your schools for another 100 years. Yes, we have had a whole 50 years to catch up to your generations of being educated, sorry we disappointed.
  18. I tell you what -- you enslave the white race for the next 300 years, do not let them learn to read or write, dont let them attend normal high school and college --- then let them go to school for 40 years, and we will see how smart the second or third generation of whites is. You deserve every promotion you lost --- or atleast your grandparents do.
  19. The reason we blacks score lower on standardized tests is because of a little thing called slavery -- you do remember that ? If you dont, let me also remind you that blacks were not allowed to attend white schools and universities until the 1960s. That puts us about 200 years behind whites in the US, and you have to remember that the first generations of black students did not have an educated family at home to assist them with their studies. Then you also have to understand that many questions that you find easy on a standardized test, are not so easy for blacks. For instance: Coffee cup is to saucer as napkin is to __________________ (table cloth, toaster, salad fork, or butter dish). Sounds easy enough, but when you are a poor child (regardless of race), you may have never seen a coffee cup, saucer, table cloth, salad fork, or butter dish in your home. I understand why whites do not like quotas, but at the same time, look around your department and see how many african american officers you have ? If you go to Mcdonalds and they serve you the wrong hamburger, you dont go to Burger King for your refund. Whites held our race back for 100s of years in the US, now you have to pay for your wrongs. And yes I realize that it was not you personally who enslaved us, but it will take generations for us to catch up to whites.
  20. Doesnt matter if he is volunteer or paid, you do the same for all: Its called the progressive disciplinary process. When he behaves in an erratic manner or does something unprofessional, you write him up for "unprofessional behavior" - write him up 2-3 times, then fire him. But before you do that, ask yourself: is his unprofessionalism due to overeagerness to be accepted by anyone (does he have friends - i bet not). For all of the bad, you listed several good characteristics that he had -- he is dependable, he is take-charge (not good at it, but wants to do it), he wants to help. Is it possible to redirect him to tasks that he is good in ? None of you like him, but has he ever received any patient complaints ? And no, I do not like MOB voting or MOB rule -- remember the definition of democracy is "three wolves and a chicken voting on whats for dinner". It is very easy to not fit in the clique, and then be ostracized from the group. I am willing to bet if you were hurt in an accident, this guy would be the first at your hospital bed, or at your home to help your family.
  21. How about "Is ALS care worth the cost ?" When you factor the number of calls that actually require ALS care immediately in the field (you could argue that many chest pain patients would survive a quick BLS ride to the ER) you have to ask do we really need as many paramedics on fire engines and ambulances, as most services staff ? Then compare it to outcomes for prehospital arrest, which have not signifcantly improved, and you really have to ask would we be better off staffing 4 BLS ambulances as compared to 2 double medic ambulances (or one ambulance and ALS fire response vehicle).
  22. This discussion is typical about what is wrong with EMS, everyone wants to bitch about the problem, but when it comes time to roll up your sleeves and do some work, everyone walks away. You do not have to buy brand-new, state of the art, triple chamber pumps to regulate what we need to regulate in EMS. There are many reputable companies that deal it refurbished pumps with a warranty. I have found several on the internet in the $400-1000.00 range. Maybe you can only buy one a quarter, or two annually, but you can afford to buy what you need. Maybe you can do a fundraiser, maybe you can talk your local hospital into donating some old ones, when they buy new ones (or sell them to you cheap). I get tired of hearing the "we cant afford it" bullshit. You didnt budget for $5.00 a gallon diesel, but you managed somehow (because you were forced to). I promise you that if you would get your ass off myspace and facebook for 30 minutes, you could figure out a way to start buying some pumps for your service. Sosayeththecrotch
  23. I will take "words you can find in spellcheck" for $200 Alex.
  24. next time, make yourself an Elvis sandwich --- Peanut butter/bananna/mayo on white bread, fried in a pan like grilled cheese ---hhhhmmmmm
  25. I agree with whoever voted first, being pregnant is not an emergency, but many folks make the mistake of transporting them first before more critical patients, or working a pediatric or adult arrest during an MCI. A tip on triage at an MCI: (this should make someone mad, but it works). You get on your external radio/PA or yell, "If you are injured and can walk, walk over to this ambulance or green tarp and sit down, some one will be with you shortly". That instantly separates your yellow/greens from most red/blacks --- obviously you will need to triage them to make sure you didnt have a walking red.
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