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Everything posted by crotchitymedic1986

  1. what kind of doc are you gonna be ?
  2. and that whole thing about if you have a radial pulse, you have a b/p higher than 90 is all BS too.
  3. again, we are not talking about AMA refusals, we are talking about the kind of call Kaisu referenced today where lazy medics dont do their job and talk someone out of going to the hospital.
  4. charlee, dont be so sure your private gig is not in trouble. Ask your boss if they make payroll from a line of credit first, or revenues first ? Many private services rely on a line of credit, because their reimbursement doesnt always occur at payroll-friendly times (and isnt always what the amount they were counting on). If your company relies on a line of credit, you could have big problems, regardless of profitabilty or call volume.
  5. I am not arguing both sides of this issue, I think my views on "ems" refusals versus patient refusals have been well documented in multiple threads. If your diabetic patient wakes up and refuses EMS care, then so be it. All I am stating is that when you talk them out of going to the hospital, based on a single glucometer reading post D50 admin, that you may be doing your patient a disservice. 10 minutes earlier, the patient was near death, now they are OK to stay home. I do not know of too many other cases where we make that decision: Status seizures resolved by Valium -- leave at home ? Anaphylaxis resolved by Epi & Benadryl --- leave at home ? Chest pain resolved by SL NTG -- leave at home ? Hypotension resolved by fluid bolus -- leave at home ? Bradycardia resolved by Atropine -- leave at home ? Unstable tach resolved by valsalva or shock -- leave at home ?
  6. In an effort to help out all the young bucks in the room, I am soliciting Valentine's Day advice that will make them all heros this year. Please feel free to share your suggestions on how they can make this day unique and romantic. My advice: Tailor the day to her, whatever it is that she likes. For instance, if she loves horses, take her somewhere where she can ride horses. Does she have a favorite romantic restaurant or movie ? Do you two share a memory that can be relived (first date location/event). When all else fails : http://www.proflowers.com/?pageid=search&a...;network=google
  7. http://www.emsresponder.com/publication/ar...d=1&id=8907
  8. thanks, not sure why i thought she was so young, i guess it was because she is still idealic and loves her job.
  9. Go kaisu Go ! You can make it as long as you want to, its all in your frame of mind. Happy people find a way to be happy in the most miserable of circumstances, miserable people find a way to be miserable in the most happy of circumstances. I wouldnt do 48s forever, but while you are still young, go for it, just make sure you save some of that money you are earning. One of the transitions I made, was to just stay awake my whole 24, and sleep the next day. I found that just getting 20 minutes of sleep here and there made me bitchy, whereas if i came in knowing i would be up the whole 24, i was a happy camper.
  10. Care to go ahead and make your prediction for tomorrow night's game ? Winner is the closeset person to the actual score without going over. My guess is Pittsburgh 31 Arizona 10 Tiebreaker: In case multiple people pick the same score, predict the number of turnovers the losing team will have, without going over: I predict 4 turnovers by the losing team.
  11. I feel sad for the driver of the fire engine, he will live with those images the rest of his life. I imagine he/she will be charged with vehicular homicide, and will have a long legal battle to endure.
  12. Well i have not had a BM today, so I may be full of it, but I still stand by my assertions. Doctors have much more area to cover than we do in our limited scope, so using a book is not necessarily a bad thing, as I doubt that i could remember all aspects of every disease known to man, nor the proper dosage of every drug known to man. Paramedics should be able to keep up with the 30 or so drugs that we administer, the proper dosage, and the proper way to calculate a drip rate.
  13. No, it depends on what you bought, and when you bought it. I am not sure if it was an option with the first models, if it was, it wasnt part of the basic package, you had to add it on. But the first LP12s we bought, did not have AEDs on them.
  14. I second the making your own, but I will yield that it is OK for rookies to carry a guide, until they have run a few calls and have boosted their confidence and experience. But if you have been doing this for five years and are carrying one of those commercial pocket guides, you are lazy.
  15. Field guides are crutches for those who do not know what they should know to do this job. Imagine your pilot pulling out an instruction manual to assist him in landing your plane.
  16. How dare you even talk about the Messiah's family--lol
  17. Not a bad plan annie, i like the thinking, so do those monitors have the built-in aed, if not, are you planning to put AEDS on your BLS trucks ?
  18. In the US, an ambulance is an ambulance regardless of what level it is, and regardless of whether it is 911 or non-emergent. Many BLS trucks in the US, do not have an AED or manual defib on board (in many states, it would be illegal to have a monitor on a BLS truck). The hope would be that services would not send a BLS unit to an ALS call, but obviously, if they are the only ambulance available, then they would have to be sent.
  19. No my feeling is the same regardless of who he killed. Prison time allows for the chance of escape or parole. If he is mentally ill, his family should not have allowed firearms in his home.
  20. never mind doc, i read it wrong --- without an aed, all they can do is cpr. kind of sad, the first responder vehicle is better equipped for that emergency than the ambulance.
  21. I am confused by your post doc. Are you asking why would you want an AED, because your units have real monitors on board with manual defibs ? If so, the reason is basics cant interpret EKG, so having a manual defib is worthless, whereas much like on first responder vehicles, AEDs require no EKG interpretation ability. The basic truck would attach the AED and follow the directions. If the patient needed defib, they would get it.
  22. I posted because I have a daughter, wife, and mother, and the although I doubt the original email was real (or atleast not written by a real witness of this crime), it seemed like a very logical new way to kidnap a woman. I remember a story my boss shared with me. One day while he was at work, his wife decided to go shopping. She didnt tell him she was going, she just headed out. She was in a small boutique, at the back of the store, when the lone salesperson started hitting on her. She told him she was married, but that didnt deter him. She looked around and realized she and he were the only ones in the store, and had the guy decided to drag her into a back room, no one would have ever known where she had been, or where to begin searching for her. THere is evil in this world.
  23. I do not care if he learns a lesson, I do not care if his death deters others from committing the same crime-- I want him dead so that he does not kill again.
  24. fair enough, i would make that change for you. But I wouldnt be so quick to think it would all be negative. I imagine for every jerk who rips you a new one because he thought the bill was too high, there would be some nice ones from folks who wouldnt have taken the time to write a thank you note (or forgot), but would now take this opportunity to praise your service.
  25. Just think if one of the fire/ems people on the scene was allowed to carry a concealed weapon or a tazer. Of course this was in New York, where only criminals are allowed to carry guns.
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