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Everything posted by crotchitymedic1986

  1. does anybody relieve the guy or gal with the incredible body odor ? You cant kill that smell, you spray a ton of febreeze and lysol, and the funk just laughs at you.
  2. me thinks your attempt at humor masks a fear.
  3. you are right, we take this job as routine, when in fact it is often very dangerous. Which is why I intend on maintaining the ambulance crash log throughout the year. Alot of people think it is a dumb thread, but accidents are still our number one killer, yet when we drive we do not drive like we could die at any minute. Hopefully in the days and weeks ahead, we will find out more details about why this murder happened, and hopefully, everyone will be just a little bit more careful because of it.
  4. forgot about peter framptom comes alive, saturday night fever soundtrack, grease soundtrack, sticky fingers, and the soundtrack to oh brother where art thou
  5. this story shares a little more info, but not much : http://www.newzjunky.com/police/coplog090131sp.htm
  6. If you are currently assigned to a BLS unit, do you have an AED on board ? If not, why not ?
  7. I know many of you that are employed by hospitals probably mail out surveys to your patients to grade your service. If so, what questions are asked. If i were to create one, I think i would ask these questions: 1. Please rate our response time. 2. Please rate the professionalism of our crew. 3. Please rate the cleanliness of the ambulance. 4. Were the medics attentive to your needs (comfort, warm, cold. pillow/blanket offerred). 5. How would you rate the ride to the hospital (was it too bumpy or rough). 6. Do you feel the treatment that was offerred by the medics was appropriate. 7. If you were not transported, did you refuse or were you talked out of going. 8. If you were not transported, did the medics tell you that you could call back if there was a problem. 9. How would you rate the medic's bedside manner. 10. Were you satisfied with the way your ambulance bill was processed. What would you add ?
  8. Not much info available: http://www.newswatch50.com/news/local/stor...Tbr31_1FAw.cspx
  9. who says that i am not in touch with my feminine side ? anyway he said he was a she when i picked him up at the bar -- i thought that was a big adams apple.
  10. You dont have to be a rocket scientist to judge how clean your room was, how polite your nurses were, or how well your pain was managed. But the subjective patient judgements only make up a small portion of the grading, as stated most is based on outcomes and statistics of that facility (c-sec rate, nosocomial infection rate, door to needle time, etc......). I think you guys might be a little scared of being graded.
  11. they never ask the ladies man to leave -----LOL
  12. OK guys pick a side, when we were discussing rectal D50, you claimed there was no need to hurry, as you had never seen a critical hypoglycemic patient. Now that someone wants to move them to the ambulance first, it is delaying life-saving care --- cant have it both ways.
  13. It does matter what might or might not happen, as I am sure you have ordered a Head CT on a patient who you knew would be negative, but did it to cover your butt. No one is suggesting kidnapping, the person just stated that their policy was to load the hypoglycemic patient in the ambulance before administering D50.
  14. It doesnt quite work that way, it is a very complicated system of grading that looks at several things (in the hospital, havent heard about applying it to EMS). The hospitals are compared by region, and it does tend to improve hospitals, as none of them want to be in the bottom third. The top hospitals work with the lower scoring hospitals to help them increase their scores, or atleast they did when I was affiliated with the system. They look at everything from stroke / cardiac / pneumonia care, to hospital spread infections, to food quality. Its not just subjective patient grades, it is based on outcomes as well. I think it would be a good thing if all ambulance services in a particular city or region were graded against each other.
  15. You may be right, my thoughts are that is has been a money loser for Laidlaw for many years, at some point you have to say enough is enough and either sell it off or shut it down. My guess is that they will try to break it up into smaller sections and sell, but i am not sure any bank would loan money for that kind of purchase (anywhere in the world). P.S.: And its really not about profit and loss or call volume -- its just that big companies like that have to rely on credit lines to meet payroll, and those lines are drying up.
  16. I agree with mobey, you need to bring it home. Somehow you need to show or define "the need", by saying something like in 2008, 27% of our patients (x number) needed ALS treatment but didnt receive it. Or when a neighboring province changed to ALS, they saw "xyz" improvement the following year. I know that is far more difficult than writing a letter, but if you want to succeed you have to convince them why they need to spend another 40-50k --- they will say, we havent heard any complaints about the current service level, why change ? In the US, you would be supported by the fact that you would increase revenues by offerring this level of care --- you have shown the cost, you havent shown the benefit.
  17. Chris, go see one of the companies that you interviewed with and ask them what you could do to make yourself a more attractive candidate. You never know why they might not have chose you, and you have a common name, so you could have some wrong information on your background check that is barring you from employment. Or it could just be that your past employer is giving you a bad reference. Typically, I also stayed away from those who left the business and were trying to get back in, rightly or wrongly, I saw most as burn-out cases, and would rather of had the rookie who wasnt burnt out and did not have alot of bad habits. You need to make a compelling arguement for why you got out, and why you should be let back in. Hope that helps, good luck.
  18. http://www.wksr.com/wksr.php?rfc=src/artic...ml&id=19872 http://www.siouxcityjournal.com/articles/2...54d00830e44.txt
  19. I thought i was just making them happy, but apparantley I have been inducing CVA's --LOL http://archneur.ama-assn.org/cgi/reprint/61/7/1114.pdf
  20. Look at it from this perspective: List from start to end, all the things that occur to various body parts and organs during a hypoglycemic event. Think about what has just happened to that patient over the past 15-20 minutes.
  21. So if i have someone with chronic angina, who had chest pain that was relieved by 3 ntgs, and he knows his pain, and knows when he is having angina versus MI, I shouldnt try to get him to go to the ER for evaluation ?
  22. I would say most already do, as they have learned from their lawsuits over drunks who died while in a holding cell. But to answer your question, if they do not have a jail nurse or medic to monitor the patient, then it is in theirs and the patients best interest to have the patient evaluated. Did you not read the post on here about the surgeon who had a stroke, but was determined to be just drunk, and not transported ? But lets carry it out to its logical conclusion: Lawyer to you: How intoxicated was this patient when he signed the refusal ? you: what do you mean ? he was drunk, i dont know how drunk. lawyer: so you have no idea what is BAC level was ? you: no. lawyer: so you didnt know if his BAC was .08 or .50 did you ? you: no lawyer: his BAC level was .35 when he arrived at the ER by the second ambulance an hour later. Do you think someone who has a BAC at 3 times the drunk driving limit in most states, and at the recognized toxic/ lethal limit, can make rational intelligent decisions ? you: of course not checkmate.
  23. Check ! your move.
  24. You raise a good point --- how do you determine who is too drunk to sign your refusal: Blood alcohol level ? Breathalyzer ? Ability to recite the ABCs backwards ? By number of drinks they state they have ingested (of course the answer is alwsys two beers). P.S. I am not suggesting you transport anyone who has had a drink, I am suggesting you transport those who are intoxicated.
  25. congrats on your successs, but i am looking into the crystal ball and seeing the cutbacks in reimbursement and cutbacks in funding due to decreased tax collections (foreclosures, unemployment). Most EMS services will be struggling just to stay afloat by this summer.
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