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Everything posted by crotchitymedic1986

  1. Guess that one was too hard. Has anyone heard of "Sweets Syndrome" ? Buddy of mine just transported a patient with that diagnosis the other day, sounded pretty gnarley.
  2. No, I would not call scrubs a professional uniform. I think nurses and doctors should wear a more professional uniform also.
  3. I am not going to argue the point with you guys, just looking for your opinion. In my opinion a t-shirt is not a professional substitute for a uniform shirt. I know many will disagree, but I cant imagine my neurosurgeon examining me in his office while wearing a t-shirt that has "Surgeon" printed on the back in 6inch letters. What are your thoughts ?
  4. pull the hook out of your mouth spenac ? LOL
  5. Good point happy, syncope is one of my pet peeves. It is not normal for an adult to lose consciousness, especially elderly patients. How some medics can just discount that event and leave someone at home because they have stable vital signs 20 minutes later is beyond me. Now if you want to discuss 14 year old girls, or the sisters at my church this sunday, thats a different story.
  6. cant argue with that, I wasnt there, which is why I defended the point early on, as I think there are many patients who do not get the optimum care due to a bias of some sort, whether they be black, poor, uninsured, obese, gay, or for any other reason. WIth what little that has been presented about this patient though, I am not sure that more could be done. Maybe one of the docs will chime in.
  7. The vicks or any other strong odor causing agent under your nose is best. You will get used to it over time, and dont worry, it is the smells that bother most medics, not the visuals.
  8. disregard, ruff and I2k told me about that imposter a few weeks ago, i forgot.
  9. who is somedic ??????????, havent seen any posts by him or her
  10. Risk versus benefit must be weighed for ALL procedures.
  11. You missed the main point, I wasnt suggesting that he needed PT or bypass --- my point was that I do not know if any Bariatric facilities do open heart or caths. If he can be transferred to a hospital that can do the procedure, that would be great. But you cant risk "table collapse" while you are doing a delicate cardiac procedure. And yes, I am well aware of the reasons for morbid obesity, none of which have any bearing on whether or not he is a good candidate for CABG or Cath. If anything, those reasons, would probably keep him from having the procedure. P.S. There are several surgeries/procedures that doctors will not do if you are a smoker -- professional plastic surgeons will not give you a breast job to every woman that asks for it.
  12. First of many 911 providers who have started doing non-emergency totes as well: http://www.4029tv.com/news/18396977/detail.html
  13. finally, one of the december crashes had a follow-up story, change one injured patient to dead patient: http://www.mercurynews.com/peninsula/ci_11334767
  14. Its bad enough that they didnt think the situation through before they made the order, but the fact that they have been working on a solution for two years, and needed to form a committee to solve the problem is just unbelievable. http://www.tristate-media.com/articles/200.../news/01ems.txt
  15. Since this was aimed at me: 1. First if you can read, you will note that I am already retired from EMS. 2. My testicles are real, humongous, and spectacular -- http://technorati.com/videos/youtube.com%2...v%3DbjEUleEqUvI
  16. What if the shirt was a promotion for the old 80's Musical Band, I hear they are making a comeback ? But this is a good point regarding the unprofessional state of EMS/Fire these days. Since we opted to start wearing t-shirts instead of uniform shirts. Just throw on a t-shirt that says EMS or Fire somewhere on it, and you are suitable to respond to calls. Same is true for the hospital industry, with everyone wearing scrubs, with their name badge on backwards (so you cant see their name and title), you do not know if the hospital employee in front of you is an LPN, Tech, RN, Respiratory Tech, MD, or part of the housekeeping team.
  17. OK first of all, lets clarify what the book is saying. The quote is cord wrapped around baby's head, not neck (maybe it means head out with cord around neck, maybe it means cord is protruding out first, before the baby's head -- while it is crowning). Need to know which one we are talking about. Regardless, you will be lucky to deliver 7 or 8 babies in your career, and probably half of those will be delivered before you arrive on scene, so this is a statistical improbability that you will encounter this problem. Nonetheless, if the head is delivered with the cord around its neck, and you can not remove it, I would cut the cord with trauma shears (not razor knife). I hope you have two OB kits or two sets of clamps, as you may have a few feet of cord that will need to be cut again. Sidenote: I usually left my cords a little long, so that I could cannualize the cord with an IV needle if needed.
  18. OK, everyone take a deep breath and relax, this is a good post and I would hate to see it get locked down because of bruised egos. Lets get back to the topic: I forgot who asked it, but a good point was raised: Why couldnt the patient be transferred to a bariatric facility ? But then the next question is, would a bariatric facility do a cath or CABG on this patient ? Most bariatric facilities that I knew of, were bariatric in bed, toilet, physical therapy equipment, and other equipment; I did not know any that did any invasive therapies. You mentioned Lasix, was there any other "treatment" occuring during those hours ? I am also guessing that the patient was probably diabetic (maybe undiagnosed) with a cholesterol level over 800, and hypertension. While I am not advocating no treatment, some patients are not good candidates for some procedures even though their life is at risk. I dont think you would do a heart transplant in a patient with Metastatic CA. I dont think it was your ER or CCU that failed the patient, instead I would say that: 1. The patient and his family failed himself, he didnt gain 400lbs in the last month. There is a reason you dont see any 500lb 80 year olds roaming the earth. 2. The patient's private doctor failed the patient. I remember working in an ER with a doctor who frequently told parents the truth about their fat little children, and why they needed to be on a diet. You would have thought he called them the "N" word and spit in their face, by the reaction of the parents. It was obvious that although the kid that was 50lbs overweight had a pediatrician, the pediatrician had never suggested a diet (this was the early 90s).
  19. You are not going to believe me, but I had a moment of awakening that changed my life. When my busy urban 911 system transitioned to 13 hour shifts from 24 hour shifts, I realized that I could either not transport 12 patients during my shift, or I could transport 6 or 7. Once I started transporting, I was no longer overworked or as stressed as I used to be when I was up for 24 hours running 16-20 BS calls. Once I realized how this changed my professional life, I realized that much of the things that I stressed about in my personal life were not things that I would be remembering on my death bed, so I just stopped stressing about those issues as well. As far as stressful calls, you have to realize that you didnt cause the illness or injury, all you can do is your best, which sometimes isnt enough. You can be the best PALS provider in the world, but that doesnt reverse pediatric cancer.
  20. You asked for it, you got it. This is above my head (just an old medic), so I apologize if the kick-off questions is too dumb, I have faith that you guys can challenge each other: Which medication (and dosage) is used to treat acute respiratory distress in the sarcoidosis patient ? Lets say bilateral wheezing, tachypnea, and a pulse ox in the 80s. Remember to leave a new challenge question please.
  21. Good job guys, and ER doc, your post is coming, standby.
  22. You would think a "forum moderator" would be more professional.
  23. All of the accidents are US accidents, if you go to the site, you can check out each one yourself. When you go to the "news" section of the site, you have to click on "crash log", then the most recent accidents will pop up. You can then hit the "next" button to scroll back as far as you wish, day-by-day. The site did list some accidents from other countries, and some air-ambulance accidents, I did not use those in the numbers I presented. Sherri, thank you for having my back. My problem is much like what is represented in this post. Anytime I post, there are those who are dedicated to steering the post into a fight, so that it will get locked down. These people are very insecure, and do not like to have their opinions challenged (somehow only their opinion is the right one, every time). Look back at this post and note the people who challenged me because I had not cited a scientific study proving that the number one killer of EMS personnel was vehicle crashes. They jumped up and down, got all upset and red in the face, and then called me all kinds of names. Then I post a link to the scientific study that proves that, and they quickly go away. No apology, no thank you for enlightening me, they just go to the next thread and attack me there. You are obviously very open minded, and I can tell you will do good things in your career, above and beyond just running your calls and going home. But that is fine, as long as I reach one person who might make a change at their workplace, then my job is done.
  24. new question please .......... or is KED the next question.
  25. OK guys, please move to the next question, the point was to create a difficult dopamine drip problem --- whether or not you would ever do it in the field, isnt important. The point was to challenge you to "do the math" on a dopamine drip problem instead of using "cheats". Someone has posted a new question.
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