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Everything posted by crotchitymedic1986

  1. No, but I might have influenced it --LOL. To write a book like that, you have to care what people think about you, and it should be painfully obvious that I do not suffer from that ailment.
  2. My services did not count "posting" (at stations or intersections) but did count standbys at emergency scenes (fire/swat) and at PR events (schools, B/P checks). Does your service count an accident with 4 patients as one case number, or four case numbers ?
  3. Think the title of the book should be "Cult Leader 101"
  4. Like I said in another post, the thought of PR D50 has always been the movtivation that I needed to find the only vein left. But when faced with life/death, PR D50 is better than nothing at all. And of course, no one said you had to use the biggest ETT in your kit. And it is a good motivator for that diabetic patient that you see 3-4 times per month; once he/she wakes up with an ETT tube in the butt, they seem to suddenly get better at remembering to eat after they take their insulin. And the comments about eating and drinking are correct (instead of oral D50). If I remember right, a 12oz can of cola has about 39 grams of sugar, versus the 25gms in D50, if you have a cola to offer. When I have given oral D50, it was in business settings without food/drink nearby.
  5. You are a male medic/emt, and have just responded to a 21 year old woman that has been raped. She has no immediately life-threatening injuries from the rape, so this scenario is not about "medical treatment", but more about human treatment: What kind of conversation do you have with this patient 1) Do you keep it strictly about medical questions, with long periods of silence after those questions are answered ? 2) Do you make any compassionate statements ? 3) Do you offer advice, or do you stay silent out of fear that you may say the wrong thing. Physically: Although we do not routinely make an effort to touch a patient, we do commonly touch them on the shoulder or hold a hand when someone is scared (maybe you have even given a patient or family member a hug when it seemed appropriate). 4) Do you avoid any and all physical contact with this patient ? 5) If you do, do you think that maybe the patient feels she is being shunned, and that maybe your lack of conversation and/or touching is because you see her as "dirty" or "tainted" ? As usual, I do not think there is a right or wrong answer that fits every scenario, I just wondered what your thoughts were on this subject. If it has been asked before, I apologize, but the search function on this site is pretty useless. P.S. This question is primarily pointed towards us guys, but if you are female and some advice to offer, it would be appreciated.
  6. I always take my own advice, and I am open to suggestion. Unfortunately when people disagree with me on this thread, they usually do so by: 1. Calling me names. 2. Denying that the possibility exists, because they havent seen it yet. 3. Deny the possibility of my thought, because it does not have a Harvard Study to back it up, even though they do not have a Harvard study to backup thier opinion. Just look at the "refusals" thread. I have been called every name in the book, people discounted the problem because it didnt have a recent study attached, and most didnt think it was a problem because they do not talk people out of going to the hospital. I stuck to my guns. 6-12 months from now, with several more examples of patient deaths, you will be calling me genious instead of idiot.
  7. Thanks, and i will be bold enough to say it to the people in this thread. Just because your professor or paramedic book says it is so, doesnt make it the only way to do something. Leave your mind open to other possibilities, and you might just learn something.
  8. I haven given D50 PO several times, without problem. The problem with Glucagon is that it does not work as well in obese patients, and you are kind of fighting the clock. The other option is D50 rectally, usually via ETT tube in the anus (please lube), but again, you have absorption issues as it relates to time. I can not recommend the following in every scenario, but should be added for thought. I have given D50 in small sips to patients with altered LOC (still talking or moaning). I have found that diabetics seem to have that 6th sense to swallow when they are in trouble. I know this is contrary to everything you have ever heard, but I have done it (again, starting with small squirts or swallows).
  9. My christmas wish is that all of you get laid real soon. I simply ask a lighthearted question about practical jokes, and it turns into an 8 page world war 3 thread, complete with threats of violence, envy over post counts, and all kinds of emotional trauma. Again, I have some advice for you: When you have the choice between being nice or being right, choose to be nice. You guys get at each other's throats way to fast in these threads. I KNOW ITS HARD TO BELIEVE, BUT THERE IS A CHANCE THAT YOU COULD BE WRONG ABOUT SOMETHING -- BE TOLERANT.
  10. Lighten up Frances, I said I always asked myself if I would laugh at the joke if it happened to me, before I would participate. With that being said, it is obvious that many of us are scared of the PC Police, so if it makes you feel comfortable, I will say that all practical jokes should be banned from the workplace, because they are unprofessional (but somehow watching sex acts is professional), and I realize that no one in this forum would lower themselves to participating in a practical joke. With that being said, you should be able to tell us about the funniest practical joke that you know of, but DID NOT participate in.
  11. well said Dust, and I appreciate your honesty. A mistake isnt a mistake if we learn from it.
  12. We had a guy like that, kept his car spotless. One of the guys took a dump on a plastic plate, and then put it in a ziplock bag, and sealed all but about an inch of the bag, so just a little odor would leak out at a time. Put it under his passenger seat, it took him four days to figure out why his car was stinking.
  13. You guys need to get laid, you are way too tightly wound. If getting a little baby powder on your uniform is going to put you in ICU, you should really reconsider EMS as a career, as we are often exposed to chemical hazards and toxic smoke.
  14. NO spring, no twist, I think practical jokes are an essential function to manage stress, as long as they do not get out of hand. My rule was, if I wouldnt laugh if someone did it to me, I wouldnt do it to them. Never had any problem.
  15. You ever wonder why this generation cant get out of bed, without taking 2 antidepressants ?
  16. I was never a big fan of the testicle painting, as I was not a hose monkey. It was either homosexual or sexual harassment, and I dont think anyone wants anyting done that could "scar" a person emotionally or physically, but a good practical joke can release alot of stress (more along the lines of what wendy suggested).
  17. Sure it does, might loosen you guys up a bit. You couldnt pull a greasy string out of your butts with a tow truck. Lighten up.
  18. thats no what if, that was initiation for all rookies for one fire department my ambulance was housed in. And yes, all rookies had it done.
  19. My definition, which is also the definition of lust versus kinky: Love is tickling her body with a feather. Lust is tickling her body with the whole chicken. But here are how others answered the question: http://www.lotsofjokes.com/love_lust_marriage.asp
  20. 1. Patients do not get brain damage because paramedics fail to intubate them, they get brain damage because paramedics fail to ventilate them. 2. Overdosing someone on versed, so that you can intubate them is very poor patient care.
  21. well if that gets your panties in a wad, its a good thing you got in when you did. I imagine you would have come unglued when you got your testicles painted with hydrant paint against your will.
  22. Oh my god, what is this world coming to ? You guys never did the piece of paper loaded with baby powder, placed on the sunvisor, or putting cellaphane over the urinals or toilet rim (below the seat) ? Or did the old trick where you put a bag of IV fluid under someones mattress, and ran extension tubing behind the window blinds, so evertime they laid down, they got a squirt of fluid ? Never rewired the switches in the box, so that when you turned the compartment lights on, the call buzzer would steadily go off in the cab ?
  23. P3, I think you can make an arguement about quality CPR at the scene and enroute to the hospital, as it is variable to the person(s) performing it. I think the greater point is that if you do not convert them immediately, any conversion you get later, will probably not result in a viable patient being discharged from the hospital (unless it is a cold water drowning). If it was witnessed, and you had immediate bystander CPR, and you want to continue the code, so be it. I think statistically it is a waste of time, but alot of things we do in ems are a statistically a waste of time.
  24. What is t he funniest practical joke you or your coworkers have ever played on another co-worker ? I think one of the funniest things I have seen is when one of our employees spent the night drinking way too much. He had his designated driver drop him off at the station, so he wouldnt oversleep for his shift the next day (this was a private provider, many years ago). Once he passed out, the guys carried him and his bed outside to the adjacent apartment complex, and set his bed in the middle of the tennis court. Lets just say he had a very strange awakening. You had to be there.
  25. only the best privates will survive with no credit to rely on, I think it is 911 that will have to start doing granny totes.
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