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Everything posted by crotchitymedic1986

  1. Good point Richard, and the hand-held scanner has been produced, it is featured in a commercial on TV where the Doctor from various eras look at a sick child's abdomen, and then says "Lets take a look".
  2. It was most likely a hernia, if the mass is not pulsating, and the femoral artery pulse is not significantly weakened, it is probably not a AAA.
  3. I can not believe you guys do not get the simple truth, let me make it easy for you. With all of our science and technology we have not cured a single disease since the 1950's when we cured polio. Now how can that be ? Think about all the millions poured into muscular distrophy, cancer, cerebral palsy, cystic fibrosis, blood disorders, spinal injuries, diabetes, and every other disease process. All we do is create the drug that helps you live with it, we never create the cure. Now who funds most of the research that is done, I believe it's pharmaceutical companies. There is way more money in the monthly maintenance drug than there is in a single-dose cure, so you will never see another disease cured. And if you do not believe that autism, lupus, and AIDS was created by our government, then I don't know what I can say to get you to take the blinders off. We have not CURED a single disease in 60 years, but we created millions of pharmaceuticals to help you live with it. Most elderly are on atleast 10 different prescriptions that cost Medicare (you and me) over $1000.00/month. Call grandma and ask her how much her pharmacy bill is every month ? P.S. Your deodorant is filled with aluminum, check it out. It's not the one shot they get in the first 6 months, it is all of them combined: http://www.cdc.gov/v...schedule-pr.pdf http://www.cdc.gov/v...schedule-pr.pdf And I wonder why Buddhists don't have all of our disease problems, maybe it's because it is against their religion to be vaccinated. Nah, that would be too easy, I guess it's just freaky luck.
  4. http://www.rense.com/general87/stupid.htm funny that we know too much aluminum cause alzheimers, but it cant possibly cause autism. Take off the rose colored glasses folks
  5. ADD is nothing more than kids that need their ass spanked. You can make up all the psychiatric diagnosis that you want to explain the behavior of single moms raising kids without a daddy, but at the end of the day you can not prove any medical coorelation for kids being bad. Just doctors coping out instead of telling moms that you can't raise a kid alone. http://www.rense.com/general87/stupid.htm scroll down to the autism part, funny that too much aluminum is known to cause alzheimers, but we know it has nothing to do with autism. Take the rose colored glasses off folks
  6. more people die in bathtub drownings and lightning strikes, put it in perspective people + in the last 20 years we have had 10-15 people killed in stage collapses ? Yes lets change everything about the concert business because of it.
  7. Surely, but every study has been debunked by the government to protect what they did, but here are a few: http://www.trackingvaccinations.com/ http://www.disabled-world.com/health/neurology/autism/vaccinations-autism.php http://www.naturalnews.com/027178_autism_vaccines.html Just like weapons of mass destruction, we now poo-poo all the studies that show the proof that vaccines cause autism. Wonder why there has been a 1000% increase since we started mandatory vaccines, but obviously that can not be the reason, must be a random cause
  8. nah man, its the same as sunglasses, I have had the same pair for over 10 years, nobody steals the cheap crap
  9. Try spellcheck doc, it is your friend I guess you all believed in weapons of mass destruction and that Lee Harvey killed JFK. And please give some Thalidomide to your children, because the government said it was OK. Autism did not exist until forced vaccinations were implemented.
  10. Not trying to inflame at all, just pointing out we are not near as smart as we think we are, and that "scientific proof" is limited to what our minds know today. Imagine if in 1980 I told you that the computer that takes up a whole room and can only do simple calculator functions would, in less than 10 years, fit in your hand and be solar powered; you would have told me I was crazy. Did any of us envision the smart phone you hold in your hand today when the cell phone came out years ago (holding a mini computer/camera/gps/text messaging system) ? What we know about autism, cancer, aids, or any other disease is limited to the brain of scientist today, which is often forced to certain conclusions to support a political belief or profit model. If you watched Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" years ago, you would have been convinced that we would all be on fire by now or drowning; but once again we found out the science is little more perfect than weather prediction. And when you make fun of witchcraft and home remedies, are you convinced that Asian medicine, which is full of both, is stupid compared to the American Scientific Model ? Last time I checked, they still have a longer life span than we do. There is nothing more arrogant than poo=pooing something that has been around for 1000s of years, because it does not fit your belief system. I would take medicine from a voo-doo doctor any day versus the cook-book crap (pharmaceutical driven) dribble that our medicine pushes.
  11. I say buy cheap on all personal equipment you use at work, it will get lost or stolen at some point.
  12. You guys put way too much faith in the scientific community and the research that is cited as fact. There was a time when the smartest people on this earth knew the earth was flat and that the sun and moon orbited the earth. There was a time when when we believed that attaching leaches to your body would heal you. There was a time when it was known that white german men were a special race and could not be defeated in sports by african americans. There was a time when the smartest engineers in the world believed you would never see a car exceed 25mph. There was a time when all the experts in the world thought that you could not add any more functions to a cell phone, and there was no way it would ever be smaller than your standard 1950's era portable military radio. Time and time again, studies and theories are debunked or proven inaccurate, so please for God's sake stop with the statistics already.
  13. OK, to quote the usuals in the room, show me proof that it exists. ADD is just kids drinking too much sugar and then sitting in front of a video game. PSTD is weaklings who are looking for a way out. If either is a real disease, why did not exist prior to 1980 ?
  14. hmmmm, wonder how all the people in centuries past survived without those drugs.
  15. whats a clamshell ?
  16. There is no such thing as PTSD, just as there is no such thing as ADD. It is all a figment of the pharmaceutical industrys imagination to sell you drugs.
  17. as long as it is against someone white, it is all good.
  18. You may be right about his destination, but that is GOD's decision. Jesus directed us to turn the other cheek and not judge
  19. Next time you go to work, count how many black supervisors you have.
  20. I can pray that EMS will learn from this example and stop being such a racist industry
  21. http://www.gay-test.com/gay.asp
  22. Not perfect, but at least they are trying http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/citydesk/2011/04/19/the-fire-this-time-how-many-black-fire-investigators-does-d-c-have/
  23. I like how Ruff saw the need to cover his tracks and protect his reputation by ending his quote with, I havent slept with any of the above, which is kind of the point. You are not what you say you are, you are not what you hope to be, YOU ARE WHAT YOU DO. And when you choose to not date a race of people, it shows how racist you are.
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