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Everything posted by crotchitymedic1986

  1. The answer probably has something to do with the costs. IM Glucagon use to cost around $80-100.00 per dose, I imagine "IN" is very expensive, but do not know for sure.
  2. Its not that women can't find a penis in film if they search hard enough, it is that someone else is determining that they cant see one in a movie, while females are shown nude all the time. I liken it to laws that forbid you to buy alcohol on Sundays. Yes I have 6 other days to purchase alcohol, but its the fact that someone else's morals are dictating what I can and can not do !
  3. 1. I am not sure that women would get their way if they wanted to. I dont think the country is ready for that.
  4. Ok, just trying to lighten the mood abit, if anyone is offended by this topic, I do apologize, but I really do wonder about this. I was watching an episode of Andy Griffith today, it was the episode where they got an unexpected female prisoner who happened to be very attractive. There was a sexual tension in the air between Andy, Barney and her, when she laid on the prison bed and her leg showed from the knee down (gasp), then in what must have been one of the most sexual scenes on TV in the 50s, they hung a sheet across her cell to give her some privacy and she changed for bed. The light from her cell lit her sillouette, as Barney and Andy watched her take her top off (like the episode of seinfeld when george is in the hospital with his mom, and the woman in the next bed gets a sponge bath). I am not sure if you call it progress, but obviously we see alot more of the female body on tv and in the movies today. It is not uncommon to see almost full nudity of some female at some point in any movie, whether it adds to the plot or not. With that being said, some 60 years later, women do not get to see full frontal nudity on the male form, unless they rent or buy porn. Why is there such hypocracy ? Shouldn't women be allowed to see nude men in movies ? Then the next question, do you women want to see nude men in movies ? Does the hypocracy bother you at all, in the age of women's rights ? We have no problem showing a person being beheaded or set on fire, but god forbid we show a penis or the world will fall apart !
  5. Airbag deployment is not guaranteed as it depends on whether the airbag sensors are engaged. Depending on the location of the sensors, and the area of impact, it is entirely possible that airbags would not deploy, even in a serious crash. I would also seriously doubt that the secondary collision was at 40mph, unless the vehicle was going in excess of 70 or 80 mph before the first collision.
  6. thats probably cause they are not talking about you.
  7. thank you crapmagnet, I apppreciate the compliment more than you know, especially since they are so rare.
  8. Its all about confidence, not skill, so keep at it, it will come to you (assuming you know basic vein anatomy).
  9. WOW, Helen Reddy is rolling over in her grave !!!!!
  10. The state is Pennsylvania, but i do not want to name the service for obvious reasons. Also I must admit, I do not know the other female, so it is possible that she is a diva who doesn't want to break a nail, so the company has a good reason for not giving her a female partner, but my friend presented this as a blanket policy (she had not realized that this was the policy prior, as the men outnumber the women 3 or 4 :1 at that service). I just remember seeing double female trucks in an urban service back in the 80s, of course they always had plenty of firemen around to assist in that department, so it seemed odd that it would be that backwards in this century. But I must defend whoever stated most women do not measure up to men in lifting ability and are often NOT required to take the same physical agility test as men, that has been the case almost everywhere I worked. I also have to take exception to whoever said 400lb patients are rare. I can remember early in my career, if we lifted someone over 300lbs, it was either a wrestler or a professional football player, and it was rare. These days, you get a 350-400 pounder at least weekly if not daily. So I can see both sides, but I am not sure a blanket policy is the answer to any perceived problem
  11. I am not sure, but i do not think they make them lift 150 at time of hire. I think they have to show proper technique, but I believed they dropped the lift requirement after a lawsuit.
  12. Ok, got an email from a female paramedic who is a long time friend. She went to work for a service about 6 months ago and probably has about 7 years experience in EMS. Low and behold she found that one of her Paramedic School classmates (who is also female) worked on a different shift at the same company. Being close friends, when it came time to do a shift bid, they asked to be assigned as partners, but were denied because the employer does not allow double female crews, citing the probable need for lift assist, and the dangers of going into dangerous neighborhoods. Does anyone here work for a company that has such a policy, do you think its legal ? What would you do if you were her ?
  13. I would just advise you to check various sources to understand your true rights, where you LIVE. Not to say that collection agencies are incapable of making a mistake, but they typically go right up to the line they can not cross, and aggrevate you every way they can legally. And not to aire your personal business out in the open, but if you do owe a debt, as long as you send them $5.00 per month, there is nothing they can do to you but ring your phone off the hook. IF you want to PM me and tell me some of the stuff they are doing, I will tell you how I handled similar situations in the past (yes I did have a period of unemployment where I let my credit cards get behind, so I have dealt with some collection issues -- and yes, I drove them as crazy as I drive you guys).
  14. Good advice from all, I would steer you towards whatever you enjoy as a hobby or fun. When you go to the place you do that, you will find other people who have the same interest. Like reading, go to the library or book store and hang out, or join a club. Like jogging, join a running club. Whatever you enjoy, go do it. If you dont have anything, then it is time to start something new you think you might enjoy.
  15. You dont think 200 + years of not having education has weakened the black race. Try it on whites for the next 200 years and lets see what happens
  16. I am not aware of any question I have not answered, but feel free to send them to me, and I will answer. To your current question of how do we fix it: 1. African Americans should have a free scholarship to the college of their choice for the next 200 years. 2. African Americans should not be required to pay taxes on any income for 200 years. 3. African Americans should receive 0 interest loans for cars, homes, and lifestyle purchases for 200 years. 4. Every African American should receive $1,000,0000.00 in reparations. 5. Every employer must have a work force and management force that has a minimum of 25% african americans. I can live with that.
  17. Age doesnt matter, but your engineering background may be a problem. I hired 6 retired engineers over the years and all of them flopped as medics, as they can not think in grey, only black and white. Maybe I picked the wrong 6, but it was weird that all of them had issues. Otherwise I would hire an older person over a younger person every day of the week.
  18. Wrong on all accounts, but please continue to hurl the insults as that is what people with no answers are left with. I do not believe blacks are the only ones harmed by slavery or white men. Yes you owe a debt to african americans due to the slavery and second class status you held us under until the late 60s. You also owe a debt to american indians, the japanese (for dropping the atomic bomb and for inprisoning them here), you owe a debt to the modern day slave, the illegal mexicans that you lured here with jobs, and then treated as second class. You owe a debt to those who were slautered in africa in recent years as you sat on your hands and allowed a genocide to happen (of course you stepped in when white jews were facing genocide). What is utterly unbelievable is how you think you have no blood on your hands because you didnt actually do the whipping or cross burning. You have reaped the rewards of your ancestors sins for years, and are not willing to give anything up, AMAZING !
  19. When you have such down-time, use it to lay your hands on every piece of equipment in the truck and ask questions about it. It is very often the case that third riders are treated poorly or ignored, which is sad, we were all there once, you think we would go out of our way to treat you better.
  20. It may seem that I am beating the dead horse, but its only because you guys keep bringing it up. Search the records and see how many topics I have posted about race ? I am only responding as the sole african-american in the room; if you do not want to hear my views on race then tell the rest of the room to stop posting racial topics. As far as being a bigot or racist because I am not a fan of homosexual activity, that is not the case. I disdain the activity they engage in, not the color of their skin; I disdain black homosexuals as equally as white or asian homosexuals. I do not hang out with pedophiles, drug addicts, drunks, or wife beaters; not because of the color of their skin, but because of what they do.
  21. So does that mean you support what she did ?
  22. http://www.aolnews.com/2011/03/11/car-crash-victim-sues-paramedic-who-stole-his-foot/
  23. Your employer does not provide this for you ?
  24. Yes richard, the fact that you show empathy and are willing to see things in a different light means you are one of the good guys. We all have some level of predjudice or racism, if for no other reason because most of us were raised and hung around our type, thus we do not have a true understanding of what others have been through. I have been quite open about my disdain for homosexuals, I do not consider them a race, but I obviously have issues there as I blanketly judge all of them by their actions instead of the content of their heart. If I were a better person I would not let my disdain for what they do cause me to avoid the people. But I am not there yet, we are all works in process.
  25. There is nothing like good old republican "pull yourself up by your bootstraps logic", the problem is the person has to have boots and straps. I assume all of you have taken a math class, and most of you took algebra, so lets see how you do with this question: "the 3X + 1 problem". Let f(x) be a function defined on the positive integers such that: f(x) = x/2 if x is even f(x) = (3*x+1)/2 if x is odd Then the conjecture is: iterates of f(x) will eventually reach 1 for any initial value of x. The feeling you have right now, is the same feeling most minorities (excluding white women) feel when they take a promotional or entrance exam written by white people (usually university elitist). The mathmatician would marvel at how dumb you must be if you can not solve this problem immediately. I do conceed that not every black person's fate in life is due to an evil white person who held them back, if you will conceed that every member of his family from his grandparents back was held back by white people. All you EMTs, go try to pass the National Registry Paramedic Exam without taking the Paramedic course, see how you do. You can not withhold education from a group of people for centuries and then expect them to excel on a test at the same level of people who have not had education withheld. I respect people who have an honest disagreement about affirmative action, all I ask is you tell me what system you would use to make sure the playing field is level ? I guarantee you that on every Fire Department's promotion exam that there is a question about friction loss, yet I have never seen a fireman calculate friction loss on a working fire scene, so why is the question there ? To purposefully create lower scores for those who are not good with math.
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