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Everything posted by Arctickat

  1. Got a promotion did ya?
  2. ROTFLMMFAO Nice one there News Bot.
  3. Well, you're one up on most of the newer generation. Much of the time they would just radio out of service until the tow truck or maintenance guy came to change the tire.
  4. I carry an impact wrench in the ambulance for those roadside tire changes. Welcome to the forums Caleb.
  5. Indeed it does, our annual P.A.R.T.Y. program is a huge success.
  6. I don't like the idea of a controlled burn, in fact, it's illegal here. A burn can't happen unless all toxic substances are remove from the building, such as wiring, asphalt shingles, oil based painted surfaces, etc. If I were to see a Fire Dept. conducting such a burn here I would report them, likely someone there would not appreciate it either.
  7. Perfectly fine. She was a tiny little thing though. Took a lot for her to decompensate...her problems actually all began when they put the pacemaker in.
  8. Unit 1471 is conducting an emergency response in the Kelvington area,

  9. Yes, she was already a princess, but not a DISNEY princess.
  10. With the tax rebate idea I was thinking like a 1% reduction for every meeting attended by the volunteer. If you have monthly meetings with the summer off, that's a 10% reduction/rebate. Additionally our vollies get paid $25.00 for a call out.
  11. That's just silly, a bus is a totally different sort of vehicle than an ambulance is. That's like calling a police car a cab, or a fire truck a water truck, or a paramedic an ambulance driver. I'm sure that couldn't be what he meant in using such a derogatory term to identify the emergency vehicle he works in.
  12. Do these folks pay taxes? Perhaps a tax rebate for volunteers would help.
  13. My Gmother lived for years with a heart rate in the 30s and low 40s. Keep strong buddy.
  14. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/zaki-hasan/disney-buys-star-wars_b_2052574.html Does this make Leia a Disney princess now?
  15. You had to take a bus to get to the ambulance for a call? You'd have been better off if your partner would pick you up on the way.
  16. Fuzzy thoughts buddy.
  17. I just read my post over again and did a face palm...let me put the two words in there that I missed and fix the order.... "Our fire dept has the equipment to cut power to a downed line and render it safe, but I'll have to check if there is a maximum voltage they are rated for." It's what I was thinking when I typed that but something totally different, (and wrong) came out of my fingers instead.
  18. Our fire dept has the equipment to cut a downed power line and render it safe, but I'll have to check if there is a maximum voltage they are rated for.
  19. I'm thinking that whatever works for you would be best. There is no specific or proper way it should be done. You could group it chronologically, or based on classification of medical condition, alphabetically...the list goes on.
  20. Just wondering how many times a day we can expect the News Bot to be throwing the same news article at us?
  21. Unit 1471 is conducting an emergency response on the Yellow Quill First Nation.

  22. Hmm, what is the purpose for the binder? For example, are you using it for a quick reference guide while doing clinicals? Are you just putting it into storage? Prepping it for use as a study guide? Don't let these guys offend you with their comments. Think of them more as the teasing older brother, they're trying to be friendly and sometimes it may come off as belittling, but it's 'usually" not meant to be that way. If you have a particular ambulance service in mind that you want to work for they must have a protocol manual, possibly online. Perhaps you could consider dividing your binder to match the chapters in the protocols. For example ours are divided into General (prep), Chest Pain, Medical, Trauma, and specialised protocols.
  23. Start with First Aid and CPR training if you don't already have it. Then go to your local EMS department and ask them what you just asked us, they'll have lots of pertinent information regarding local schools, what you might be able to expect for working conditions and so on. Ask if they have a volunteer program that you could take part in to learn the ropes and see if this is something you would thrive in or not.
  24. C'mon guys, cut the kid a little slack. He's pointed out that he has what sounds to me to be some sort of minor learning disability that makes written communication difficult. I remember there was a time that I was so new to something that I didn't even have the comprehension to know what questions I needed to ask. Just because he can't press the "shift" key when he types doesn't mean he's a complete failure. How are we to know he can't scribe like a monk? and our dates are dd/mm/yy.
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