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Everything posted by drpkckmrphy1

  1. I didn't know exactly where to post this but I figured this would be most appropriate. I finished written and practicals for state last month by the 24th. I am waiting for my psid# to be posted on my states (Indiana) dhs website so I can actually go to work for a company that has already hired me. I don't know if I can be on the street with just my psid# or if I have to wait on the state to mail me my cert card. I guess I'm wandering what is the typical waiting time for all this to happen. Another odd fact is the class I took had a day class and a night class. We all finished and tested out at the same time. Day class has already been processed a few days ago, night class has not... The lady at the state office said she doesn't have any information for the class I was in.
  2. Try not to worry Derek... I know that is easier said than done, but you're going to do much better if you can relax. I just finished my EMT-B course and passed state written and practicals... I did well in the class with my cass average at 96%. I passed both state tests first time around with no problems at all. I think the key is to have fun with the class and try to lighten everyones moods and everyone kinda work as a team to help each other. If you're thinking about helping someone else with their anxiety and problems you'll probably find yourself thinking about your own a lot less... Good luck bud.
  3. I am happy to say I have hereby passed the state written and practicals for Indiana!!! I got a bit nervous, but I got them on the first attempt. It feels gooooood!
  4. That is adorable... I have 3 daughters and there's nothing cuter than seeing them pretend to be grown... Or even when they're not pretending to be grown, they just happen to say things that make them seem so grown up... Besides that those kids in your class know more than some people actually in this field!!!
  5. Fire would be OK I guess... I've tried before to get on with a department but never heard back. They had somewhere around 1,000 candidates for like 3 open positions. I suspect it's kind of a political situation. I'm really more interested in emergency medical care. If I was sure I'd get on after passing the written and physical fitness test, I might go that route for the pay reasons... Get to do the prehospital emergency care and fight fires, Yea great. It just seems like ya probably have to know someone to get in. As far as my class right now, the EMT-B class, we started out with 10 students and we're already down to 5... I am shocked by that! If people wanted to do this enough to sign up and pay for the class, what happened between then and now??? I don't know. Anyway, my average gradewise right now is a 91%. I'm not over joyed with that, I mean it's a good grade but I feel like I could be doing better. Of course I'm not looking at the fact that I'm up to a 91% I'm seeing that I'm down the 9%. lol... 9% I may have missed if I'd been on the street with someones life depending on my ability to know that 9%. Not getting down on myself here but I am striving to be the best possible EMT-B and the EMT-P I can possibly be. I'm sure you know what I'm saying. Anyway without rambling on any more, what is the Indy state test like??? Our instructor says she formats our quizes and test in the same way the test will be. She gives the multiple choice question along with 4 possible answers, 1 or 2 that are completely rediculous and usually 2 that could be correct but 1 of which is the "BEST" answer. Let me know what you thought of the test and how I can go ahead and start preparing for it. As far as the skills go I've started going to the hospital on off nights and practicing with the dummies to get the methods down and try to get it so that it comes second nature. I try to make myself see it as a real event to try to get my nerves or adrenaline up. I know it wont even come close to a real situation when the nerves and adrenaline REALLY kick in but I want to make it feel as real to me as possible. I don't know why but all my life I have always seemed to be at my absolute best when things are fubar and at my worst when things are rediculously smooth and easy. Give me a true test, a crunch emergency situation though and I tend to suprise myself. Thanks for the replies.
  6. I'm in Indianapolis on the south-east side close to I-65 and Southport Rd. May be getting ready to move when kids get out of school for the year. Maybe, maybe not. Really depends on how finances go in our wanderfully booming economy.LOL. Thanks for saying Hi.
  7. Hailsa! I'm new here too. Always wanted to go to Iceland. I get into a lot of Norse Mythology and like to read the sagas. Good luck in your classes. The experienced people here are off the charts. Welcome to ya.
  8. Been coming to these forums for a little while doing research and picking up various info from the many very experienced folks here. I have mostly industrial work experience but in several of those jobs I have had to keep some Hazmat certs and CPR certs. I also had some fire fighting training from military. Factory, warehouse, steel mills, oil field in south LA and in Texas. I am currently in EMT-B class (been wanting to do it for years now). I am doing very well grade wise and also with the skills. I have become consumed with the prehospital emergency medical field. The more I learn the more I want to learn. It is exciting for me to sit down with my text book or other EMS info and read, interpret, and try to understand everything in there. It's like feeding a fire! Can't get enough. Quick personal background... 33 winters old male living in Indianapolis, IN. along with my wife and 2 beautiful daughters. Had 3 but second born daughter passed away in 2003 at 15 months of age due to being born with several problems with her heart. Oldest is 10yrs, youngest is 4yrs... They're my world;) My wife is in her last yr to get her BSN and wants to do peds icu. She's a tough cookie in my book. She has a student nursing job on the same unit our daughter passed away on. Inspiring to me. Since finding this site, I have developed a lot respect for the experience and advice offered. My feelings don't get hurt easily so never sugar coat anything and always be blunt if needed. Real world talk for the real world so to say. This site is outstanding and I love coming here. Any one from Indy area contact me... Thanks all. Oh, I'm going on to medic school as soon as my wife grauates in December this yr. Gonna have to wait from June to December until she gets her job going so I can go do the medic school full time and work part time as an EMT-B.
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