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Everything posted by ParamedicOfCalifornia

  1. LOL dude its a joke plus we carry multiple uniforms its a policy.... People will live i promise...... its like the water above the door i guess i could put them in hypothermia but dude its just a joke man its all good....lol
  2. i know it can be given through an NG tube if needed......... but dang thats a long about way to give d50
  3. Dude baby powder on the fan blade of the fan..... HAHAHA if its above the bed and they go to lay down POOF hahahahah ITS awesome
  4. The hospital can do more in way of advanced procedures that only doctors can do.... central lines.... cardiac massage.... etc...... no one really questions it we just do what our protocol says to do.... We are actually not limited we our one of the more open ems systems in that we can do alot with out ever asking its really nice..... as i said protocol is protocol is protocol
  5. not going to lie your post is all truth but round here its L&S for that kinda stuff its all about getting them there but i do have to say this.... my partner and i have a different way of driving L&S with a code... Its with alot more precaution and slower speeds... we dont do 75 with a CA in the back... in fact most of the time it ends up just above the speed limit with the ability to clear an intersection a little faster... the opticoms we have work like a charm.....
  6. it is a fact in the system i run in.... its just how we run things but i wouldnt say its the best practice because as everyone knows the system is different every where you go..... while we run code to the hospital here you guys may have a standard that says hey do cpr throw down 2 rounds and a get a tube and your done..... as i said its less than 1% this person is going to even get a pulse back.... but around here we just have the load and go policy and procedure in place.... we can leave them under certain circumstances but for the most part if not obvious we transport
  7. yea some how i made it through the program
  8. lol my bad a chance hit the wrong key..... but yea i guess cpr in the back of a rig is not the best but i dont know man we have protocol to leave people where they lay if we give it a strong try but i just see that its the little extra effort we have plus im not that far from a hospital so if i was 45 min away im sure my idea of a cardiac arrest might change
  9. we dont stop cpr we continue plus if protocol is followed then you have to stop and check for pulses... i have known a few medics that thought the patient never had a chance that got pulses back.... do i think they will ever have a good outcome no.... but you have to give them a change right....
  10. i would say i would have to agree if this is a operation that is fully involved i would say maby that a assistance should have been provided....
  11. LoL cant say i have but i have had a few drunk girls that have told me that they love me...... its funny..... im thinking alright then......
  12. we have protocal where we can call on scene but there seems to be a few times where you can transport code 3 to a hospital and they can perform a procedure that is not allowed in the field and possibly get pulses back.... i know there is only a 1% chance but hey thats better than 0 right
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