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Everything posted by emtgrimreaper

  1. Carlisle, PA North Street and South Street (they both run east and west) East Street and West Street ( they both run north and south) Try responding to an address like 201 South West Street
  2. sorry forgot to say two beds in other room, she wanted to sleep on couch in lounge.
  3. Let me start by saying I'm getting to be over the hill. Last night at work, I had my thing laid out where I was going to sleep at the station (yes we are allowed), when the 20 year old female that I was working with walked in and threw my stuffout of the way so she could sleep there. She then said because I was on the computer and not not there, it gave her the right. So I walked over and set my happy but down so she could not lay down. She threw a fit. Then while setting there we got sent to do a transport from a hospital. She heard the dispatcher and me talking. she continued to set thereand would not get ready to go, she then got mad because i statrted the rig. she tried to call the supervisor and get me in trouble. I could not beleive what I was hearing. Needless to say nothing was said to me and she remained quiet all night and would not talk to me. It was the best night I have had at work in a while. Does this make me a old geezer because I would not bow down to the young kid?
  4. I wish we could give 100cc of harden the fuck up
  5. emtgrimreaper


    If it is 7 dog years to mans 1, does it mean that I've only 1 dog beer to mans 7? Lets all drink in dog beers
  6. Devin, it is good to ask, because it makes us go back and think about it. We sometimes forget things and this is a good reminder.
  7. you forgot the teacher. they make do it till you get it right. this one is for women and men....
  8. had a woman patient complaining of pain in her side. when asked about past history, she stated that she had her gall bladder removed two years prior and was wondering if it could grow back. turns out she had a pulled muscle in her side.
  9. wasn't his wife, maybe his boyfriend. ever think of that
  10. why can't the media leave the man alone, he's dead. I don't think this is true because all medical personel would and should never use names, this was taught to everyone from basic's to medic's.
  11. that sounded like my wife from the day she was born..lol
  12. where is the garbage man on this list
  13. teenage girl, bac of .231, friends put her in the basement, then call when they could not wake her. crew gets there finds her, she threw up captain morgan and taco bell all over herself. Then took a crap all over herself. Get to ED and parents get there arguing nothing was wrong with their princess. While standing ther the daughter points backside to mother and craps all over her mother. Awkward and funny all at same time because of parents..
  14. lying is something that should not be done to a patient. but this is my opinion. everyone sees things differently.
  15. finally something ems can hang their hat on...
  16. Well, another report to make ems look even dumber to the public. Hopefully they were not practicing medics and if not they lose their certs.
  17. Throw him under the prison. He makes everyone else look bad in the eyes of the public
  18. Is the dept. getting some kind of kick back from the shoe company?
  19. take the ruber seals out and bag off of a non-rebreater. that will stop him from spitting on you. and stop the biting. we had to do this once
  20. I know plenty of people with a misdmeanor who are emt's it just depends what it was
  21. http://www.peopleofwalmart.com
  22. and what bar was this found in...lol and notice it is silk soft
  23. Like most ems servives, We do have infant pads for the aed. But for someone under one y/o, we load and go and contact medical command to see if there is anything else that can be done before shocking the infant.
  24. WTF, if it was an ambulance everyone involved should be reprimaned. Is the driver there supposed to check the back before leaving.
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