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Everything posted by ernesthyatt

  1. I live in kotzebue ak and we try to have cevo classes cosistently. our fire and ambulance is staffed by at least one paid staff and the rest is volunteer. It is really hard to make sure everyone is cevo certified. Always drive safely and and try to review any incident openly. Accidents unfortunately are accidents and are going to happen. Anything you can do to make driving safer is great. I am not sure if you are asking for data on accidents or just trying to resolve something that has alreday occured?
  2. Hey watup. You know just because a two has the resposibility for the pt over a one does not mean you can not provide care. If you feel something needs to be done then you should do it. If you are an emt 1 2 or 3 then you provide care if it is the right call then what can happen to you. It sounds like your affraid of the lazy head emt that you are working with? You can't always do everything exactly to the current medical standards,they are always changing and or improving. It sounds to me without over correcting everyone you just need to take action to do everything you can to do the right thing for the patient.
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