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Everything posted by CTXMEDIC

  1. I wish. Nobody knows 'from where'. I guess we'll just print more. Its like having checks in your checkbook. If you have checks, you have money, right?
  2. Only in America....Check please! :roll:
  3. Its a trillion dollars worth of chips....
  4. How dare you argue with vent. you are but tiny tick turds compared to this mans wisdom and enlightenment. I think ill have another beer now.
  5. Easy, Columbo. Why not just hire a private investigator? :roll:
  6. Fail. 2.5 year old topic.
  7. Unlimited supply of 'Kate'...and a boat..
  8. Thanks a lot. I just spilled my beer lmao.. "Please dont bring that up." ahh shizzle..thats to good...lmao back to meh beer buzz..
  9. Because King Obama will take care of it. King Obama will rid you of all of your troubles.
  10. Theres combative as in, "Im gonna kick your ass" and theres combative as in, "Hey, this dude has a head injury". two totally different scenarios. One thing i make sure our new, and old, medics know is that we dont have the luxury of being able to call 911. We're it, there is noone else to call. we can call for manpower but we dont just fold our arms acrossed our chest and say, "Im not touching him until he calms down." Guess what, when this guy calms down, its because hes dead. From this story, it seems that the female medic just waits until patients pass out before she 'treats' them. IMO, if youre uncomfortable dealing with (medically) combative patients, you need to seek another form of employment.
  11. Dont be so glum Happiness. Obama will fix it. He'll bring ethics and confidence back to the people of the earth. If this lady cant pay her bills, Obama will take care of her. He'll take care of all of us. If you dont believe it, watch CNN. :roll:
  12. Good point. Like we all agree on, its up to the department heads to come to an agreement ahead of time (local protocol). To the OP: Go take the 100, 200 and 700 courses for starters. Its online and its free. You even get a cool E-Certificate for your troubles.
  13. The OP has already provided us with enough information...
  14. True that but we do have one of the medics statements in evidence. Unless the award winning paramedic that wrote the original gripe is a total knob/liar, these two medics should be, at the least, fired. I just dont see the medic writing some hate mail just for the hell of it. He has nothing to gain by doing it. This crew was on scene exactley 20min. per the dispatch tapes provided. Id like to know what they were doing for those 20min.
  15. Sorry if its already been stated but this broad IS on welfare and 3 of her first 6 kids are 'disabled'. She lives in a 3 bedroom house, now with 17 people soon to be living it, and photos of the inside of the house were released today. the place is a disaster. theres food on the walls, trash and clothes on the floor, hardly any furniture etc. No babys daddy, no job and no edumukashun. We, the stupid taxpayers, are footing this bill along with THOUSANDS of others. Oh, BTW. the estimate of medical cost for these premies is 1.5 MILLION.
  16. I agree. she went to kill her kid, the kid was killed and now she complains cuz she now sees $$$ before her eyes. I mean, the kid WAS actually 'born' but come on, isnt it all perception? nobody was pissing and moaning when she decided to abort. but now that the kid travelled the inches from her gut to earth atmosphere its all wrong and evil. spare me. I guess its only murder when you can see your victim face to face.
  17. It should be worked out ahead of time by the head shed. Round here, the fire kids cut up the car if need be and we all help extricate the patient. if the patient is trapped and requires care, we get in and work the patient while they pull the car apart around us. My basic will prep the truck for patient arrival, ie. hang lines, get the monitor out, suction ready, stuff like that.
  18. I think it all depends. reckless driving is just an opinion. was he actually cited for it? did he wreck? and a bigger issue is, what did he do to endanger the patient? was it his driving habits that put them in danger or actually a patient care problem?
  19. Hmm. Never heard the term used that way. learn sumptin new every day.
  20. Yeahhhh....understand, RSI. but why would you dart a head injury patient? I hope this is just a terminology thing. Down her in these parts, to dart means to do a needle decompression.
  21. Looking at their shift assignment sheet, it shows a student was there also. Take a peek at the bottom of the sheet for the truck gripes. Notice the 'work ordor for the repar'? 'It was fixed thiF afternoon'. This service looks like a bunch of mental midgets from top to bottom. This is the stuff you want to bring to court with you?
  22. Um. why would you dart a head injury patient? And i read his letter. I would have written the same thing in the same situation. I also read keitings letter. Is he serious? thats the letter he thinks is going to save his ass? Not one mention of the lack of care and his 'expert witness' is a part time lifestar nurse that wasnt even on the call. What a joke.
  23. If this article is even 1 millionth true, these fools should have their cards pulled. I hope this dude sues the hell out of them and their service. $$$$$$$ :x
  24. So they want to run with one basic and some dude with a valid drivers license. Wow. save the money and self transport....
  25. Dude. 20 calls, per truck, is a single shift for us.
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