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Everything posted by TTLWHKR

  1. I just don't know what to do
  2. I wear one, only because if I'm found unconscious, I want to be properly treated. If it is assumed to be anything other than what is more obvious, the results could be fatal. Don't use latex gloves...
  3. Can you imagine where he heard that from? Probably some undereducated parent.
  4. I carry a portable ambulance.
  5. No worse than "female patient states that she is in cardiac arrest"
  6. If it was "by the book", our book... It would be so lame, nobody would watch it. It's true.. I wouldn't watch a show that was tantamount of my day.
  7. I can't wait for Skid Marks to come out.... *the movie* you knuckle heads that read into that statement...
  8. 2nd Episode: Opens with another Bringing Out The Dead scene; Dispatch calling... Then goes on two showing them responding... WITH TWO DIFFERENT RIGS..
  9. Allergy to dogs or cats? Because he probably just ate one!
  10. Define serious problem...? :?
  11. There's an idea... Star of Life Condoms!
  12. When he stood up, he clearly pulls it out. and as for the blood; sometimes they bleed-sometimes they don't. Especially if their veins are bad (drug use, etc). I was watching an old movie, Fire On Kelly Mountain, a Disney film from the 70's. Had one of those guys from CHiP's on it, I couldn't help but notice that when he used the Osbourne Azimuth (Fire Finder) he did it wrong... Not that anything can be done, or that it matters. Just have to remember it's entertainment, not reality. If you want to see inaccuracy in reality, watch that Paramedics on DSCHealth.. They screwed up a lot too, which, according to the network, was one of a pile of reasons they cancelled it. Remember that Emergency! screwed up too, many a time Johnny & Roy read off a BP with out taking the cuff out of the box.. and the CPR...?
  13. Forget the title of the show.. What are you watching, beside drama, remember it isn't aimed at US, it's aimed at every network viewer. What did I see? BRINGING OUT THE DEAD - 2 Crazy guy with the bull horn? Where did I see that before? Sister Fetus (The lady with the fetus necklace) Crazy guy that thinks he's John the Baptist w/ an injury-runs away from the hospital in a gown? Noel... LED action w/ music and odd views? Opening of BOTD Sweet female dispatcher???? Do we see a pattern?
  14. Should be up to the tax payers, to hell with their personal freedoms. Because when those careless bastards are in a coma for the rest of their lives, and have no insurance, we're going to be footing the bill. Every year tax payers spend over 65 Billion dollars on long term health care caused by motorcycle accidents alone.. And beside that; prior to PA abolishing the helmet law, I'd never seen a motorcyclist die on the scene. Since then, I can only think of one, out of dozens, where it wasn't an instant or shortly after fatality. I know they die even with helmets on, but why set the stage for death early on? eh? I'm tired of seeing youthful minds pooled on the pavement, and brain tissue die as we work because their head hit a telephone pole.
  15. UGH.. Just think of the shit for lives we haul.. I wouldn't get out Mr. Jay Rockafella and the twins in the back of my rig...
  16. The beginning of the show starts out like the producers memorized Bringing Out The Dead.. The different shots of the rig responding, the music; it has Mother, Jugs & Speed and Bringing Out The Dead written all over it. But I haven't seen enough of it to decide if I like it or not.

    Head Trauma

  18. ...the rig has at least one hole from a brick or somthing that fell by way of its own power from a building.. ...the rig leaks b/c of things hitting the roof thrown by children ...you've ever been hit by a glass bottle thrown by a gang of Preschool Students :?
  19. What was his BGL before you loaded him with glucose and juice..? As a diabetic myself, having chronic hypoglycemia since I had an unknown strain of the flu twenty years ago... This patients vitals & s/s do not clue me into any acute level of Hypoglycemia. What was it before 96, b/c that is certainly not a level that requires any emergency intervention. I'd be concerned around 55, and worried a little around 45, but I wouldn't panic unless I could no longer function w/ in reason.
  20. Yeah, it wouldn't look so good if you broke the patients nose...
  21. Hmmm... Masturbation and hemostats.. Please, don't combine the two!
  22. I was a volunteer, before I even began my career. I was sitting in a costs determination meeting after a long forest fire, we must have been on the line for fifteen hours. Started feeling sick, came back with a really high fever. House rules, you can't speak unless your standing in up. I started to talk while sitting, tried to weasle my way out of standing up, they got pissy.. So, I stood up to give my opinion and... fainted. I fought it, but it all went black. They thought I was joking, just let me lay there.. "Well, he is kinda pale".. I actually had an Api.. Never had any pain though, just a 104* temp... After that, they wouldn't let go of it, so I quit, went to college and here I am.
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