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Everything posted by TTLWHKR

  1. Just tell them we're closed. Maybe they'll stop calling for all the BS, and call a real taxi
  2. They have ambulances in Canada? All I can picture is a dog sled... or maybe.....
  3. I spent six hours on that website...
  4. I carry Band-Aids... That's it. I prefer Bacon Brand Adhesive Bandages at Home...
  5. Yeah, yanno, IV... That lil thing we get to stab people with... What did ya think it meant, four? EMT-1 & EMT-2 were screwed up enough; WTF would we do with EMT-3 & EMT-4? :brilsmurf:
  6. Yeah, looks like a case that requires oxygen. However, I usually only put people on enough to keep the bag inflated. Like 10. I've been an NREMT-P for seven years, and an EMT-B instructor for six years. High Flow Oxygen by NRB would have been one of the first treatments for a basic EMT.. or any EMT (CC/I/P/et al). and with that many stab wounds, they may not want to worry about the fine print, and get some fluid going. Especially with a stab wound to the abdomen w/ anticoag meds.
  7. So does this mean we can't boycott them?
  8. I was joshing you. :roll:
  9. Are ya sure? bra·vo2 (brä'vō) n., pl. -voes or bra·vos. A villain, especially a hired killer.
  10. bra·vo1 (brä'vō, brä-vō') interj. Used to express approval, especially of a performance. n., pl. -vos. A shout or cry of “bravo.” v., -voed, -vo·ing, -voes. v.tr. To express approval of by shouting “bravo.” v.intr. To shout “bravo.” [italian. See brave.] bra·vo2 (brä'vō) n., pl. -voes or bra·vos. A villain, especially a hired killer.
  11. What type of gaskets do they recommend for use? Mine looks like a round brass frame with a blue, rubber gasket in the center. I installed that myself, it came with a small green, plastic gasket. It seemed to leak when I first tried it, that's why I switched.
  12. Deleted b/c obviously some are too thick to take a joke.
  13. Deleted b/c obviously some are too thick to take a joke.
  14. How am I a flame thrower? :roll:
  15. Don't fix it, if it ain't broken!
  16. Cutting it... Who in the hell came up with the idea of putting a scalpel in the OB kit. I've had a few with just surgical blades, nothing to hold it with. Wouldn't it be easier and more safe to throw in a pair of OB scissors? I carry my own set, sterile and sealed, of course; I can just see some rook cutting the kid or himself with the scalpel.
  17. I could see a good two to three hundred more hours of training tacked onto the EMT-Basic class. I feel they should be given more to do as far as Scope is concerned. But that doesn't mean more toys, it means more education. There are some things that I would like to have done when I'm getting on a rig for an intercept. I would like to know the patients BGL, I'd like to have an IV initiated with Epi & Atropine already given for a code, I'd like to have a patent airway in place, I'd like people to stop dying before I have a chance to get there.. Simply because they needed something that I have, and the municipality is too cheap to give their paid ambulance some ALS personnel. And in PA, I'd like to see more effort. They allow BLS ambulances to carry EPI Pen kits, yet I have not seen one since it was begun, three years ago. If you have the ability to save more lives, why not take the steps to do so? They say, too expensive, they expire too quickly.. That's what is wrong with EMS, we're still putting a price on a human life. I'll quote a good friend, he always says "You can't save a dead man a dime"...
  18. I always figured that's just something that ego maniacs say... As far as saving lives, my partner and I are always on the same level. If you can't respect the EMT, then you need to take a step back, after all, Basic doesn't mean less. It means essential skills. Our job (Paramedics) has the same essential skills, with out them, we'd have nothing.
  19. Funny, he could have fooled me...
  20. This is why people stay away from this forum.. Negativity lurks around every corner. I just posted it if anyone was interested. No need to flame me for it, besides, it's not my site, I found it with google. :roll:
  21. Pennsylvania EMS - Reconstructed It's a EMS forum... For Pennsylvania... I found it a couple months ago, it had like 6,000 posts, and was quite the happening place for being only about Pennsylvania Fire, EMS & Rescue. When the fire people stopped posting, and it was mostly EMS, they turned it into an EMS site. That's why there are no posts, because it's practically new. You have to register to prevent guests from bashing the place. >> Message I got from their admin.
  22. I'd always be afraid of the off shore oil rig like falling over, or collapsing... That'd have to suck...
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