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  1. Steve and Richard, thanks very much!! That on-line store is nice, and i will take a look. But , if possible, i would like to find out sth with written "paramedic" on it.
  2. Hello guys, I'm an italian EMT ( so i'm sorry if my english isn't right at all), and my hobby is to collect uniforms, jacket, t-shirts of EMT's from all over the world. Do you know if there in the USA there is somewhere i can buy those kind of cast-off dresses?? I'm looking above all for jackets from FDNY and California thanks in advice guys, you're great!
  3. thanks for the info mate
  4. raiker


    welcome aboard Reina
  5. don't worry mate, you can bore me every time you want ive all the time to learn something new..
  6. Thanks dustdevil!! Really a great explanation.. now i understand a little more than before, and i have to admit that your system is prettier complicated. Here we don't have different quali's, like EMT or Paramedics.. Here only Nurse can get IV access, and only doctors can administrate drugs and intubate. We can do cardiac care like monitoring and defibrillating only if trained and qualified to do it. We work a lot with medics and nurse, so we don't need to get IV or to Intubate.. I'm pretty new in this "system" so i really do not know wich one is better i'm here just to have a larger knowledge of the ems also in other countries, and to share and meet with all of you! I'm gonna visit that website soon regards!
  7. Never heard about that tool..I'm going to download it now..I hope its free My first question: where can I find an explanation of all your qualifications like EMT-B , EMT-I and so on?? Cuz here we do not have them!! Just to understand what you all are talking about
  8. "We expect it to be available February 2009" February is next to end..i think it'll be available next month..
  9. Hi guys! I'm new here.. I'm Federico, a young volunteer on ambulance service in Italy Sorry if my english is a little bit too bad, i'll do my best! Greets
  10. wow..those funny things do not happen in my country
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