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Everything posted by Butterfly2B2009

  1. Firedoc 5- This is actually my 1st Fire Dept. Tonight I get my gear and fill out paper work and tommorow night will be my 1st 12 hour duty night. If we get a call, my job will be just to watch and observe. The Trainer told me that I have to keep up. Any good advice for that? The Dept is small. There are more volunteers then career personel. My duty crew will have 4. Most of the people from what I have observed are younger then me. I just hope that I will be able to fit in.. I get excited and find my thoughts racing because of the unknown. I am a people peson and very likeable and I was told that is half the battle. I have been wanting to this since I was younger. I grew up watching the show Emergency.
  2. My name is Sharon and I just joined one of our local Fire Dept last Tuesday. I am going to be a volunteer EMT. Monday is my 1st night of orientation. Tuesday will be my first duty night. Is there any advice that would be helpful to make these 1st 2 nites go smoothly?
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