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Jeepluv77 last won the day on August 17 2012

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About Jeepluv77

  • Birthday 05/17/1982

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  • Occupation
    Mommy, EMT-I Student

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  • Location
    Virginia Beach, VA
  • Interests
    EMS, aquariums, rebuilding my jeep, off-roading, word puzzles

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  1. Finally decided, after nearly three year hiatus, to finish my paramedic training. This should be fun.

  2. Wish I'd gotten to know you better, Rob. The world lost a brillant mind on Sunday. Rest peacefully and know you'll never be forgotten.

  3. I've always said I was a medic when talking to people outside the medical field. To the average person there's not difference between and EMT-B and a Paramedic. We're all just "the people that work on the ambulance" and it's not worth it to try to explain the difference. To most you'd be speaking Greek and would have to then delve in to what every bit of terminology means. As for working "on" the ambulance, we work IN it, mechanics work ON it, but I don't nitpick over that either. Now, if I went around telling medical professionals(who presumably know the difference which would make it misrepresentation) I was a medic that would be a little bit different. So, I've chosen to identify myself as "an EMT-Basic and Paramedic student on hiatus". Which is true because one of these days I'll make it back to school to finish the second half of my Paramedic training. It's on my bucket list at this point.
  4. Wondering why I'm continually kicked from chat on login. Anyone know how to contact admin?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lone Star

      Lone Star

      You could always try to send him an email...

    3. Jeepluv77


      I thought about that but don't remember where to find his email info. I'd also like to figure out how to get this thing to stop double posting my replies! Grrrr

    4. Jeepluv77


      I thought about that but don't remember where to find his email info. I'd also like to figure out how to get this thing to stop double posting my replies! Grrrr

  5. So, finally I sign on and someone's in chat. So, I go to sign in. And it says I'm kicked from the chat as soon as it loads. ???

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Jeepluv77


      Nope, it kept booting me. Just like it keeps double posting my status replies.

    3. scoobymedic96


      well it keeps posting ur posts more than twice atleat to me it is....no biggie

    4. scoobymedic96


      well it keeps posting ur posts more than twice atleat to me it is....no biggie

  6. What I'd like to know is where did he get his licensure? Is it even valid? Because I know of no schools that allow you to do clinicals/fields in full Muslim attire. Sorry, but that would raise huge red flags for me to look in to his education and registration and potentially report him to the Office of EMS for further review/validation. And, if he wore the unifom for school/clinicals/fields then there's a precedent of not following said religious beliefs by this person. All that aside from the already stated fact of him having presumably dressed in said manner at the interview and being made aware of policies pre-hire.
  7. Does anyone ever go into chat anymore?

  8. Does anyone ever go into chat anymore?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. scoobymedic96


      i keep checkin but dont usually find any one there.....whats up with that it use to be busy...idk but will keep checkin

    3. Jeepluv77


      I miss chatting. :( Lots of good memories.

    4. Jeepluv77


      I miss chatting. :( Lots of good memories.

  9. Hi

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lone Star

      Lone Star

      *tackles jeep jeep and kisses her whole face!*

    3. Jeepluv77


      Hiya, guys! Yeah, I've been stupid busy for a long time. Hopefully I'll be able to get more time to be around now. Finger's crossed. :) Thanks for welcoming me back. Love ya!

    4. Jeepluv77


      Hiya, guys! Yeah, I've been stupid busy for a long time. Hopefully I'll be able to get more time to be around now. Finger's crossed. :) Thanks for welcoming me back. Love ya!

  10. Anyone planning on going in chat tonight?

  11. I've heard it said around here, by EMT's/Paramedics themselves, that EMS really stands for "extra-marital sex". It's really quite disgusting. I don't even run rescue and I already know way too much about "who's done whom and where". At least in this area, we can't blame the reputation on the TV shows.
  12. Between the OP's screen name and the situation I can't help but think this may be in my area. Unfortunately, a lot of people in the medical field here are deplorable at best. But they get the job done at least to a minimum level and patients(or families) often are afraid to speak up for fear of retribution. Few, if any, nurses would be fired for this around here. The good nurses tend to get burned out quickly picking up the slack and don't typical last long in the acute care or inpatient setting. The nurse in question would most likely be given a "stern reprimand" and that'd be the end of it. I don't think that this belongs in "Funny Stuff"! Would have been far more appropriate to place it in "Patient Care" perhaps to discuss ways of fighting against this type of mistreatment of patients. Years ago my then 13 month old son had just been stepped down from PICU to Peds Ward after having been overdosed to bring him out of status epilepticus. His second day there he went back into seizures. I pull the nurse call cord. No one comes in or answers. The monitors are going nuts, his SPO2 reading drops to 24, I'm trying to keep his arms from wrapping through the crib bars while he's turning blue, and no one comes in. So I run out to the nurse's station. The only nurse in sight is on the phone and I ask her to please hurry. Told her my son is having a seizure and needs help. Her response? "Oh, he'll be okay. They always turn blue. This is an important call but I'll be there in a minute". I had to stand in the middle of the hallway and scream for help before anyone came. He ended up being overdosed again and sent back to PICU. I filed a complaint. I never recieved any follow up calls on it and was told they "couldn't release her private information" when I called back about it. Two months later he was readmitted. The same nurse was still there. As was his assigned nurse from that day, the charge nurse, and his doctor. They had all been on the ward when it happened. This is just one example of the terrible standards medical staff around here are held to. I've seen similar and worse cases time and time again during clinical and field shifts in all of the hospitals in the area that I've been at.
  13. Can a cat have a "timid purr"?

    1. FireMedic65


      only when they are sleeping

    2. tniuqs


      Is a bluetooth a sad molar ?

  14. I'm guessing you've already tried a Facebook/MySpace search? I can ask around and see if anyone may know a way to get his email address. All military members have a military email account. PM me his name in case someone is able to help out. They probably won't/can't give you the information but they could maybe send him an email with your information and that you'd like to contact him.
  15. Thanks for all the ideas! I can't sending anything fresh made or pressurized. If they're underway when it arrives it will literally sit in the heat for weeks. It'd be a lot easier if I knew when they'd be gone and could time it but, of course, we can't know ships movements. He still hasn't told me anything he wants. It's been a rough go of it lately though. I found this thing at a gas station, though, that says you get it wet and wrap it around your neck and it's supposed to keep you cool for hours. Sounds like fluff but I got one. Figure if it works maybe the family support group can get together and send enough for everyone. They're $5 each and I don't have $150 to spend, though, so I'll have to find help with it somewhere if the whole crew's going to get them. Ideally, we'll come up with enough to get them all two. They use their blue cami's, coveralls, and digi cami's so they'll need tan and navy blue one's to really be effective. Hopefully this can go somewhere though.
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