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Everything posted by 11BVet

  1. One of the other local services in the area have it in their protocols that state that they can't start D50 until enroute to ED to eliminate the "I feel better now, thanks but I'm not going." Not saying right or wrong, but it seems to be fine with their medical director.
  2. This must have been Thurs shift, because on Monday we had someone fall and just wanted help getting back into her chair. No treatment, no transport just help up.
  3. Thought I would post this for everyone in Tennessee. Your browser's security settings are preventing some features from appearing. See instructions for fixing the problem. County director elected to chair state EMS board By Jim Bellis • Staff Writer • July 15, 2009 Robertson County Emergency Medical Services Director Jackie Wilkerson has been elected as the new chairman of the State Emergency Medical Services Board for the entire state of Tennessee. view full article here.
  4. What makes this even worse, for everyone, is the fact that crowds are now swarming the hospital and have pretty much shut that hospital down. I hope that no one else in that area needs to get to the ED, or any other dept. Then the fact that they said on Fox news that several SUV's are bringing in people to pay their last respects. Isn't that what the wake and funeral for? Hopefully the PD get a handle on this quickly
  5. I work part time for a private company, and they are VERY picky on who can drive. I started there last month, and was told that I won't be able to drive one of the company ambulances until the speeding ticket I got in Nov 2006 drops off of my 3 yr DMV record, and it is a clean slate again.
  6. I don't think a detailed exam has been done, I am mainly looking for lesions, based on the A/O I am thinking a sandfly might have gotten a free meal off of the pt.
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