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Everything posted by Tpage10

  1. Welcome. I am also new but can tell you that I have really enjoyed all the people. I am a new EMT-Basic. Just finished class and taking the National on Friday. Hoping to hear this week about a job. Glad to meet you. Tina
  2. I think its cool. Maybe I will learn French now!
  3. I will treat them, massage them, do everything I can to make those darling ff feel better and up to doing their job again. no matter how long it takes, or what it takes..............I'm there!
  4. I took the Fast Track. I can tell you SAMPLE, OPQRST, DCAP-BTLS..... I know my EMT book from Cover to Cover. I took the Fast Track because I have a medical background. Don't be so quick to judge.
  5. Lol, nice.... Your probably right. Oh well, a girl can dream!
  6. If its not written down, it didn't happen....at least that's what I was taught. If he can not prove he turned care over to an equal or higher medical professional then he neglected his job. In some cases Forgery is a felony so he would most likely be out of the job because most places wont employ you if you have a felony charge. I can't imagine what he was thinking in terms of justification for his actions.
  7. Happy Birthday to Both of you
  8. When I was 18 and working as a Pharmacy Technician one of my job duties was a delivery driver of a company car. On my off time I received a DUI. It didn't affect my job as a Pharmacy Technician but the insurance company for the business would no longer cover me as I was now high risk. I didn't loose my job but we had to reevaluate my duties as I could no longer fill them. I do not know the policies for Ada County Paramedic but I will certainly find out. Did you get a DUI mom? j/k
  9. I could not get the video to play but I have mixed feelings on this topic. I read the comments of others after the article and there were some really good points. When I buy a new motorcycle I take the advanced STARS course so I can learn to operate it properly and confidently. I have never driven an ambulance and have yet to ride in one so I would like the opportunity to take a training course on how to properly maneuver it in any given situation. Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending or condoning this type of behavior. I am wondering, after seeing and reading this, whether or not there is training available on how to properly handle the ambulance (not just any ambulance, but your ambulance) in all weather situations.
  10. HaHa! That was cool!
  11. Agreed. I lost a cousin a couple years ago to an accident. No seat belt, thrown from the car and crushed as the car rolled over her. Single car/person accident thank goodness....on the other hand, my brother was in a roll over accident with no seat belt on, he was thrown from the vehicle and the driver side of the vehicle was demolished. I vote for seat belt!
  12. Im sure you have eaten by now...lol, but yea, I would vote for subway. My fav is Club!! mmm, with bacon!
  13. Lol. Really?.... hmmmm. its 10:14 here and I'm still drinking coffee......what are the options?
  14. Typo/ corrected..... no you do not need a 2 year degree in the state of Idaho. I started at 16
  15. Hello everyone! My name is Tina and I am new to the EMS world. I will be testing for NREMT on the 20th and will hear by next friday if I got a job with Ada County Paramedics. Very exciting and nerve racking! ! I have had an opportunity to visit with a few of you in the chat room and am happy I found this website! I am 28 years old, I have been a pharmacy technician for 12 years and four of those years I spent teaching pharmacy technician at a Apollo College. After my second divorce I was left homeless and jobless so I decided to go back to college to become a pharmacist. I am taking pre-pharmacy classes now and I moved back in with my parents . I work part time (like 8 hours a week) at a pharmacy here in town. I have a friend that is a fire fighter in New Mexico and he has told me so many stories about what has happened while he is on shift, this struck my interest in EMS!
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